The opening scene

>The opening scene
>The temple scene
>The Berserker and raid scene
>The Draugr scene
>The sex scene
>The Nicole Kidman gets an oscar nom scene
>The Valkyrie scene
>The hotspring scene
>The final fight scene

It was certified KINO. Too much of Yea Forums has become fucking delusional in the last few years. A lot of you need to climb down from up you own asses.

Attached: TheNorthman.jpg (2048x1365, 593.95K)

he didnt make me care about any of the characters so i didnt give a shit about anything that happened in the third act.
nolan tier writing

Neck yourself

based OP

the (unknown) actor who played the uncle doesnt get enough praise, he did a great job

>nolan tier writing
nolan movies are profitable.

>the bondage scene

Attached: northman_sacrifice_girl.png (1892x934, 1.86M)

His movies generally are really good and have good storylines and ideas in them.

I thought it was really good too, weird as fuck. But I was really into it.


Claes Bang is hardly unknown

Anything other than a cam rip out for this yet

Would you have cared if they were clad in spandex and had superpowers you fucking 12-year old?

Attached: faggot.jpg (1280x960, 271.02K)

He was the best thing in that shit Netflix Dracula. Guy knows how to act.

Attached: dracula-netflix.jpg (1920x2880, 432.36K)

Reposted from an earlier thread

>berserker rebirth
>gates of valhalla in amleths eyes
>corpses in the shape of sleipnir
>fjolnir in the doorway
>thorir's funeral
>entirity of the gates of hel chapter
>vision of the twins

It’s because they’re all chodes who watch too much Red Letter Media

Is the show any good?
Genuinely think this movie is marmite, some people just don't click with it, while other high test people really do click with it.

Yeah I hear you, wasn’t woke enough. All the big men fighting are scary. Did seeing it make your cock shrivel in its cage too?? I was so scared I had to run to my wife’s boyfriend’s house and ask for permission to sleep on the couch so I wouldn’t be alone, I know how you feel

>Is the show any good?
Nope. Three episodes: the first it's the most faithful of the book, except Van Helsing is a sassy lesbian nun. Not even kidding. The second is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, not kidding again. But the third episode is when everything went into full shit mode. It's tailor made to upsete everyone on this blue earth.

You are warned.

Cmon man, that show was like, 50/60% gold. The rest was utter trash yes but the good parts were so good it’s a travesty more people didn’t see it. He absolutely killed it for sure

Did Fjolnir kill his brother just to become king or was there another reason I missed?
How did he get everyone to follow him? Might makes right?

>the movie that did it better

Attached: valhalla rising.jpg (945x1350, 409.21K)

He sounded like his brother had looked down on him for being a bastard, didn't give him what he thought he deserved, etc
looks like there was a purge when he took power so the survivors would have followed out of fear

Episode one sucks for 30 minutes and then the next 60 minutes, and the following episode, are GOLD.

The third episode is shit for like half the runtime but ends decently.
Watch it if you like Dracula, trashy BBC /British guilty pleasure shows, or good horror effects

I watched this the other day. It was shit and you're not patrician for liking or defending this barely a movie.

>50/60% gold.
Some moments are very clever and the nun actress is really good, they have amazing chemistry. But most is trash and the bad parts are really, really bad. Also that third episode is fucking awful, I would give a pass just for the first two.

That was Blood Ocean tier

>nothing happens
>like really nothing
>you are filtered
I like Mads and Refn but this was utter shit. Also the trailer made it seems like non-stop action, Mads going full gladiator and shit. Nope. Two hours of nothing.

Anyone else feels bad about not liking it more?
It's masterfully shot, looks gorgeous but it just lacks that punch that Witch and Ligthouse had.
Maybe some trimming would help? Some user was right, croquet scene was straight up trimming candidate.

How did Anyas character speak Old Norse if she was a Slav

Attached: 000371FF-8B24-4352-833C-6C617D5BFF97.png (982x803, 758.17K)

>mmmm that's a smelly one

Attached: Screenshot_20220426-222352_Twitter.jpg (880x790, 104.36K)

Movie was trash. Was bored as fuck and upset I wasted money on this shit

I loved the bit where he starts chanting in Old Norse at the Volcano, makes me wish the whole movie could have been like that

Even even remotely the same outside of there being a Dane in it.

Rurik, a northman from Sweden became the ruler of a number of Slavic tribes in the area in 862. This is at least 40 years after that

It’s a goddam masterpiece.

I loved it but it was a messy. The Witch and Lighthouse are mysterious films where the events unfold and stuff kind of just keeps happening until the climax. Works for those movies but this movie needed a bit more of a concrete story. It’s why we have concepts like the hero’s journey and whatnot. Movies like this need more direction

obviously they had met and traded before

Easily the best film of the year which isn't exactly high praise but still, it's beautiful and poignant despite being a pretty barebones revenge tale on the surface

did you need car chases, explosions, and quips?

Old Norse would probably have been the lingua franca of the region

It *is* the Hero’s Journey, complete with mentor, invitation, “helpers,” journey into the Underworld,the whole bag. Only it’s a tragic tale where the Hero is bound to his fate.

Too much Anya, would maybe been even better with 0 love interest. Have him be totally blinded by revenge, just planning alone staring at a wall and talking to his dad-fox

yeah he was fantastic, probably the best iteration of the "Claudius" character in a Hamlet adaption

>Movies like this need more direction
Yea Forums once again demonstrating they use high falutin language to hide they dont know what they mean
you complain about the story
so you say the film needs *more direction*
the story is in the *script*
it is *written*

Holy shit! I had no idea this was him. This dude’s amazing.

>6/10 movie
>Yea Forums only likes it because no niggas

It's literally Amleth, the original story which Shakespeare adapted into Hamlet

Her spell/summoning at the end was fucking cool as hell. Made her entire character worth it along with dat ass.

When is it gonna be in streaming so I can watch it again?

Just a reminder, this is the same faggot that was saying the vikings tv series was "far better"

how about better fighting and violence? The fight scenes sucked dick in this movie.

can there be a single thread about this movie without mentioning le testosterone. i like violence and thought the movie was 6/10.

Is it worth it for going to the kinoplex.

>no niggas
The movie is really good but this will give it tons of manufactured and undeserved praise with the Yea Forums crowd.

what did you need, for it to be shot like a bollywood film?

low test

the green knight, gladiator, the duel > all northman scenes

look how much Yea Forums seethes
see it to see why they dont want you to


>with 0 love interest. Have him be totally blinded by revenge
Would have been a very different movie, for better or worse. Certainly would have made it even less approachable to the normalfags. Maybe that's one of the things that made eggers butthurt about working on a big budget film

noticed this week there are a couple posters that are absolute fags and will tolerate zero criticism of this movie. it's remarkable to see. I'm glad I can enjoy things without feeling the need to defend it like a muslim boyfriend

>corpses in the shape of sleipnir
I must have missed this. When was it?

>it's based on Amleth

Attached: 29a.png (645x770, 16.07K)

Where can I read about this butthurt of his?

posting a chudjack and meme arrows doesn't contradict the fact.

Is this achievable natty
Wasted the last 15 years never rowing and avoiding a diet of murder and pillaging

Attached: 1650842488061.jpg (2500x1667, 2.69M)

the first people in the settlement he killed
tied them to the wall in the shape of sleipnir

>the betas just don't understand

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“Direction” is a fancy word to you huh? I’m surprised you can even read the posts on this site!

That being said I did say I loved it just that it is a fucking mess. After he rows away in the boat and up until he gets to Fjolnir... wtf was that? I found the exposition and the setup interesting but damn, it was all over the place and didn’t feel like part of a story, so much as “stuff that was filmed so that we can get exposition”, and during that time we kind of lose our connection to Amleth. Once things start well, he doesn’t have the excuse hamlet does in faltering or delaying in killing his uncle. I know they tried to make it seem like he was determined to kill Fjolnir but, it would have been better to have him face off/kill his son earlier, and have him cut from his bindings a little sooner in the runtime. Instead, and again I know he’s technically doing stuff during this time, it feels like he’s only waiting for the sake of the story. He should have gotten draugr after escaping being imprisoned. It’s things like all these suggestions that would help add cohesion to the momentum of the story.
I still give the movie a 9 for my own enjoyment, and maybe an 8 if I’m being extra critical. But I can also see how these criticisms I notice can be like kryptonite to normies

lots of pushups and pullups

Eggers and Skarsgard both admitted they were unrealistically muscular and would have been much leaner in reality.

>complains about story
>says it needs direction
you insist upon yourself