Now that the dust has settled

which one is the definitive Willy Wonka?

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johny depp, because the other ones were cringe and i have not seen their films

absolutely based

Absolutely unbased and pleb-tier
Wilder's Willy Wonka, and Depp's, were both great but i have never seen and don't even recognize the third

the real question is which version had the cutest veruca and violet, and that's the 2005 flick

The Wonka film isn't out yet. It'll probably be shit. I prefer Gene Wilder.

My options are Willy Wonka, Michael Jackson, or soulless chash grab "young wonka"
That's a tough call

New Varuca and Old Violet

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Eww a Nigger.

I remember when I was like 7 years old I had a crush on the veruca in the 1971 film.

What the fuck is that?

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Depp's version is terrible.

Depp's version is easily the best of them.

It's an early 1900s pickaninny.

Based boomer

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I'm actually a millennial but my mom made me watch the 1971 wonka films and movies like James and the Giant Peach also 1989 batman etc. We had a shit load of VHS tapes that we would watch over and over again in simpler times. I just really liked Veruca in that movie. I actually think that it had a profound effect on me for the rest of my life and the type of women I find myself attracted to.

>I actually think that it had a profound effect on me for the rest of my life and the type of women I find myself attracted to.

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i keep forgetting middle is johnny depp. completely different face

mediocre artists draw something, and then slap a barely related character's name on it and call it 'fan-art'. it's an attention-seeking thing

Each more effeminate than the last it's like allegory of society

The OG c'mon dude.

>You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!

Wonka Depp had the best death traps

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Here's your (You)

Not saying the Depp film was great or anything - I barely remember it - but I always felt the Wilder film was incredibly overrated and boring. Great actor though.

wtf is the thing on the right?
If the wilder version was just the scene with Pure Imagination it would still be a better film than the burton version.

I can appreciate both versions desu. The 2nd movie isn't trying to be an exact remake, it takes itself in a different direction and has a lot of creativity with it instead of being a "hey remember this line or scene in the original?". I mean, the movie literally doesn't even have the same name. I don't like the film but I very much can appreciate the film trying to do it's own thing.

If it was made today, the movie would be a weird mix of trying to play off of nostalgia and aping unique things done in the original on top of terrible recasts and an overabundance of CGI trying too hard to look realistic which ends up making it feel dated.

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Is the latest one even out yet?

based zoomer


Why is the Wilder movie name Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory and not Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?

it is a little weird because the 2nd movie ironically focuses much more on willy wonka which would make it more appropriate to have willy wonka in the front.

Yea and the first movie was mostly about charlie I guess it's just another one of life's ironies.

Atleast we dont need to identify them by (year)

Since when was chomlet Willy Wonka?

Charlie and the Chamlet Factory?

Gene Wilder and if you otherwise you're a contrarian, a shitposter, or a brainless zoomie

More like Willy Wokea

Because Gene Wilder was a big name at the time and he was the main selling point.

It's Gene Wilder. I hate all of you.

To better market the Wonka bars that were being released as a tie-in

based, but I did watch the first one (before the depp one even came out) and it was cringe.

I'm gonna say it:

> 2004 Movie > 1971 Movie


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Gene Wilder, hands down.

Out of the way, losers

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That's like the santa cruz joker of wonkas.

Based. I've only ever seen the blonde one in those horrid reddit memes.

That's one of the most bizarre cameos ever. Crispin is such a weird dude and I'm pretty sure he's antisemitic or some shit and he just decided to pop into that low brow b comedy movie.

>those wide shots where he's clearly replaced with a dancer

I had a borderline obsession with that film when I was a child. My mum told me that I would watch the 2005 movie at least once a day. I used to dress up as Johnny Depps Willy Wonka. I made his cane out of a sweat tube lid, I made his hat and out of cardboard. Every frame, every line is seared into my brain. I tried watching the 1971 version, but It never hit the same effect on me as the newer one did.
Man I was an autistic child.

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It's so weird how back then that set was considered a cheap knockoff of the 'real' thing, but 90% of Hollywood blockbusters now are shot on greenscreen with terrible CGI that looks way cheaper than that Epic Movie clip.

>Michael Jackson
actually wanted to play Wonka in the 2005 Version, supposedly even wrote an OST for it.

I didn't even know there's gonna be another Wonka flick until this thread lol

In those days the "[insert thing] Movie" franchise wasn't considered as embarrassing and creatively bankrupt as it is now. You'd do like a day's work and get a lot of credit for having a bit of fun and being able to laugh at yourself.

>loses head, then has it again
dishonest filmmaking

because who gives a shit about charlie?

Best Willy Wonka

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>healing factor
They literally have X-Men in the movie to set that up