Other urls found in this thread:
I could not stop laughing at the scene where he tips over the baby's casket at the funeral
Why did the old farmer tell the dad about the literally-demonic and accursed burial ground that butchers a person's soul/goodness?
Didn't he basically damn his family? It's like Salem's Lot - if you become a vampire, even unwittingly, you're going STRAIGHT to hell. Fear for the immortal soul, and such.
I don't remember this happening in the new Better Call Saul episode?
Problem Child 2
In the book it's heavily implied that the influence of whatever inhabits that burial ground pulls at everyone around so it'd be inevitable that they felt it and Jeb was trying to preemptively scare them off. That's why the pet semetary is at the fokt of the trail leading to the path and probably why (in the book at least) the start of the trail itself is buried in a bunch of spikey deadfall, to dissuade people from trying to reach the grounds.
Of course this doesn't translate well in the movies but it's a flaw of the medium.
pet sematary
My parents named me after that child.
Everyone would've made fun of him for at least a month when the N-Gage came out, so he got off easy.
wtf is this real? dekete this u sick fuck
For God’s sake, why?
Just remember that everything that happens in Pet Semetary was always going to happen and nothing could change the outcome.
Boss Baby 3: Truckin' along
What's happening here? Is this baby Superman about to stop a runaway truck from crashing into an orphanage?
My older brothers really liked movie, so they said lets name him Gage and they agreed.
I knew that the pet 'sematary' was a decoy, it's just funny that the farmer had to tell him about the REAL one.
I pretend the boy is trans and jewish so the scene isn’t so painful
The Last Jedi
Baby Vs Semi 2: Truckers Revenge
I watched the new one because of this thread the other night. It was pretty creepy, the jump scares with the trucks actually god me. There was a fuckload of foreshadowing symbolism which was pretty cool if you already know the story. I didn't mind that they changed it to Ellie, a 9 year old girl being brought back delivered pretty good on being spooped. I gotta rewatch the old one now. John Lithgow did a good job even though topping OG Jud is impossible. Sad they excluded Timmy Baterman.
>What we did last night, we done fer Ellie
>But that's yer cat now.
Oh, Judy bringing back his wife was kinda a gay addition. Also the alternate ending was better IMO. I got slapped with a copyright email because I've been downloading so much anime I forgot to turn my VPN on.
Why would you ever take advice form Herman Munster?
Sometimes dead is bettah
How were they able to bring the baby back when he would have been bloody mulch after this collision?
Check out the alternate Ellie unmasking before she stabs Judd, they should've gone with that. Also the alternate ending where Ellie and dad just bury mom. You can find them on youtube
If you tow a broken down truck to the burial ground does it get fixed? Or does that only work on Mexican cemeteries?
this movie scared the fucking shit out of me as a kid
I said the alternate ending was better. I'll look for the other shot
This post was swnt to the ADL good luck
This movie was notable to me because my 5 year old older brother was killed by a car, but at least with this movie I can blame Steven King for writing it so shittily, and not God
>child's body was abled to capsize the truck
Yeah and its a casket funeral! The kid would be pulp! You would have to ask the CSI cleaner for bits he could find you might be able to cremate!
I had to wear a kid leash because of this movie, fuck you Steven king
He wears a dress in the movie after he dies lol
the virgin remake
everything in this scene is so awful compared with the original
Big Rigs Over The Road Racing
Can you really say the original scene is good? The kid has to run like a half mile to get hit
There is too much stuff going on but still better than og. 80's PS feels more like comedy
>be Dunston
>check in
I thought this was supposed be a horror not comedy lol
lol gayge
I feel like this is precisely the type of thing David Lynch had in mind when he was clowning on industry media with Twin Peaks
weird, why didn't he maul the trucker?
still makes be laugh holy shit
Might have saved your life more without you remembering it
Amazing scene
God Is Not Dead: Yet.
Did you see how the rig crashed? Trucker is dead or in full body cast sipping drinks and enjoying tax payer money
God we should all be so lucky
Heard he's living it up at some trailer park in canada
How hard was it to keep your toddler child away from the busy and notorious road?
child's play
Not surprised. He was Tasha Yar's kid.
The guy had a lot in his mind, some fucking indian burial ground brought his cat back alive. The fucking kite. Your wife the chick from Star Trek keeps nagging at u
Watch out for the tranny jannerinos baby sneed!
>attack trucker
>get destroyed by his red heeler and bloodhound
>get shot
Sure, but the cat was almost fine. And who doesn't live on cursed injun burlal ground? not anyone worth talking to I say.
t. has seen a skinwalker in my front yard
I know, it was ridiculous, kid ran like half a mile.