"Sister" was the nickname of a trans female clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Anakin "What's your name, trooper?"
"Sister. It's how my brothers tell everyone I belong."
Anakin "Belonging is important."
Sister "I was afraid, before I left Kamino. We don't really know what happens to unusual clones. But my brothers never let me doubt. I wasn't sure if the Jedi would understand."
Anakin "The Jedi are all about transcending things. I don't think we can complain if you've transcended gender."
Sister "Transcended gender. We'll work on it, but I like where it's heading."
>'We lost a true soldier.' >'He really was one of us.' Doesn't matter. Can the tranny clone fight? Then that's pretty much all the other clones care about, indoctrinated slaves as they are.
Jack Sullivan
a defective clone. that can fight is still a defective clone.
Ryder Brown
>Can the tranny clone fight? maybe she sucks the enemy dicks. or makes the robots into fuckbots for her sordid sex dungeons and films it as a way of fighting.
Julian King
Star wars is so fucking lame holy shit
Bentley Gray
I mean... Not really. All they're for is to fight. If the tranny clone can do that then sidious got sifo-dyas and tyrannus's money's worth
>a defective clone and a SS officer This is the representation they want?
Austin Foster
The clones aren't perfect clones; they have other DNA in there, with more or less fett. The commanders tend to have more fett (Cody in particular), and the alpha batch is near-identical. But usually it fluctuates from 70-90% jango. So yeah variations are expected, somewhat encouraged, and not very well understood by the kaminoans who got their tech by cloning themselves, and aren't very skilled at keeping tight tolerances on humans. So if you mean that trans genes (if that's a thing) are defects, yeah, kinda, but then so is half the other shit they put them, like reticence to obey orders, independence, etc.
Mason Bennett
>hunter Schafer or some similarly elfin tranny as a crack SS officer who steps on jews Please. Please o simulators. Please.
Kevin Russell
>trans genes (if that's a thing) it is not a thing.
Chase Clark
defects in clones are well known. As for the Lore of star wars, I'm sure they'll work something into the story. but no direct alpha clone would be trans, it's a defect something has gone wrong with the clone and its expression is trans.
Benjamin Morgan
Well then the combo or genes that makes people more likely to become trannies then. Work with me here. You can't explain the character away by culture; it was all male and all soldiers, nothing else. Clones only started being individuals after hanging with the jedi
yes a defect, something about the clone was defective on a genetic level. I think the psychology behind it is that when something is defective it automatically wants to fix itself. It sees a defect subconscious or consciously and wants to fix it. And its expression is go revert back to its most primitive and most stable state. Which for humans is Female before the X chromosomes split off. Most likely from a cloning perspective the Y chromosome was damaged and split off even further making it defective. So on some level, it wanted to repair itself.
I think the jedi helping them find their individuality as people probably lead to the notion that a female version of itself would probably seem fixed but it had no way to express that other than the gender identity thing.
Henry Collins
death will be upon you soon. You never know Putin might go nuclear. and things could end sooner than you think. though unlikely. it's just a cartoon anyway. don't be so upset.
Elijah Ortiz
I wasn't aware clones had so much freedom. Or the fact that the republic would cater to one clones personal needs among thousands for no military value. But what am I saying? No ones cared about proper Star Wars lore for years. Not since Disney raped it for all it's worth.
Brayden Parker
Defective clones were executed in the EU. Take the EU pill.
How does he wear the helmet with hair like that? Long hair is forbidden in the military because it gets in the way, is more difficult to keep clean, and can be grabbed by enemies.
Sebastian Reyes
why do women ruin absolutely everything they touch bros?
Christian Perry
>Be born out of woman >Men are ruined already
Colton Sanders
they only hate things they cant control.
Easton Carter
We used to have cool siths, droids, aliens, stories, ships, etc now Star Wars it's synonymous of globohomo shit
Why do women have to make everything about "muh hole?" Pixar had an entirely woman-made movie for the first time, and they made it an extremely obvious allegory for a girl getting her period. Women are so braindead and I hate them.
Legends Kaminoans would have euthanized that clone but I guess it doesn't matter who does it.
Charles Wilson
>Menstruation was first depicted in the 2020 young adult novel Queen's Peril by E. K. Johnston,[1] though its origins in Star Wars go back to Beth Revis' 2017 novel Rebel Rising.[3] According to Johnston, Revis was asked by fellow Star Wars author Jason C. Fry to include a plot device within the book to demonstrate that Saw Gerrera was ill-equipped to parent a young Jyn Erso. This occurred as an indirect mention of a discussion "about hygiene and health."[4] Fuck single dads I guess
>TRANS CLONE IS CANON No it isn't. Disney Wars isn't canon.
Tyler Wright
what the fuck
Jose Harris
Nathaniel Ross
>trans female clone trooper but theyre all cloned male? or did (((they))) already dispense of the pretense that sex =/= gender
Adrian Evans
She wasn't a negress in the original. Yeah her introduction was absolutely bungled, being all familiar with characters we already knew but over time she got better. She fucked up a lot and got chastised and punished and actually learned to be a better force-user and a better person. She left the Jedi order because they basically betrayed her. I think she was great. I don't like her in the mandolorian though. She wouldn't be some dour old woman who speaks in riddles and stuff, she should have still been more lighthearted and fun as compared to Luke being just... An asshole.