Punished Lalo Edition
Punished Lalo Edition
Hector...I'm already a demon
First for Kettleman being old used good for low T beta cucks.
He's gonna rape and murder Kim isn't he?
what's this time meme?
It's not going to be rape.
Fuck Mike, he should've tried to save Nacho. Now he has two dead sons.
Accurate depiction of time cop's face when he sees Gene break out of time prison and create a new timeline in order to save Kim and Nacho
does the sugar pills line proof that the current season 6 timeline is not the same as the season 3 timeline where nacho actually gave hector ibuprofen and not sugar pills
keep in mind jimmy saying >thinkgen about the timeline
this sucked
Each episode takes place in a new timeline its the only explanation
my wife
Nice selfie
they look weirdly in character
What if Nacho switched the ibuprofen with sugar pills?
It was just a clone, right /bcs/?
Nachito's not deadito, RIGHT??
>It was a hologram
I liked it
Fuck I just saw Nacho suicide and I need someone to hold me.
Mr. kettleman seems so fucking sweet. He's a dork but he's big and I want him to hug me.
Nacho is dead but its that fact that makes him live forever. With his death cemented on that day he can now freely travel to different timelines without worry basically making him immortal until he travels back to that day
What if Jimmy soocide
>alternative timelines
>time travel
Where are my shrink ray bros at?
Come here, user...
>kettleman tits
>le sugar pills
>forced meme #469
i've summed up this thread for you so you don't have to read through it, now go browse a worthwhile board like /qa/
Nacho's dad can hold you, until next week when Hector has the Twins merc him at his store.
qa lost
My dreams for a Lalo vs. Nacho sequel... GONE. I'll be pissed if they do a sequel series about fucking Jesse.
why browse these threads if you hate them so much
Mike looks like Freddy Krueger here
kimfeetbros is it finally our time?
#440 was the best forced meme desu, the rest just can't compete
I would rather have Nacho alive and Kim dead so far in S6
Is that some Fallout creature?
Forced reddit memes.
Fuck I knew Nacho was fucked from the word go, but damn that episode hit me different bros. He did it all so his dad could live a normal life. :(
Given that Nacho and Jesse share essentially the basic same character arc (with the main difference being which ending they take), which do you think overall pulled it off better? El Camino counts.
they will cut off his head and send it to his dad
Has anyone here played gigawagie simulator yet?
I guess this simply isn't... nacho day, bro.
but kim cute
I want to take my flat palm and just sliiiide it into her cleavage and feel how warm it is
And then cut off his dad's head.
>Be Nacho
>Get hunted across Mexico for like a week
>Get a half-assed promise your dad won't end up on liveleak by the same guy that as far as you know set you up to die in that motel
>Agree to get to the states in an actual coffin, get beat the fuck up, then suicide yourself defending the very same guy that put you in this shitty situation
>Actually don't go through with the supposed plan and do a gay little stunt where you pretend you're gonna kill Bolsa for no reason at all
>Also manage to put up a gay little speech moments before you an hero
What were they thinking
>The shit CGI was in-universe shit CGI
Bravo Vince
helping anons fill their kettleman folders
What did Bolsa say before Nacho stabbed him?
>lalo wasnt in ep3 because he was shrunken and suffocated between Kettlemommy's giant titties
why can i coom to this but cant coom to porn anymore
I like Nacho more but Jesse had more growth given how pathetic he was in s1, so he did change more. I appreciated Nacho's personality more and how they did less to beat up over the head with the fact he had some morals despite his line of work
Not a meme.
>cgi was shit
Always was. Have you seen them smoke? CGI and no inhale.
Imagine the New Mexico heat sweat...
the whole scene was undercut by how shitty Nacho’s suicide looked. then the scene became unintentionally hilarious when the Terminator Twins picked up Hector’s wheelchair, who then proceeded to shoot Ignacio’s corpse out of focus in the background. it looked like a comedy
Yo, gatorade me bitch.
It's not personal
Hold me tighter bros, fuck. I accidentally got too drunk while watching and now I've caught the feels. I mean, I didn't think he was going to get out alive, but not like that. Not like that...
Mike, you bastard... why didn't you shoot everyone...