why do twitter retards think that stupid 60fps soap opera effect looks good in movies?
Why do twitter retards think that stupid 60fps soap opera effect looks good in movies?
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>no copula
obviously it's because he's a nigger
Because they are ADD zoomers who grew up on video games. They are the same ones who cry that a game is "unplayable" if its not at least 60 fps
It’s unwatchable. I feel physically repulsed just from this gif.
It looks good
Why do they all have to speak like first graders?
>racism outside of Yea Forums
my uncle bought a giant soi tv and he constantly plays everything in 60fps, makes everything look like Days of Our Lives. type of guy that has "movie time!" and take popcorn signs hanging around his living room. his wife unironically got blacked, divorced him and now he rarely gets to see his kid.
I think it's cool if you really wanna see every detail, because you can see a lot of effort in the product design you might not have noticed before. Especially movies with miniature effects. Those hold up really well. But they shouldn't be seen like this as a standard.
I've never seen a single 60fps soap opera in my entire life, so I have no clue about any "soap opera effect", and I can't wait to see the HFR version of Avatar 2. It's the main reason I care about the film.
did he watch?
Just change the setting for him.
60 fps would look good if it were fucking filmed at 60 fake 60 fps looks like ass I am not sure why people love doing it
twitter users user
why do twitter users all have to speak like first graders
get your head out of the gutter
>now he rarely gets to see his kid.
But when he does, it's in 60 fos?
my dad did the same thing and when I complained about it he said he couldn't tell and doesn't see a problem with it so when he left the room I changed the settings on his tv and he came back and couldn't tell the difference
because it looks like videogames you gramps
go read the comics in a newspaper,old timer
remember when Peter Jackson was going to change the industry
no but there was one year someone in my family got her a COMICALLY giant dildo as a joke for secret santa, and it turns out she was using it on herself
more like for 60 seconds, they live a abroad now
can could he not see a fuckin difference, it's night and day. does he need glasses?
remember when James Cameron was going to change the industry
That sucks, be nice to him same thing happened to a Mexican co worker. Wife ran off with a black guy, the dude ran out of money and dumped her ass in the street, and she tried to get her kids to beg him to let Mexican guy let her back in the house. Women can be fucking disgusting.
Seriously. Where are all these 60fps soap operas?
I'm not repulsed by high frame rates. They fascinate me in a weird way. They are not cinematic though.
video is in 30 but you can tell it was recorded in 60. its got that look to it. turn on your tv and turn it to any soap opera and you'll see it
It's a figurative comparison rather than literal.
Bring 'em on
Some American soap operas have been recorded in 60i, which actually means it's closer to 30p than true 60p
I don't think that will get his kid back.
It was recorded in 60i (interlaced), which means you can't actually showcase it in 60p without interpolation and creating 30 additional fake frames. Deinterlacing 60i footage results in 30fps video.
>They are not cinematic though.
I don't know what the fuck they do to try and up-scale fucking framerate, but people that whine about how people that can actually tell the difference are annoying as fuck.
I spent years playing competitive shooters at 120fps, I can absolutely tell the difference.
Corrie isn't 60fps.
He's shitposting but he's not wrong. Look at homeboy's twitter avatar. He's using street slang. Urban black language is quite popular on twitter. Just look at how often white twitter users say the phrase "y'all"
either way it's higher than 24/30 which gives it that weird look
holy shit where are you people from?
This is just normal talk in any state below virginia regardless of race or whether you're in a city or not.
my mother can't see the difference between sd and 4k, boomers are just built different
people that run these accounts are without a doubt white. there were a few people behind accounts like these that people found out were white. one dude's name was literally "niggas be wilin" also the person in his profile pic is young thug
Yes, it happened in 2009 and it's going to happen again this year.
Not so good for normal movies, but it makes CGI look realer than real life for animated movies
jar jar binks from the prequels looks insanely realistic with this effect
I gotta see it
>higher than 30fps
Well, not really. 60i is basically just another way of capturing 30fps footage.
if you have a powerful enough pc you can do the conversion real time like on a TV, but I can't remember what all the programs and plugins were called
>holy shit where are you people from?
>This is just normal talk in any state below virginia regardless of race or whether you're in a city or not.
Nice try faggot but every social media addicted faggot has started using terms like y'all a few years ago. I live in NorCal, and every faggot under 35 uses y'all.
Jackson tried it with Hobbit and it failed abysmally because of all these fucking boomer fags like OP.
t.Gen-X boomer
It does look good, unless it's done through interpolation. You only call it a "soap opera" effect because you're not used to it. The standards you are used to aren't inherently better. Bigger numbers = better.
Lmao it's true though. 60fps isn't even good enough. That's a bare minimum
Northerners and coastal people never use y'all unless they're nigs. Appropriating y'all was a recent thing on social media. It's hard to describe to someone like you how cringe it is to hear white people in my neck of the woods say y'all. It's like watching your parents try to emulate the zoomer aesthetic and use zoomer speak.
60i means you're capturing 60 half frames per second. Combine those half frames through deinterlacing and you get exactly 30fps. Try shooting something in 30fps. It'll look the same.
>60fps isn't even good enough
ignorance is bliss
I'm from virginia, am I allowed to use yall?
That's not what I'm talking about, I mean the retarded conception that it spawned out of "Urban black language". That's a completely retarded falsehood.
People all over the south have been talking like that for generations.
It's only recently that its gotten to social media, it's not a "zoomer aesthetic".
Same reason why they were jizzing over 4K 6-7 years ago.
can your eye even see the 60pfs?
Of course. Are you retarded?
And for everyone not living in the south, using y'all has become synonymous with fad obsessed cattle on social media. And it's those words like bruh fr fr no cap that are copied from pavement apes.
That movie was just Ferngully with videogame tier graphics. Literally nothing special.
>I spent years playing competitive shooters at 120fps
shooters aren't real games
your brain can perceive it yes. stop with the fucking Yea Forums shit eye meme
Get a monitor that isn't shit tier
OG Siege had a lot of room for creative problemsolving and team coordination
>Real 60fps = good
>Fake 60fps = bad
Simple as. 60 fps in movies looked weird at first but it's grown on me and now it's starting to look better than 24 frames.
what are some 12fps kinos?
this. the human eye can't see more than 15 frames a second
>60 fps in movies looked weird at first but it's grown on me and now it's starting to look better than 24 frames.
>at first
Have there even been any other 60fps films besides Billy Lynn and Gemini Man?