ITT: Movies only you have seen

The Music of Chance (1993).

Awesome James Spader film. Never ever seen it even mentioned here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've seen it.

Did you like it?

I enjoyed it yes. Strange film but I guess that's the point.

Another one.

Exotica (1994).

Very strange and emotional film. Very very intense, probably the only film to make me cry besides Cross of Iron and Paris, Texas

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I've seen this one mentioned here one or two times.

Seconds (1966)

Great early Frankenheimer thriller

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Another favorite

The Piano Teacher (2001)

My favorite Haneke film. Very intense and romantic. Probably the most brutal rape scene on film besides Straw Dogs.

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Very underrated film here. Never even seen it mentioned.

Beau Père (1981). Nuff said. Definitely worth the watch.

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Cruise kino which never gets talked about. Very good film, might be one of his better early ones. Great 80s period piece.

All the Right Moves (1983)

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One of my favorite Morris kinos. Never seen it mentioned once.

The Thin Blue Line (1988)

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Great film here and hard to find. This is like Bringing Out the Dead but even more gritty.

Broken Vessels (1998)

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Those are a few to start off. Sadly my thread will probably get zero traction but feel free to post some of your favorite lesser discussed kinos on Yea Forums.

>The Music of Chance
Not a fan of the book's author, but the movie sticks with you in an unsettling way. Build the Wall.

i have nothing to contribute cuz im normie, i watch art films but nothing most people havent heard of
thanks much for the thread though ive screenshotted it for later

The Adjuster
Rubin & Ed
Ninja III: Dominion

Drive but the 90s buddy action kino not the meme one

the score is kino as hell in this

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Good yakuza drama by Seijun Suzuki. Definitely worth watching if you stumble across it.

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I believe you would enjoy the films of Hal Hartley

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i'll bump with weebshit, one of you might have seen me post this already.
kiyoshi kurosawa made the same movie twice within a week of each other with mostly the same cast. strange experiment, both films mostly came out like shit imo
he films his action very surreal though, he's underappreciated in that regard.
i somehow knew this would be posted after user posted the doom generation
i've never seen amateur but holy shit that soundtrack is loaded with hits (red house painters, mbv) i've been meaning to check it out.

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Good psychological drama I watched 4 years ago or so in tv

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This isn't really that unknown and it's on criterion, but it never got enough love. Absolute John Huston kino

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Love that movie. Seen this one by the same director? It's pretty good but gets very graphic.

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Agree, it was one of the most truly unsettling films I've ever seen. I was genuinely almost fearful at the end, the tension in the bar scene was fucking insane.
>The Adjuster
another cool Egoyan kino. haven't seen it yet.
You mean The Driver (1978)?
glass is a beast. love his etudes.
looks sweet

Watched on Yea Forums's recommendation of course

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Bump with more kino

The Missouri Breaks (1976)

Only time Brando and Nicholson ever acted together. Brando is an absolute beast in this role, maybe his most expressive ever

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Doom Generation has a threesome where they talk about feeling each other’s dicks through the girl. Is it called Mysterious Skin because it goes further in depth on that?

Will I get followed by FBI if I download this

Another fave.

Bitter Moon (1992).

This might be the sexiest film I've ever seen. So erotic. Great Polanski kino - if you liked Blue Velvet you'll love this.

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Joseph Gordon Leavitt plays a kid who likes getting molested as a kid and grows up to be a gay slut for money.

one of the greatest scenes in cinema.

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Lumet's last film.

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007).

Hoffman, Hawke, and naked Marissa Tomei. Gritty crime thriller.

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my dad recommended this movie and we watched it together. pure kino, brando is creepy as hell

Cheesy but still strange 70s demonic kino.

Burnt Offerings (1976)

This is a very 70s movie. Great for October. An American version of The Wicker Man in some ways

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It's literally got 100k votes on imdb

Yes but think of it as a personal escort and free protection.

the bothersome man (2006)

norwegian black comedy with a nice dreamlike feel that permeates most scenes

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What part of Cross of Iron made you cry?

Also, is that the dirty sister from Not Another Teenage Movie?

I remember being so turned on watching this hot bitch dance I masturbated even though there's no nudity or sex. The movie is terrible though. Absolutely awful. But if you want to see that Mulholland Drive bitch dance like a slut then check it out.

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Looks interesting, I'll add it to my watchlist
Big fan of the book, very strange movie. Only made it halfway through. Love the cinematic composition
it's definitely in the "weird western" genre. sadly westerns are a forgotten genre today but man there's so many good ones.

Another favorite film here.

Noite Vazia [Empty Nights] (1964)

If you watch one Brazilian kino, watch this. WH Khouri film that's very surreal and sexy, lots of great shots of modernist 60s São Paulo.

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>Also, is that the dirty sister from Not Another Teenage Movie?

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Technically even I have never seen it because I skipped the cringe sex scenes and only sort of followed the plot in between them.
I was only watching it because it was on a list of movies where women piss.
There's a nice scene where she pisses in the rain.

Speaking of someone please tell me some more kinos where women piss.

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We’ve all seen this one. It’s really good, but we’ve seen it.

what a weird sell
i'll bookmark it

Based tinto braps

I've seen Seconds. Pretty based.

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This thread isn't for "unknown films", only good films you like that you never see talked about on Yea Forums
it's Mia Kirshner, yes. believe she shows titties in Exotica.

In the ending when the German children start singing as everyone's getting killed. A great film about the futility of war

Another good film here

Save the Tiger (1973)

70s Lemmon depression kino. Another very grim Hollywood film that wouldn't be made today. Same vibe as Hardcore if you liked that film.

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>This thread isn't for "unknown films", only good films you like that you never see talked about on Yea Forums
That's not treally what the title of the thread implies tho

Highly underrated Vincent Price film. It's a crime/noir flick he did that is quite surreal. Might have had some Fellini influence as it was made in the 60s.

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I watched this because I'm a big fan of Adam Green's "Hatchet" series.

Was pretty average. I think the movie theater zombie part I enjoyed.

Interesting, I'll check this one out
This is an awesome vietnam film

Dark of the Sun (1968)

Very gory for the time. Features a fight with real chainsaws. Pure Africa mercenary kino

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Forgotten James Woods film

Cop (1988)

This is an unsettling atmosphere piece with Woods at his peak, right off of Salvador. This is probably in my personal top 10. Great gritty movie with so many things going on at once.

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Probably my favorite Herzog film.

La Soufiere (1977)

This is Herzog at his peak. Very easy introduction to his work if you've never seen much of him besides Port of Call New Orleans. Deserves to be mentioned with Aguirre and Fitzcarraldo and Heart of Glass.

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i've actually seen this years ago
very weird movie, didn't know it was based off an ellroy book. i just remember james inviting a girl for pizza and having sex with her and a crazy fucking ending that felt out of place. james is the highlight and plays a sleazebag pretty well
definitely satisfied my obscure neo noir fix though, and that's rare

Ok, I'm done for real this time guys. Hope my suggestions were interesting to some of you. Keep contributing, I'll be lurking