Today is the day brothers...

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Why is he so based?

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Just under 12 hours until the Disney panel at Cinemacon. Trailer should be out by the time I wake up.

Exclusive to those whot attend though, but we should have descriptions

I work at 3 am when should I check for trailer drop. Ima b awake anyways lmao

Any oldfags start lurking Yea Forums when the Apabat first teaser dropped?

Avatar is literally my Yea Forums life.

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The trailer will be screened to the Hollywood elite, not to us.


god i hate this stupid ugly franchise

Nobody cared about Avatar a week after Avatar was released because the movie has all the resonance of styrofoam. How much do you think they care a decade later?

We already have a title, it's Way of the Water
We already have descriptions, it's got blue cat people in it

Y-yeah, it sure didn't keep making more and more money week after week, month after month. No sir, it flopped and people didn't keep going to see it. Mhm, das rite.

Glad to see all the shills here hard at work with that tell-tale Reddit posting style and tourist verbiage.

We includes you.

I miss Abatap so much. I hope he didn't die fighting for Ukraine.

>It made so much money
Because it was hyped because 3D was a minor meme around that time and people wanted to check it out. The movie has ZERO cultural impact and no one cared about the story, characters, or worldbuilding. It's just completely uninspiring. No one cares about lanky blue aliens and some shitty "going native" / environmental faggotry story. It will at best get a sub-set of furries pretending to like it because they're bored and just want to be excited about something new.


>no one cares, it just became the highest grossing movie because of 3-D despite no other 3-D movie doing the same
Seems legit

he had humble beginnings

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>dropping out of school
Oof, what a loser.

>becomes one of the most influential and richest men on the planet

school dropouts have more success in life, fact

How does this work in your imagination? Do you think you will educate people on the box office figures and then they'll magically decide they actually love Avatar and they were wrong in their gut reactions that the movie was either an absurd Dances with Smurfs or a giant who-gives-a-shit cartoon? Do you really think you can argue people into liking something they didn't like? The proof is in the fact that nobody talks about Avatar, you Avatard.


>n-nobody cares! It became the highest grossing movie of all time but you will never ever convince me anyone cared!
I see, you're on pretty nasty levels of copium.
>Dances with Smurfs
South Park parody alone means it had cultural relevance, you really shot yourself in the foot with that one.
>n-no one cares no one liked it
82% audience AND critic score.

Yes because James Cameron, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg really represent the majority of dropouts.

>mocking means it's culturally relevant! see!
Yes, as something ridiculous. You really don't know how mockery works, do you? The fact that you're trotting out 'money' and 'critics scores' just outs you at best as a shill. Nobody who is honest makes those kinds of arguments. Good luck trying to gaslight people into accepting Avatar as some kind of cultural phenomenon that it self-evidently was not. Nobody cares about Avatar.


then why do you care so much

are you retarded? I think so

I'm going to marry a Navi!

>and 'critic scores'
I wrote "audience AND critic score". Both are at 82%. Notice how you chose to ignore that, because it goes against your narrative. This clearly shows the level of dishonesty in what you're working with.
>You really don't know how mockery works, do you?
Irrelevant things are not mocked. Irrelevant things don't get to become pop-culture references. You know this. You're just being dishonest because that's all you have left.
>Nobody cares about Avatar
You do, I do and the good people working on the 4 sequels do. I'm willing to bet the audience will turn up for Avatar 2. Will you reconsider your position then?

Because I notice shills like you making shitty threads for shitty movies nobody cares about, but get a ton of hype and I'm here to remind user of what user already knows: nobody cares about Avatar. It's ugly, uninspiring garbage pretending to be epic sci-fi. The big mistake Cameron made was not making it a horror film and i'm being completely unironic when I say that. As a horror film, Avatar could have been brilliant.


why do you care so much you dumbass

get a life

I actually enjoy Avatar and hope the sequel looks cool

>everything is narratives!
No, this isn't a "narrative". This is reality. Nobody cares about Avatar. This is the problem with you zoomers. You think you can post enough about how you think reality should be, "change the narrative", and then magically reality will somehow reflect that. That's not how anything actually works, retard.

I'm really excited to see Avatar 2, actually. Can't wait :D

oh no they posted enthusiastically about Avatar 2 again. I'm being trolled. ahhh made it stop. /s

why are u so mad
i just like avatar im looking forward to 2

Will Abatap come back?

>immediately thinks of 4 of the most successful men in recent history when talking about dropouts
case and point

why are u angry i just don't like Avatar it's no big whoop why are you mad just because i don't like something geez.

I miss the time anold said abadar

>why u so mad
If I don't care about Avatar, then no one else should. Like I said here: It's not an agenda like Yea Forums would have you believe. This is another generational problem from people who spend all their time "researching" on Yea Forums. Avatar is a parlor trick. No one cares about it.

well then leave me alone

When Avatar 2 disproves this idea, what will you do?


it wont

Don't be coy. I won't let that happen. No one cares about Avatar. It will fail. There is nothing to disprove. This isn't some Instagram thread that you kids debate on. These are hard facts.

Wasn't he Russian, not Ukrainian?

what facts you moron

He was Ukrainian

Pandora is a boring planet.
Worse than Tatooine.

>Like I said here:
No one who isn't a shill faggot trying to sockpuppet as another user and "influence the narrative" posts the way you do. You should try being less obvious (and enjoy Avatar 2 being irrelevant the way Avatar is).

Oh shit, I've been beaten at my own game. I kneel.
Avatar has fallen. James Cameron is a false idol.

I think you can stop people from liking Avatar 2. I noticed Avatar posts are more common around 8AM - 4PM CST. Maybe if we work together, we can prevent people from liking it.


It insists on itself.

Why is this guy seething so hard bros

>the mentally ill Avatar shill itt having a meltdown because user reminded him that nobody cares about Avatar
Quick! Better sockpuppet as an Avatar-hater to discredit them and thereby win the narrative wars! That'll make Avatar culturally relevant.

Why? I didn't do that for the first Avatar. It became irrelevant on it's own. Do you think people who would go see Avatar like I did are rooting against the movie? Faggots wanted it to be good, but it just wasn't. Nobody cared about Avatar because it's just not an IP worth caring about. You don't have to take it so personally.

im not sure and now hes shilling as different anons
found him here

Maybe he's a Snyder fan.

I was thinking you and I could start a Discord server and coordinate anti-Avatar posts together. Your posts are pretty good and subversive and you're good and upsetting the pro-Cameron fans.
I figure if we're already investing time on this board, we could synchronize our posts a little better.

Why do they still call this franchise Avatar when Jake chooses to live as Navi?

>on Yea Forums of all places
That doesn't even make any sense this is an anonymous site
Try again.

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You will never be Navi. You were born a human and will always be a human.

Once again you can't grasp the point. Avatar is, and always will be, culturally irrelevant. I have no skin in the game. Stop wasting my bandwidth suggesting that I spend more than 5 minutes with cartoon-obsessed, blue-people oggling cretins.

If it's culturally irrelevant, why is it instantly recognizable?

I don't follow, why do you spend so much time on Avatar sock-puppeting?

It's cool that you think this is some kind of snarky passive-aggressive approach but like most zoomer autists you miss the glaringly obvious. In this case, it's that objectively nobody cares about Avatar as an IP/franchise. It's a dud. You can be mad about that. You can try to gaslight retards about it. You can be mug and make gay indignant, snarkposts in reaction to my posts pointing out this reality... But you can't change reality. Nobody cares about Avatar.

I mean... you're the one on here trying to prevent Avatar 2...
You should get a different hobby. I don't know why you care about Avatar so much, it's an old film that's not very relevant.

I bet this line is actually on Avatar 2

>If it's culturally irrelevant, why is it instantly recognizable?

What does my post have to do with anything?

mentally ill

Tatooine has podracing

so... my guess is this user: is working with this user: and this user: not sure maybe just two anons

You're the one spending time defending Avatar. Imagine how many hours you've thought about Cameron and his blue-people, zoomer enhanced dribble.
As I stated here: , gas lighting won't work.

>tfw the shitty Avatar franchise you're desperately trying to get hype about isn't even the most popular Avatar

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Oh, that will discredit those Avatar-haters you're pretending to be.

If James Cameron only made Avatar films for the rest of his life, it would be a sin against humanity, civilization and art.

It's all he wants to do. Like how George Lucas' career was killed when he became Star Wars man.