I dont get it

I dont get it

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Babby's first ghibli
As with most of his movies, it loses all narrative thrust in the third act

>it's good because... it's weird
I will stick to shonen chad kino, thanks

ghibli movies are really banal when you're no longer a child. beyond the nice visuals, there's no real substance to any of it. miyazaki films especially have the problem of just being events happening and then it just concludes.

it was very pretty in the cinema and some scenes you have the soundtrack + visuals just hitting right to the point of giving me chills

They are nice worlds to go in, I think that's what people like about them mostly. narratively they are pretty weak

okay but i don't watch stuff for escapism as i am not a loser manchild millennial or zoomer. i actually like things that have weight and substance, and no anime provides said things. despite all the acclaim, ghibli flicks have as much to say as trashy YA fiction and yet people will still pretend it's high art.

read a book motherfucker

Did you see the Wind Rises? Felt very refreshingly adult, even if it was childish fantasies

don't worry, it means you're not about to transition into a "female"

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>stuff just happens
enjoy your on rails western kids films where the world doesn't exist outside of the room the characters are currently in.

narrative literally doesn't matter in films. you can't tell real stories in 2 hours on screen.

you say this cause you watch bad films
all you've ever known is trash

I say this because I watch good films. Films aren't about plot. If you want plot read a book. Films are sound and colour and spectacle. narrative is way down the list.

Could say that about any jap media really.

bait, kek.

Chihiro has the best eyes design in a Miyazaki film. He should've used those eyes from the start

a spoiled girl thas to mature in order to save her parents from a evil witch

why is it so hard to understand?

not really.

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>"we didn't have time to design a new character, so Yubaba has a twin sister now"
Bravo Miyazaki

>Chihiro, Haku, Yubaba, No-Face, Kamaji, Lin, Boh, Zeniba, Chihiro's parents, Bathhouse's staff
for what it's worth, this is one of the few Miyazaki casts that i found engaging

Miyazaki went downhill after Yasuyoshi Tokuma died in september 2000. Spirited Away was their last film together

I always thought it was a coming of age film, when you begin to see your parents as just people and gain a disdain for them as you once looked up to them. But as you enter the working world, and see more people even more fucked up, you realize that your parents flaws don't make them "part of the herd" and you learn to love and accept your parents

Not my problem. Blame your parents

What do you mean? Does that happen with all his movies?

that's exactly why you'll never be a woman

>he fell for "m-m-muh best anime movie of all time"
watch some real animekino like pic related. it is also the most highly rated movie on metacritic by userscore

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Only Yesterday is peak Ghibli and the father was right to keep the protagonist away from the debauched world of acting.

As with most Ghibli films, carried by visuals and Joe Hisaishi's score.

>Trigger schlock


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twitter is PISSEDtwitter.com/ConfusedCoast26/status/1519357060541992962

It's about how Japan is losing its identity because of the evils of Western modernism or w/e. Chihiro starts out as an unhappy and uncertain girl because she's the product of this bankrupt, materialistic culture and then she gets in touch with folkloric spirits and learns the value of hard work and restores nature so that Glorious Nippon can flourish within her again.

Are those heckin metacritic scores?????? oh my good golly gosh, I have to change my opinion NOW

you have to have sex

The movies are in production while Miyazaki is still making the storyboards. The third acts tend to be "made up" and come out of nowhere

Sure, give me the address to your mom's place so I can rape her to death.

The parents literally become big fat pigs while talking about credit cards, it’s Miyazaki seething about mutts again. Just automatically assume every time you see his name he’s seething about mutts somehow, they’re all he thinks about when he isn’t fantasizing about being a little girl.

>whole movie is just Miyazaki seething that he saw a bicycle thrown in his precious Japanese river

It's a metaphor for prostitution

All of his movies are just him seething, the guy is honestly just hateful, beneath all the majestic beauty of his movies a constant cynicism bleeds through if you pay attention. The guy even hates his own son who despite being shit at making movies is still successful on his own, being a fucking architect but that wasn’t good enough, the only thing he likes is the idea of being a little girl. He’s a granny tranny with all the seething that comes with it.


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They literally ran out of time in the end lel.


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Tale of Princess Kaguya is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, not even ashamed to admit that I literally cried during it.

He's not baiting, you're just retarded.

What an hack

i have noticed this with japanese live action films as well.

What kind of faggot watches a movie for its message. Go outside please.

you'd have to be real soulless to not feel anything from this film tbqhfamalam


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yes that's what the film is based off. are you retarded?

reported to the fbi

>Screw originality everything must be a direct reference

He is not baiting. FIlm is a narrative medium yes, but not as in "stuff happens in the plot, plot poin plot point plot point" shit you eat daily. Its narrative as in a sequence of feelings and sensations. Film is first and most a visual medium. An experience. "stuff happening" as you call it is pop corn pleb shit

most of takahata's movies outside of fireflies are underrated
tale of princess kaguya is his magnum opus

It goes nowhere. Myazaki is on record saying they make shit up as they go along there's no outline

What’s the one where the city girl visits her relatives in the village? That was a good one. Also the pig pilot

>symbols bro
feminine character saved by masculinity that was inside her all along. it's been done a million times and is more relatable to female audience the same way masculine shit finding compassion in feminine character is more relatable to us.

Alice in wonderland: yokai edition

only yesterday, it was a nice film

It depressed me more than Grave of the Fireflies.

why, are you an old single woman?