People used to actually have to rent DVD'S from stores

in order to watch movies. How pathetic.

So glad I was born in 2004.

Attached: pepe.jpg (179x282, 7.46K)

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The first time I got my own Video Update card, I rented Friday the 13th part VII on VHS.

Post anus or GTFO

>So glad I was born in 2004

Same here.

Attached: 02ECCCA6-FCAE-44B6-AA7B-50CE91FADCA2.jpg (828x814, 726.38K)

>faggots born in 2004 are 18 now
holy fucking shit

>you will never hang out at blockbuster, which is basically Yea Forums in real life
Why even live?

Your generation pays to watch women play video games, I wouldn't get too excited there champ.


You forgot that their generation watch blacked shit too

We used to have more movies to choose from, and better movies coming out too.