Why are there 0 films with an asexual protagonist?

Why are there 0 films with an asexual protagonist?

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because those people are boring
because entertainment is made for women, and women want sex talks and sex scenes

Asexual is a cope for incels.

why does asexuality cause this type of reaction in people?

there are a lot of films that have 0 sexual content, you could always pretend that those protagonists are asexual

The Batman just came out

Attached: The Basedman.webm (1280x534, 2.62M)

because every thing must be sex and the idea of someone who just isnt interested who aint a monk or priest is alien to people

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Jews follow certain rules when they make movies designed for the masses. A love interest is one of them. No love interest? No funding. Usually only low budget art house shit can bypass that.

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you're a genetic dead end, every cell in our bodies reacts to a dead man walking

>Why are there 0 f-ACK!

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He's no asexual necessarily but he has zero interest in sex in the film, and turns down the female lead

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The hero of any movie without sex might as well be asexual. Also .

Watch one piss if you can tolerate anime.

Would bet good money he's ace

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Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

>zero interest in sex
>he fucks her at the end before telling her she doesn't need him

Your memory is that bad?

i dont wanna have kids

boy i really wish i could see the face behond this post

cause it's not a thing

I am asexual and I have an interesting life.

t. 26yo black asexual male

Why are women such sex fiends?

Too difficult for normies to relate to.


Asexual people exist, they're just schizoids. It's a disorder more than a sexuality.

Most people don't understand aces, see

neither make any sense

Do you have functional testicles?

There is one, and it was a masterpiece

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Asexuals don’t exist. Not wanting to fuck because of trauma or because you’re a loser is not a sexual orientation.

>tfw I find girls pretty, hot even, but any amount of effort is too much effort even if it was guaranteed to work
What's wrong with me.

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i refute your hypothesis.

Only virgins think having sex makes you cool, it's like a kid who thinks having a job makes him an adult

If you jerk off you're not asexual

Sea sponge documentaries.
Human asexuality doesn't exist.
That's celibacy.

I wish I was asexual, it'd be a lot easier. Instead I crave sex but none of the effort required to get it, so I'm stuck in horny limbo.

What percentage of "aces" were molested as a child or are just on the spectrum and intimidated by intimacy?

>he fucks her
I've seen it three times and I don't recall them ever fucking. In fact I distinctly remember remarking on the lack of fucking

fucking amazing

you're a really, really ugly person.

asexuals are loner schizoids and schizoids don't really try to do anything cinematic, the accomplished ones might become writers or programmers for example, otherwise the worst off ones just sit in their room all day playing vidya and reading the internet with no real friends

How common is schizoid anyway? Isn't it supposed to be extremely rare?

that's an opinion.

Hit a little too close to home huh?

>Why are there 0 films with an asexual protagonist?
Because it's fucking stupid, that's why. You're stupid for even asking the question.


no, you're just a nigger brained subhuman.

how come?

i legitimately don't feel like having sex, i've been like this since i lost my virginity.

>being smug about your presumptions of someone being raped

even by Yea Forums standards you're an edgy little faggot

it's rare in the sense that schizoids aren't going to bother to show up to therapy or other psychiatric places, there's a lot we don't know about the condition still because it's hard to study people who don't want to be studied who are incredibly difficult to engage emotionally. Bipolar people meanwhile will rant all day to a psych


why dont you go ask them

because among the mentally ill they are seen as normal and that triggers the mentally ill crow to no end

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Triggered autists
Sorry about your swollen amygdalas

>the amount of cope itt by this one incel who wants to be special

Because asexuals don't demand any kind of representation.

>if i say buzzword enough times i'll win an argument

>Why are there 0 films with an asexual protagonist?
Have you ever seen a movie before?

I always have to swallow a sense of disgust while fucking and as soon as the girl isn't looking at my face I stop smiling/emoting at all
I jerk off more when I'm in relationships than when I'm single

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out of curiosity, if masturbation doesn't count as sex how come doing it disqualify you as an asexual?