Finally saw The Northman last night. You may now discuss it

Finally saw The Northman last night. You may now discuss it.

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I liked the hurling scene

I like the scene where they shit on Christianity.

OP here, I also happen to be trans in case anyone was wondering. OK now you may go back to discussing The Northman

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>tfw I left to take a piss and missed the scene where Anya Taylor-Joy flashed her bloody bush
I know it was a merkin but still...

Who was the best character and why was it Gunnar?

Robertbros.... he posted it again....

I don’t remember asking. Also you posted like 5 threads at the same time.

Basically the same movie as the green knight.

In terms of Poz, the idea that his future heir was a female was the most subversive element of the film. Completely ahistorical and a rejection of indo-European patriarchal thought which showed divinity passed through first male bloodlines.

The “future is female” motif is interjected into every single pro masculine cinema piece. It’s the same theme played in Bladerunner.
I believe this was pushed overtly and inorganically by the committee of this film. There’s absolutely no reason why it should be in there and yet it is which aligns with 99% of other woke shit in media.

I like when Erasmus unintentionally shat on Odin and I’m not even a Christian.

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Anya Taylor Joy sucked this dick btw

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i like how he thinks cutting people up and mounting their bodies on a barn is a righteous act of revenge

> rejection of indo-European patriarchal thought

What’s unique about being patriarchal? Indo-Europeans are basically matriarchal, considering all those warrior goddesses Greeks and Norse tended to worship. Read the Quran and Jew bible. Not one female goddess. Now that’s a true patriarchal culture. But then again, semites tend to be more patriarchal and less into sodomy than indo-europeans

didn’t ask
don’t care
go be gay somewhere else

>an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
so gay dude

go talk to yourself on reddit where you belong

I agree, the maiden-king bit was unnecessary. his whole bloodline up to that point is men

I just beefed in your face loser

It's meant to be a "women are the solution to ending this cycle of men killing each other for power" statement. If the king is a woman, surely there won't be anymore angry rape baby bastard children fighting each other. Eggers is a feminist soi, this had nothing to do with the studio either.

Nah it’s more that you’re gay and should kill yourself

Just seemed like a loose Olga of Kiev reference to me. There's a folk tale called the Maiden Tsar believed to be based on her, and she was of varangian stock.

Here comes another beefer…

lol that one got in your mouth

I love how the retards who write stuff like this have no comprehension of history themselves.

nice reddit spacing

It's a reference to that genocidal queen Olga, you fucking mong

His whole struggle is shown to be just and righteous which is why he goes to Norse heaven. There’s nothing to fix, no cycle of hatred. Indo-European divinity was not passed to daughters, she would not have odin’s blood

Sure, there’s stories about Maiden Kings

Apparently there are Icelandic stories popular in the 13th century about Maiden Kings, but they were considered cruel and haughty bitches who the male protagonist had to put in her place through violence.

Still odd to show twins and choose the female. That is a deliberate choice in a movie that is otherwise just about dudes being dudes

>What’s unique about being patriarchal? Indo-Europeans are basically matriarchal, considering all those warrior goddesses Greeks and Norse tended to worship.
you are kind of an ignorant faggot. I am not sure why you are talking like you know what you are saying.

Stop talking to yourself, faggot.

hmmm, that stench... smells like... male reproductive fluid... curious...
interesting since I think she was holding weapons. the rest of the film was okay, I've read that they showed the brutality of vikings to make modern audiences fall out of love with them but that's cool with me since I'm tired of modern audiences thinking the vikings were party-going liberals and not slave-catching marauders

The daughter is brought up as a good thing, the person we’re supposed to identify with as a sort of redemption of the struggle that Amleth went through.
This legitimizes the notion of his daughter as a rightful and just ruler

You can say “well that’s supposed to be about how she’s probably evil” but this isn’t suggested ANYWHERE. It’s a deliberate choice to lionize females into a male space which is incredibly ahistorical, runs counter to the themes of the movie, and aligns with the agenda push of ZOG

>norse heaven
retarded take, Valhöll is not "you lived well, so now Saint Retardus will let you in xD", if you died gloriously enough, through combat, you will be fetched by a valkyrie to gain entrance.
Or you might go to Folkvangr, Freyja's hall, some prefer that.
(No one wants to go to Hel though)

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Post physique. Now.

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Hamlet the Barbarian, but nowhere near as good as either.

i was kinda interested, but i'm just too sick of seeing black people. the fatigue is too severe.

There are literally zero non-whites in this movie.

>The daughter is brought up as a good thing, the person we’re supposed to identify with as a sort of redemption of the struggle that Amleth went through.
>This legitimizes the notion of his daughter as a rightful and just ruler
No it doesn't. The whole movie is telling how you evil begets evil, violence begets violence, etc. She is obviously going be to fucked up, as she was irl. Stop being a brainlet

It’s implied some of the thralls are Irish

His daughter is a historical figure, retard Westoid

5/10, wouldn't pay to see it again, but worth a download

>no one is what they seem in the movie and everyone is a fucking mess of a human being, even that little boy Gunnar
>somehow this little girl will be an angel because


>The whole movie is telling how you evil begets evil, violence begets violence, etc.
Literally only the evil people ever imply anything like this. The whole story is a revenge arch about a lone avenger son righting the wrong of his slain father.

It’s a cut and dry hero story.

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is there a camrip or anything anywhere?
i could go to the theatre but i'd have to get really plastered

>movie comes out on 11th of May in my counrry
But why.

>It’s a cut and dry hero story.
Except Amleth isn't a hero and doesn't do anything moral and heroic. He's a selfish savage. How stupid are you?

Dude you’re literally projecting your belief as a fact. Never once is it mentioned that his daughter was fucking Olga of kiev, holy fuck.

that's not you chud

> Except Amleth isn't a hero and doesn't do anything moral and heroic. He's a selfish savage. How stupid are you?

Okay you’re just trolling for (you)s

>it has to be spelled out for me
The IQ of this board is beyond miserable

>all those warrior goddesses Greeks and Norse tended to worship
what? which ones? Norse specifically?

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hee hee, you are dumb!

It isn't though, because he isn't a hero at all. He comes in sword at the ready thinking he's saving his mom and avenging her beloved. Instead he finds she wanted his father dead and never loved him. And then he slaughters the whole disgusting bunch out of hurt and sadness. They weren't good people towards him, but him killing them wasn't a just and righteous thing either. He's a broken, psychopathic murderer. The only potential "good" he did was free a bunch of slaves who probably won't survive or accomplish anything on their own anyway.

>norse specifically
Odhinn, Thor, Tyr, for instance.

It is heavily implied. She holds a scepter designed in Kievan Rus style and wears a Slavic royal diadem and dress.

Those aren't women, you retard. If you said Freya and the Valkyries, you might have had a point.

Those are all male? Not warrior godesses?

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There’s a rip out there already. Don’t pay for this mediocre movie.

Maybe I should spell it out for you:
Indo-European line of kings were primogeniture and agnatic: IE First born sons. His daughter would not have the blood of Odin, she would not be his primary heir. His son would be. The choice to include a twin son AS WELL is also a very important choice, showing that the filmmakers are CHOOSING THE female line over the male

Your head cannon about her being a person who has no relevance to the story being told is just projection.

Mad lol

I'm retarded and don't proofread anything, ignore my post. Shut up :(

But as far as norse goes, the valkyries are basically demi-goddesses. However, worth pointing out, is that women are NEVER documented in any sources except for one single battle, where a tiny group of women fought, lead by a woman, and I cannot stress how small this force was, compared to the huge men-only armies.

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It's going to be the first movie I'm going to pay for in 6 years because I want to support a young director, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>This shill thread is brought to you by Comcast

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well calm down fella it was just a comment on the internet

God tier story, not very entertaining

So explain all Russian tzarinas and English and Spanish queens then


Dude, she literally looks like the most famous painting of Olga, she holds the royal insignia, etc. Are you legitimately, clinically retarded? This has nothing to do with your LARPER survive the jive shit. Kys

Nah what?

> Instead he finds she wanted his father dead and never loved him.
His mother is supposed to be seen as detestable and evil, and the death of her family as a tragic destruction of HIS innocence.
He is the hero, they are the bad guys. That’s why he gets the hot girl, the rune blade, the spiritual connection with Odin, the redemptive heirs, and the entrance into Valhalla

It's a simple, crystal clear reference, bro. You are overthinking this shit hard.

this movie was pretty shit desu senpai

Indo-European spirituality wasn’t in England, Spain, or Christian Russia

This movie was about Norse mythology, not christian

She becomes a queen in a Slavic state and if you read Slavic history there are many female rulers

Show a picture of both.

Presuming familiarity despite the obvious hostility between posters.
>legitimately, clinically
Unnecessary comma.
>survive the jive
Capitalize the first letter of each word here.
You write out a whole comment then skimp out on the last insult. That is simply weak.
