Obi-Wan Kenobi marries Ramona Flowers

Think he left his wife of 25 years for this thot, his daughters hate him for that, but he upgraded for sure.

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Would he have left his family if he was Irish?

She looks perfectly fine for a 55 year old woman. His daughter is right to be mad.

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explain "PUTA"-meme to me

>She looks perfectly fine for a 55 year old woman

Beta provider detected

Her instagram comment section was full of angry latinas calling her a whore, at one time


That and she tolerated his cheating for years, only for him to leave her for a younger PUTA who sort of looks like her. Brutal.

she's half Jewish


why? what did she do?

Cheated on her husband

she's genuinely more beautiful than that uggo in OP's pic.

this, he joined the tribe for the connections, now he's paid his dues its pussy time


She cheated on her husband is a homewrecking PUTA who fucked a married man.

AND broke up a household.

what a whore

you would cheat on your spouse to for Obi-wan

Reminder when Yea Forums‘s shitposts made MEW undelete her social media?

But why specifically latina women?

>but he upgraded for sure.
go look at her recent photos. she's aging like milk

post them

They have morals and disagree with adultery.

honestly agree, she has a cute and pretty face

She's a homewrecking whore

she's Jewish

But how come they don't do that to other cheaters?

What makes you think they don't?

>watches the love of his life marry another man
Whoa, he's just like me

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this nigga must hate star wars now

I only see this puta meme shit with MEW. I also don't use zuckerbitch's platforms so I'm not sure if this is happening to others

He's in good company.

fuck em, Riley is directing movies with Marvel and Breaking Bad actors, already made one with Poots too, hes not letting the PUTA stop him

Attached: riley.png (1277x903, 542.18K)

This soiboy got cucked by Obiwan, he will never recover

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He's a fucking fag for knowing her since he was 18 and not impregnating her. Ewan immediately impregnated her and staked his claim like a Chad.

Riley is a failure

>joy division shirt
The very epitome of ngmi

i wonder if riley has ever seen any of these memes of him

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the adopted daughter he bought in mongolia seemed to stick by him, she was the only one at the arrival in long way up

>He's a fucking fag for knowing her since he was 18 and not impregnating her.

My god, what a fool. He deserves the eternal shame of the cuckold, of having lost a beauty, of knowing no woman will ever compare again.

That is a Full of Hell shirt with a ripoff design of Merzbow's Pulse Demon

manlet bros, has our day finally come?

She was out of his league and he groomed her

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Obi Wan Ben Steve Bonjo Larry Kenobi

I honestly think he didn't even get to fuck her

he looks like he listens to Death from Above

>He doesn’t know

this is a lesson
if you get lucky and find a girl who will for some reason suck your pp do not stop working hard and improving
i was incel then I was with girl for 9 years then she left me because i took it for granted

You think they were together 15 years and never fucked?

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tell us more user, was she cute?

Poots is leagues hotter than PUTA, who has already hit the wall worse than Ewan's first wife.

Imogen hit the wall?

>pulse demon shirt

>Manlets win again

Everybody hits the wall user, but what matters is how you pick yourself up afterwards.

Hot damn nigga, all you had to do was cum in her pussy lmao

Hang in there bro

Reminder that Riley posted a picture of him getting his dick sucked as a response to the news of MEW getting pregnant.

She made him wear a condom

>Hang in
Bro, not fucking helping

Means 'whore' in spaghetti.

kek link?

The lesson is you should give her children. That's what women truly want even if they don't know it.

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Jeez that is literally a mini Ewan.

Every time I bring this up with a woman in her early-mid 20s she's adamant she doesn't want kids and never will. Fucking retards.

Your clones are very impressive. You must be very proud.

>not barebacking your gf
not going to make it, I would never date a girl who made me wear a condom

are you ok?

considering she got pregnant after she was with Ewan and nothing while she was with Riley. Yes


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Riley probably didn't tell her to get off birth control like a Chad would

Ewan may be somewhat estranged with his family but at least he has a son

I'm sure his daughters eventually forgave him. Kids are shitty like that.

I wouldn't forgive my dad for that.