Could you actually catch a spear?

could you actually catch a spear?

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of course not

Mary Sue character

No, not really

Yeah, i did it all the time.

I can catch a spear behind my back with a blindfold EZ

He is extremely flawed
Why did you stop?

took an arrow to the knee

I have but at low velocities. Too much of a pussy to try higher velocities like they show in the movie... plus I am not that retarded

The spear catching was reddit tier. Would've been better if the spear landed in front of him or just missed somewhere else giving them the vikings further aggression.

>a spear missing would give the vikings further aggression

Word has it the vikings enthusiastically caught each other's spears all the time.

>In the scene in which the Úlfhéðnar attack the Slavic town, Amleth catches a spear in midair and throws it back at the Slavs in one movement. This is taken from the medieval Icelandic story of Njáls saga in which Audolf throws a spear at the Viking hero Gunnar, but Gunnar catches it in midair and throws it straight through Audolf and his shield.

I’d catch his spear if you know what I mean.

dont be queer

he is a savage and dies at the end lmao


Its a direct reference to Njáls saga. Also that would have been fucking boring.

inspiration and reference are different things

Have you never experienced a life or death situation? Knowing that the spear could've killed you increases adrenaline
Ah, that makes. I take back my complaint.

god vikings were so reddit

Whatever, stop being pedantic

There's only the force of another man's throw behind it. That's like saying you can't stop a punch.

He isn't. He gets his ass kicked multiple times past the first act. It's more that there is some deus ex machina shit going on that helps him come out on top, such as the bird rescue. Not a big deal though, movie was still kino as fuck.
Your existence is reddit-tier, nerd.

Vikings are cringe, but I'm happy the movie showed the pillaging scene. The movie doesn't romanticize Vikings, it shows them for what they really were, barbarians who lived in mud huts.

>viking were great warriors
>The Ridgeway Hill Viking burial pit at Ridgeway Hill near Weymouth, Dorset, was a mass grave of 54 skeletons and 51 heads of Scandinavian men executed some time between AD 970 and 1025. The men are believed to have been Vikings executed by local Anglo-Saxons.
It's over vikingsisters...

And you like cock up your ass.

Why do so many chantards have this attitude to historical cultures where they have to either idolise them as being le based or they utterly fucking despise them?

i can imagine the neckbeard slav on the walls groaning "that's so reddit" before the spear skewers him

>The neckbeard slav
Unironically neck yourself, tranny.


You reek of faggotory and it's painfully obvious you don't belong here.

Shut up nerd

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Oh right of course, I must be a tranny because I implied this site and its userbase aren't the coolest, most sophisticated people on the internet. You must be either about 14 or 45 or you'd have realised this place is just as bad as Reddit or anywhere else.

The birds/valkyrie were just a hallucination though, it was Olga

boy you really sound like a redditor right now

With my face

imagine being some onions viking faggot who never gets to go on raping and pillaging raids writing fanfiction on cave walls and thinking you're a chad lmao

>it shows them for what they really were, barbarians who lived in mud huts
Well, yeah. Was this not the consensus?
Vikings converted to Christianity for exactly this reason.

absolutely no one thinks vikings were great warriors

trannies are reddit

Nah, it's because some chad Irish priest went and kicked over their beer kegs during an Odin festival and nobody laid a finger on him. Imagine being that legend of a priest, wonder if its the same madlad who chopped down the sacred trees.

Either a discord tranny or a shill. Very obvious that they're newfags.

>Is it the Christian swine? Their god is a corpse nailed to a tree

Now that I think about it, that IS pretty weird.

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they were though. they terrorized northwestern europe for hundreds of years

why does this movie make redditors seethe so much? is it really just because it's an all-white cast?

that and it is an undeniably good film portraying masculine white characters

nogs are terrorizing urban centers all across america every single day, doesn't make them great warriors retard
it's not hard to murder unarmed farmers who weren't ready for you
vikings ran from every single battle in history and when they didn't they got BTFO

that's a pretty bad ass way of describing it

Vikings are a /pol/ meme that's going out of fashion.

vikings literally conquered England. you clearly dont know shit about history. go dilate tranny or drink some grape drink to cool down if you are a nigger

>Vikings were NOT tough
>this movie is too masculine
>where are all the black people?

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>vikings literally conquered England

True kino would be an adaptation of the Christian & Norse tales that missionaries merged together to help convince vikings to convert where Thor & Jesus are merged into 1 character and becomes a hammer wielding carpenter who preaches for peace but becomes an ass kicking beserker when he gets pissed off

> As a Danish prince, Cnut won the throne of England in 1016 in the wake of centuries of Viking activity in northwestern Europe. His later accession to the Danish throne in 1018 brought the crowns of England and Denmark together. Cnut sought to keep this power-base by uniting Danes and English under cultural bonds of wealth and custom, as well as through sheer brutality. After a decade of conflict with opponents in Scandinavia, Cnut claimed the crown of Norway in Trondheim in 1028. The Swedish city Sigtuna was held by Cnut (he had coins struck there that called him king, but there is no narrative record of his occupation).[3] In 1031, Malcolm II of Scotland also submitted to him, though Anglo-Norse influence over Scotland was weak and ultimately did not last by the time of Cnut's death.[4][5]


>finally I have become The Northman

idk can you catch a baseball?

The title card at the end was pretty kino

>kill a bunch of farmers and proclaim yourself king
>lose your entire kingdom in less than 40 years to the chad French
hearty kek, you're the one coping user

You are shifting the goalposts. and "French" lol you mean the Normans? Another Germanic tribe? Keep coping

>they're from france and they speak french but they were at one point hundreds of years ago from somewhere else so it doesn't count!!!