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What are some other autistic ways to out yourself as a foreigner?

On this site many foreigners often use the $ sign wrong.

>You have to use your thumb for every hand gesture including pointing
Why is Tarentino like this?

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>You didnt hold your fingers the right way when ordering a drink TIME TO LE DIE
Taratino is a hack

>filtered by some fingers

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no german would ever notice this irl, all he had to do to get off of this is say "what the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard you know what get your own pint now faggot'

>That will be 30$ dollars, please.

Not that hard, amerimutt


This always irritated me, maybe englishmen and germans do it differently but the scene doesn't feel clever, it feels stupid

Typing dollars is redundant when using $ friend

I once had a boss that did this shit. He was white. He also couldn't admit that he was wrong about plants and mushrooms being different and having their own separate kingdom. AND he was one of those faggots that had to correct YOU whenever he saw an opportunity to do so but couldn't handle it when someone else was more informed than him. What causes this to happen?

I'd notice it. The character even moreso, especially after that prior conversation and considering the fact, that a SS officer most certainly had some training on British mannerisms and habits designed exactly for situations like this.

Not using an auxillary verb when posting a question
>Why germans use thumb to show three??

>Hello my name is John and I'm 34% Irish, 16% French, 22% German, 26% Italian and 4.34889% Mohican-Ojibwa

"$30" would be correct, right?

i worked part time doing castle tours in scotland during uni and amerimutts would ask me what clan i came from semi frequently.

I always put the $ sign at the end of the number on purpose because you ameritarts are mentally ill. Why the fuck would you put the symbol at the start like lmao nigga how is that even real

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>forgetting the plus tip

Brits, Canadians and Australians also do it. That is some obsession you have user. You very well could be triggering the wrong countries.

And autist calling someone else mentally ill is pretty rich

100 dollars => 100$
it's very simple

is the implication that clans no longer exist? is this supposed to be common knowledge?

Does your country even have its own unique currency?


You are right.
A real American would never admit their familial Native American percent was that low.
We simply say we have some Cherokee in our family and leave it at that and everyone understands its low but we dont admit it.

it's realy fucking uncomfortable to put 3 fingers up in any way that isn't thumb, index finger and middle finger unless you do the chefs kiss

Good. Be sure to mock countries that use other currencies like Canadian "dollars" or Australian "dollars". Can you imagine being so cucked that you have to copy US currency?

We read from left to right.
You put the modifier at the beggining of the number to signify it is money being discussed at an instant glance.

It is very important for out Jewish heritage that we always know instantly when money is being discussed to change our tone accordingly.

are you disabled physically or mentally?

>german: it’s easier this way
>me: what about 4?
>german: then you do it the other way
>me: you change systems?
>german: yaa
>me: and having 2 systems is easier and more efficient than just doing 3 fingers
>german: mein furer

would be thirty dollars you Belgian nigger

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Physically not possible without leaving the ring finger curled halfway so you are actually signifying 3.5.
Thumb holding the pinky is the natural way to do it as you can sequentially flip up all fingers going from 1 to 5 without any akward transition like when you use chefs kiss.

who the fuck told you you switch systems?

clans don't exist outside of meme highlander larp society's and actual inbred high landers

>Drei Gläser

they meant klan with a k.

People like this need to be extinguished

I have never counted with my fingers

>Meanwhile all nonamericans date their shit like 27-4-2022 and when asked the date says "April twenty-seventh" instead of "The twenty-seventh of April"

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Imagine calling someone else a nigger when you live in a cunt that uses the comma as a period.
I did a research paper in college and proved that cunts that use commas to seperate cents from dollars have lower average IQ than those that use the proper decimal.

Lots of ESL going around this particular board so you'll get good at spotting them, eventually.

standing with your weight shifted to one foot instead of evenly between both feet

Why do autistic people even try to watch movies? The character was suspicious the entire time. The only thing that would’ve gotten fassbender out alive is if a superior German officer, that the other German officer personally knew, walked in and verified every detail of fassbender’s bullshit.


Who even puts the sign after the number? I see dollar, euro, pound and yen and they all come before the number when I see them. What third world shit hole money puts the sign after?

ITT: nazi chuds mad that tarintino made fun of your favorite larp subject.

Why would I put a fucking coma there I am not some fucking pussy who needs fucking comas in his fucking numbers.

You literally can't hide you accent, so I don't get it

>cunts that use commas to seperate cents from dollars have lower average IQ than those that use the proper decimal.
Don't even need to read that paper to know this is true

trying too hard

>Meanwhile all nonamericans date their shit like 27-4-2022 and when asked the date says "April twenty-seventh" instead of "The twenty-seventh of April"
no we do say that, at least in the uk
and you say the 4th of july

I thought using the comma instead of a decimal was a euro thing not an IQ thing

>and you say the 4th of july
That's the name of the holiday, yes.
If someone was asked what the date is, the response would invariably be "July 4th."

Cause you can’t make full 4.

Same difference.
But the South Americas and Africa generally use the comma too.
Starting to see the pattern?

The core of the issue is autistic people don’t want to even approach, much less entertain, the idea of being humored. The idea that normal people can laugh, convincingly, without being amused. Can appear to have fun, while being bored out of their skulls.

Ironically that's a holdover from Britain back when America dated like the British. We could get petty about it and make a stink about renaming it like Kiev to Kyiv but its pointless. We never got freedom fries to stick anyways. Both versions are correct. Just month/day/year is more representative of how someone will say the date.

You still replied

>NOOOOO you can't say it's so!!!
>Why? Because I heckin' sang so Chud, that's why!

Is there a more Reddit song?

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The biggest giveaway was that they didn't wear sandals with white socks.

I used to put the $ after the number, but stopped when too many people made fun of me for it. I am Canadian.
I don't put the ! In front of my sentence to signify yelling, so why should the dollar do the same.

He was already suspicious of his accent and mannerisms and probably also because he’s never heard of him before. The fingers thing just confirmed it for him

Kinda sad desu
Hell in South Korea despite being the most soulless capitalist hellhole on earth all Koreans still know what clan and subclan they're from

He already know they are not german soldiers. Its a well known fact that all german soldiers know each other.


Not true, i immediately noticed it before the character called it out

It is in English, but for example in German you say the day first and then the month. The same way we write a date.