/bcs/-Better Call Saul General

I love Kim Edition


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kim is cute: evil

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>youtu.be/Wnp4OeVSgkE [Open]
>not my call
With that out of the way, my enjoyment of the show would plummet if not for the time travel angle. It's so hard to imagine that Mike was once young.

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I love Kim a lot bros

Post yfw Nacho finally got his strawberry

What is about Kim that you all like about her so much?

Reply to this post or Kim does in her sleep next episode

Kim replies in her sleep?

Anything more we'll see if Saul's life during BrBa this season? I still can't get enough of his fucking McMansion.

Larry Page, Sergei Brin, Shari Redstone, Robert Iger, Mark Zuckerberg, John Stankey?

FINE (All radical Zionist Jews)

Elon Musk


Learn more about Jewish supremacy.

This timeline shit is getting out of hand, now she's replying to our posts IN THE SHOW?

I clapped when it happened.

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>Lalo falls through the Travel Wire roof
>*CDI Ganon* "You must die!"
>long awkward Fred Whalen frame
>Lalo flies back up the travel wire roof via reversing the clip at double the speed with the Sonic spring sound effect
>BCS opening shows but the music is Brotherman Bill
>*fade out*
>Acker clip of "that's a man fucking a horse" but the picture is a screencap of /mlp/
>Jimmy still at the door saying "it's art" from the squat cobbler questioning
YTP kino so far or no?


Sentence mix Howard to say funny things in his energetic voice

So did Kim live here with him or what

Bros I'm scared absolutely shitless that Howard will get caught up in Kim's schemes and killed by Lalo. Someone convince me it's gonna be alright.

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You could get away with Tug (-boat) my firm -(bowling) balls of the top of my head

Hello user, this is Kim from the next episode. I am replying to tell all anons Reply to this post or Kim dies in her sleep next episode

Her pits of course

better than sleep driving?
am i right?!

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Fuck Kim

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I almost cried. Crazy to think he's gone already in episode 3

Redpill me on the time travel thing

>change my mind
Gus is in season 6

>Tell em Jimmy sent you
That is most likely Howard he's telling Francesca to go to. Only other options are Cliff and Rich, around whom Jimmy would be less likely to refer to himself as Jimmy at that point.

Kim you crazy cunt wtf are you doing posting here, you're gonna get disbarred

it won't user

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I really hope kim lives.

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Gus is finally decent in S6. Kim is, so far, less interesting than she's ever been. She really needs to be punished for what she's doing to become interesting again.

Holy shit I don't remeber this part. Nacho bros we are REDEEM

t. Gus

>most likely Howard
Why him and not Kim like some people think?

>knocks over a glass
>finally decent

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Bravo Nolan

Go watch Fesh Pince for some inspiration

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Because Kim already know and like Francesca
She doesn't need any referral to go to Kim
Stupid fuck

Not that user but I think there's a good chance Kim ends up either in jail or disbarred, possibly both. If Kim lives it's hard to say if she'll even be able to offer legal services, whereas someone like Howard definitely would.

>She really needs to be punished for what she's doing to become interesting again.
I want her to die in the worst way imaginable

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Kim went slipping Kimmy mode in season 4. You are just an idiot who never noticed.

Her unbridled enthusiasm.

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So Gus is a homosexual right? Like that's the whole point about him wanting revenge against the Salamancas? It all goes back to the time when Hector killed Gus's boyfriend?

I can guarantee you if Mike knew all this, he would not be helping Gus. Nacho FUCKING died for this shit.

He says "tell 'em", implying it's a whole law firm. Kim is breaking bad so thoroughly at this point that there's no way she'll still be on her feet practicing law, and with her hands washed of Jimmy, by the end of Breaking Bad. Vince and Beter like to give people what they deserve, and that's probably too good for her at this point.

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the last episode was fucking kino i dont understand why people hate it


Not my call.

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Of course I noticed. There was intrigue then because we didn't fully know what was going on in her head. Now we know exactly what she's up to and why she wants to do it. Plus, she has Jimmy whipped and it's his show, he needs to be making the decisions.

My yearly watch of classics begins next week with the KotH OrpheusFTW collabs, then Fesh Pince, and then Witness Me if I can find it

Because its been 2 episodes without any The Goose Man
I dont think he's in the next episode's teaser also

yes they will confirm it this season, screencap it

That's just a regular mansion

This is the most contrarian board that I've ever seen.

Fuck you

>tell them uh... Jimmy sent ya
Was he referring to Howard or someone else?

give up jimmy. you cant compete with lalo

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It was boring and i say this as a guy who enjoyed the entire show. When it was over i was shocked there wasn't another 20 minutes

trips speak truth


flat circle

we've done this all before and we will do it all again

Lalo is trying to find information on Max Arciniega to prove that he, and subsequently Gus, is a fag. That's the proof he's looking for and why he's staying in Mexico for now. And that's also why Gus has a wife and kids in Breaking Bad, he does it to protect himself against Lalo's imminent slander. I just hope to God that they keep it ambiguous whether or not he's actually a fag like they've done so far.

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>Blue flowers in dress
Kim confirmed to be the one buried in s6e03 intro

>KotH OrpheusFTW collabs
Good tastes. Wish he didn't disappear. But they all eventually do.

It's Yea Forums, it'll always be contrarian. Even on here, probably only 30% of people didn't like it. It has a 9.8 on IMDB.

why would they use an image of her smoking if it's supposed to be sexy?

no Lalo

he returns in episode 5

lalo is the new burt reynolds

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Is Jimmy going to talk to Suzanne about Lalo now that he thinks he's dead? I don't see why this would all be brought up unless it'll come back into play.

how come rheas character is well liked and received but anna gunns character is one of the most hated characters of all time in the history of telly?

>Lalos tulpa faked it's own death in order to murder the real Lalo and take his place in the alpha timeline

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Or maybe we loved season 1-5 for the black comedy lawyer drama with grifter shenanigans. Ep 1 was good, 2 was mixed bag, 3 was a bad ep of saul, but a good ep of tv.
Tl;dr: Too much cartel

Because literally the only function Skylar serves in the story is to nag Walter and slow down the actually interesting parts of the plot.


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So Mike is going to kill Lalo then?

>open on flowers, rain
>nacho runs and hides in liquid shit
>autists at home hold breath to play along
>washes off and is helped by "good samaritan #1"
>jimmy and kim blather on
>discuss time travel
>make a key in daring valet heist
>nacho talks to mike and gus
>nacho eats and drinks and gets punched
>huell confronts jimmy about his time travel plot
final commercial
>nacho offs himself instead of going out in a blaze of glory
>pan back to invisible mike and ganondorf shooting corpse
the end

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Because Kim isn't bitchy and goes along with Jimmy's ebin scams. It does make her more likable. Skyler is a good character though, because she's actually a realistic woman. And people act like she didn't end up going along with Walter, albeit reluctantly.

based lalo

People hated Skylar because they were mindlessly rooting for Walt because of his protagonist status. On the other hand, not only is Kim excellently-acted, she goes along with Jimmy's shit, so both the people who want an interesting character and the people who just root for the protag are happy.

nah. walt is gonna kill mike tho

You're acting like this is a bad way to spend an hour and seven minutes

People who wanted Walt to lose were rooting for Hank. There is literally no reason to sympathize with Skylar one bit.


Do you Americans really?

I’m so glad Howard is going to die.

>Gene traverses spacetime to unify reality and save Kim and prevent all of the bad events of the show from ever happening
>series ends with montage of all of the "good" characters with their happy endings in this new timeline while "Turn Turn Turn" by The Byrds plays

cheating is kind of a deal breaker

Why? He is the only non piece shit

>And people act like she didn't end up going along with Walter, albeit reluctantly.
This. Functionally, Kim and Skyler are actually very similar. Protagonist husband corrupts straight-laced wife. The only difference is that Skyler is more reluctant the whole time, whereas Kim is only reluctant in the beginning, and a little bit less of a complainer.

so basically misogyny. a female character who puts up with a mans bulshit and plays along is good but a woman acting out in spite against her husband is bad. bravo vince, he really got you misogynists good

user he's a coke head.

Sugar pills, now

>shaking both hands around and moving her fake eyebrows are good acting
I hope Kim dies a painful death

what did walt do to skyler that was so bad?

hes a drug addict and he abuses his wife