John Boyega saves british cinema

John Boyega saves british cinema

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Pretty damn racist

Johnathan Ephraim Boyega Ngubu might be a racist.


I'm guessing Mr. Converse is the biggest contributor.


bla’ bri’ish ci’ema


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What about the next generation of Indian/Pakistani filmmakers? Aren't they the biggest minority in the UK?

>has to essentially create directors in order to be casted for roles

I will never pay to watch or in any way support any film with a black lead or black director. Ever. Not after all their whining and constant chimp outs the past 15 years

I sniggered.

peaked in the late 90s/early 00s with bend it like beckham and Goodness Gracious Me

>2 movies

>boyega pissing away more of his money like pacific rim 2

I wonder if Anthony Hopkins backed Welsh filmmakers would people kick up a fuss if they were all white ?

Imagine the smell.

This is why you can't have diversity, it'll always be us vs. them. ALWAYS.

Everyone hates Pakistanis, it’s their own fault for the grooming gang paedophilia

>passing the baton
more like chucking the spear LMAO

Sad isn't it?

pakistani/indian UK culture peaked I mean. then that community realised real indian cinema is good and not worth competing against.

Welsh are black though

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This. Most racist ungrateful callous useless cunts on earth. Africa calls.

Oh yeah, those are all some incredibly British names there.

I swear "someone" just wants whitey to exterminate all shitskins with literally unbearable fucking chimps like this all up in everyones face


>Black British
You will never be an Englishman

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He looks so much like a fucking ape it's ridiculous

damn look at second from the left
I could see his nose and lips from the thumbnail

Why isn't 'black' capitalized?

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...niggerbros why

I thought all these commie journos capitalize the word "black" now? What gives?

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Tom just has a very Iberian physiognomy

Nice try.
Corporate backed dog shit

>mogged by an ugly fucking mutt
the state of nigs

In Africa?

AP Stylebook

It's the american mind virus, it's ALL about the blacks and other allogens might as well not exist

The state of British cinema is so sad.

They have Peter Strickland. I can't think of any other living British filmmaker I'd consider truly great. Ken Loach, maybe, but I'm not really a big fan of his work.

I love seeing white people suffer, their agony feeds me

They all look like they're about to rob me

Let me guess, more movies about the struggles of being a black person that nobody else can relate to

>Oh sorry massah I's didn't mean to get in yo way

>thread about Boyega's pathetic career
Okay retard

enjoy being a minority in your homeland

Enjoy being a majority in your hometown

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so what if a bunch of niggers kill themselves, I live in a gated community. Wh*te "people" on the other hand...

All it takes is "gates be racist" and lawmakers will make gated communities illegal

No way, the hypocritical lawmakers live behind those gates. It's more likely they'll just bring up some kind of distraction to avoid the issue should it ever be one.


let's be honest though, not a single person in this pic will ever make a movie of note.

so this confirms that he is buck broken?

What is it with niggers and shoes
Worse than women, I swear

>Give niggers money, a platform, endorsements, industry plugs
>literally nothing of moderate value gets made
many such cases


He's jogging his way back to the top.
One student film at a time.

Driver reminds me of a young Ezra Pound

> at least 3 out of 5 of them are actually wearing Converse

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>passing the baton
Did he ever really pick it up?