>I've got a great idea. I'll open the door to the pain dimension. What could go wrong?
I've got a great idea. I'll open the door to the pain dimension. What could go wrong?
Uh he got what he wanted?
I thought he misunderstood it to be a realm of pleasure
This. I mean I want to visit Disneyworld, but at some point I would also like to get the fuck back out of there.
Plus the Cenobites REALLY oversell the "Pain and Pleasure Dimension". Mainly it's just pain they take pleasure in inflicting. Misrepresentation.
I've never fully understood this. Keep in mind I've only seen the first 3, but how often do people opening the box actually know what its in store for them?
If I recall they have to know because there's some autistic girl they have solve it and they skip her because she isn't involved.
Despite some misconceptions, there are actually zero good Hellraiser films.
I went to the dentist today and the pointy metal thing they use to scrape my teeth hit my gums and hurt :(
>open door to pain dimension
>walk south along the pain dimension
>experience negative pain
>coom for infinity
A few THINK they are getting into being whipped while Goth Chick types suck them off, but mainly it's mutilated ugly dudes scraping off your skin and rubbing you down with salt type of shit.
Before you commit to the Puzzle Box, you want to REALLY make sure you are into the exact same shit as the Cenobites. If they gave 1 hour video previews NO ONE would touch the box.
>I'll open the door to the pain dimension.
It's also a pleasure dimension.
It is a realm of pleasure, but it turns out the most intense possible pleasure is felt at a momentary halt in otherwise endless and unimaginable pain. You will never feel better than you will feel when they stop ripping you apart for a bit.
The Cenobites think it is pleasurable, but I question that they may be jaded/weird/totally insane.
Yeah that's what I thought too, they thought they were entering some sort of fun kooky bdsm thing and instead they have hooks skin them lmao
i actually find that funny well done user
It's a lot like entering into a business contract with #45.
God that was too political of me, I'm terribly, terribly sorry.
So after a while, you'd get used to even the most unbearable pain, do they keep turning it up a few notches until you die or something?
clive barker wrote the original novella as a metaphor for homosexual anal sex. after all, it is the most unnatural, painful, yet erotically satisfying and pleasurable experience a human being can endure
I'm literally a dead ringer for this guy fr
No you start enjoying it and go batshit like that Doctor who becomes a Cenobite. Presumably all of them are ex-visitors.
Talk about a mixup!
I felt this after giving birth, it was one of the best feelings I've ever felt. Just a huge washing of pain out and happiness and contentness surging to replace it.
I'd switch to an electric my guy.
It's almost as close.
Have you tried accutane?
I think needleface probably forgot about his needles a few days after he put them in.
anons in this thread should write a comedy spoof
Lol I've never seen hellraiser but wow that's a great description
One of the best reliefs of my life I've ever felt was when I had 4 teeth removed and thought I was too cool for painkillers and finally got them after hours of enduring the pain
That’s the point you fucking retard. When people fuck incredible women they get bored, so they ask them to butt fuck them with a strap on. When that’s not enough they ask them to flog them or some shit. Then they torture and fuck children in Epstein’s island.
It’s an antisemitic movie about how too much sexual pleasure ends up in a search for pain. Ffs… look at the costumes of the Xenobites
If Woody Allen were 20 years younger I'd ask him to star and direct it.
Frank was a masochist. pain is exactly what he was looking for.
this reads exactly like a rick and morty joke
>When people fuck incredible women they get bored, so they ask them to butt fuck them with a strap on. When that’s not enough
Practically no one who's not fantastically wealthy gets to/past this stage.
I mean, they literally did a Hellraiser episode.
I mean you can go looking for a good sexy pegging, and when you get impaled for 10 years you are ready to NOPE the fuck out of there.
Yeah, it's called a trap. He was a masochist thinking he would be gifted a haram of interdimensional bdsm freaks for eternity. He was only kind of right about what he was after and thats how the box lures people in. Thrill seekers who don't realize they're in over their heads
Also it turns out to be a sausage-fest and one 5/10 chick.
Post the soijacks
Imagine what a sad case that one Cenobite chick must have been, the only female in millennia who could not readily access some crazy sexing by merely trying.
Ends up in a pain dimension full of desperate, unattractive dudes...
It's be like if Yea Forums was a dimension.
Yea Forums Dimension.
How do you go from this....
To this???
stare into the arc of the covenant? Also, gay lifestyle.
same for me, but when i wake up at 4am with a tummy ache and take a huge, constipated shit followed by diarrhea. going back to bed after that is the best comfiest feeling ever.
you do not even need to leave the bed. We have such sights to show you. Housekeeping wept.
Even NEET coomer poors can do their version of this:
>jerk off to porn until not enough coom
>move on to really fucked up porn
>start getting into diaper furry cartoonime shit
>find out how deep the rabbit hole goes
>cut off your dick and 41%
The Hellraiser films are basically about addiction where you need MORE until you go full retard. Could apply to anyone.
I open the box for she
what would a rated G heck raiser be like?
Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
Town to keep me movin', keep me groovin' with some energy
In the original short story Cenobites are just weird dimensional aliens that just indulge in sensation, be it pain or pleasure. There's no difference from their point of view, and their first gift to Frank was heightened senses. Frank went mad afterwards from sensory overload
I don’t mind Cenobites being former human but fuck the magic transformation box. Really cheapens the concept of Cenobites if they can be created in a couple minutes.
>night of heavy drinking and eating too much
>toss and turn in bed for a bit feeling like shit
>get up and empty guts into the toilet
>Xenobite Chronicles
nah they obviously take pleasure from getting pain inflicted on them, thats why they look like that.
They are just level 100 coomers.
More like the gay dimension
These guys are a bunch melvins
*bunch of
>owies to some
>boo boos to others
>mfw Mom finds the Lament Configuration
>The sandbox
>You pooped in it
>We came
He was a sadomasochist and a coomer you idiot