Any war kinos from the perspective of the losing side?

Any war kinos from the perspective of the losing side?

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Humanizing the enemy is lowkey pretty antisemitic op, frfr

What is even going on? Nobody is caring about this shit anymore.


>drags out the war on purpose so ADD americans forget
putin-sama... i kneel and apologize for doubting...

This is a good one and also the only one I can think of

Ukraine was hardly losing the last time I checked. Did something happen?

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The Burmese Harp - highly recommend

The war isn't meant to be won or lost. It's meant to be a stalemate in order to collapse the world economy, bring in "communism", and then enslave the entire planet in a despotic world government by around 2030. Of course most of you are too stupid to understand this and will reply with ridicule but try to remember my words anyway for when it happens.

Untreated schizophrenia among the Russian population is the new opioid crisis. Very sad.

1956 or 1985?

>collapse the world economy
Well that plan must be going really fucking poorly then lmao

>collapse the world economy
both russia and ukraine could disappear overnight and we wouldn't even notice, you hold your third world shithole in a very high esteem Ivan

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I am sorry but you are too based to be posting on this site. I will be contacting my trans discord Yea Forums mod gf in order to permaban you to avoid spreading dangerous information.


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Gone with the Wind is the obvious one and one of the best of that kind. I miss when America was unified enough that both the Union and the Confederacy were considered respected American history, and you could admire Confederate heroes like Robert E. Lee without it causing a big uproar.

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>U.S. has to stop babysitting third worlders

oh nooo.........

go to twitter and ask. I hear the trannies who are seething and crying can prob give you a good list

Fuck I guess I'll have to go to twitter to spread my dangerous conspiracy theories.

Russian disinfo, classic

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>Have you tried starving them? It worked for me and Il'ich.

>Union has virtually infinite war funds
>Dixies lost
>Allies has virtually infinite supplies from America
>Axis lost
>Ukraine has virtually infinite arms from the West
>They're losing
Take your meds Ivan, Ukraine is slowly choking you to death like what the Afghans did to the Soviet Union

>Grocery prices increased three fold

>grocery prices increased three fold
What fucking shithole do you live in where this happened?

Stalingrad (1993)

jesus christ dude
regardless of who you support or not in this conflict how can you possibly be this fucking retarded?

Where do you live where this ISN'T happening?

Fuck nigger jannies and faggot mods


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back to hexbear with you



Just 2 more weeks

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>cringing at the vatnik incubator's wailing
Now that's cringe.

Based spooked capitalist

If you didn't live in a third world rapefrican shithole, you wouldn't need to rely on asiatics and churkas for gas and wheat. If both of those slav(e)shit shitholes nuked each other, America could continue on without even realizing what happened. Stop being poor. Stop being brown. It's the current year. Do better.


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You're so stupid.

Regardless on what side you are the fact is that Russia will win. They cant use heavy artillery because they dont want to destroy the infrastructure but sooner or later they are going to take over. I guess the weapon drops also help to drag it out.
But it's inevitable, no media dysinfo campaigns will change that.

Losing to Russia would mean a big credibility hit for NATO and the USA. The media is already pushing the narrative that the west needs to help, no matter the costs. We should be scared of that because in essence that could actually lead to nuclear war.

I'm not really a capitalist. Why, are you a communist? Only the biggest retards on the planet still think that system is anything more than tricking the population into accepting tyranny. Either way like I said most of you are too stupid but just remember what I said, you'll see in time.

>They cant use heavy artillery because they dont want to destroy the infrastructure
I swear every shill they send to Yea Forums is the most retarded, least informed shill out there.

2 more weeks

Most Vietnam war movies

lmao I dont know on what level on copium you are. Watch more CNN I guess.

DIscord link?

they don't get payed they are actually very retarded

Austro-Libertarians are correct about everything.

They’re just retarded.

Das Boot

It's interesting how all vatniks can tlak for the past week is nuclear war. Nobody is buying your threats anymore lmao.

The thought of this crossed my mind. Russia doing this to get the U.S. to use economic hard power to its full extent (sanctions) which will lead to and accelerate the collapse of U.S. global dollar and world reverse currency hegemony, leading to a collapse of the United States as the world superpower/hegemony. This may be why the U.S. media complex is acting so crazy and warmongering for nuclear war because they know their power is about to collapse. But who knows.

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Can’t wait! I’ve been looking for external motivation to finally kill myself for awhile now.

world reserve currency hegemony*

>reverse currency hegemony
>reverse currency
Every day schizos are getting further and further away from reality.

Jokes on you I have xxx shares of GME (soon to be xxxx) and am going to be a ticket into the ranks of the NWO.

I'll pour a drink out for you poorfags on my private tax haven beach while I watch you animals eat each other alive back in Brazil Norde

Everyone knows ukraine will eventually give up and give parts of ukraine to Russia. Thing is everyone thought Russia was a terrifying military force. This blunder has caused every country to think they could 1v1 Russia if push comes to shove.