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Terrific movie.

Retarded movie.

It didnt pass 2 times before it hit. It only passed once. This image is fake and gay

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Attached: Melancholia.webm (939x676, 2.45M)

its not a science movie. its about depression and how sometimes you think you have escaped it but then it still hits you in the end

gravity isn't real

>depression gives you special powers and sometimes it's good to be depressed
someone wrote this shit and thought it was profound

you can't escape melancholia user, the real depression is almost uncurable, like the other user said, it is not a science movie

What was retarded was the dunst character not getting tossed in the bin for her actions and her behavior psychosis (melancholy). She is like 6/10 any way. AND you're a whore? pfft...tarded

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Her family was obsessed with maintaining pretense so they could have a perfect wedding for the benefit of all their social peers

Are you retarded? The contract was about how Kdunst can't handle normal life but when shit hits the fan her sister who has actual responsibility completely spills her spaghetti and Kdunst who's made peace with life being bullshit and dying can at least comfort the kid.

context*. I'm martini drunk AMA

i think he might be retarded or autistic.

>i knew the number of the lottery
>I also know that humans are alone and are........le......bad.....
>trust me, i know.
>also i am dead calm when the world around me is destroyed and my normie sister freaks out
it's literally in the movie you defend. suck my dick.

so when did your parents find out you were autistic? Were you one of the violent ones when you were young?

Playing Agar.io be like

When did your parents figure out you were a faggot? The moment your dad fucked you in the ass or when you rimmed your dog's asshole?

Would this hurt

Shaken or Stirred?

in the ass, like daddy used to

No, the air would be sucked out of your lungs and you'd pass out immediately

>le aspergers man

>spend 45 minutes reaching Earth size
>get eaten by VY Canis Majoris dogeball

God I wish that were us

extremely dry with vodka, 5 shots and stirred

>le shitposting nigger

It would be extremely painful

>i knew the number of the lottery
it was luck, shit happens
>also know that humans are alone
people think a lot of things that might be untrue user, that's how lying yourself works, like religions
>also i am dead calm
she is dead calm because she is depressed, not "i'm depressed i drink wine lol", real depression, the one that your house might be on fire and you just don't move, or seeing people die around you and don't feel anything

i think you might be in the spectrum or never lived a real life with other people to not know those things


>can't understand deeper than skin-deep meanings
>calls others autistic
kys slow

imagine this but instead of melancholia is was like a girl's giant butt

celestial bodies don't have sensation of pain silly

This would never happen earth would spin around it until its slowly broke into a ring of dust

Thank god Musky got his colony going on Mars

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i think you are the one that can't understand deeper meanings user, it is ok, you are a limited mind person, people will notice and act around you accordingly

Earth would just be ejected out of its orbit. Either outwards or inwards. Probably would enter a new eliptical orbit. It's not going to enter the orbit of another fucking planet coming from interstellar space. It would just come in too fast.

whatever you say nigger

Horrifically based post

>le aspergers man

>it was luck, shit happens
The whole movie is in her head.

>The middle east and Israel the first to get hit
>For a brief instant the world knew complete peace

Why didn't Jack save us?

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yes, you would get killed by rioting niggers weeks before the earth was destroyed


it was suppressed until the day it happened and life went on as normal just like it would really happen and why. The astrophysicist guy killing himself is an exemplification of this

It's shaped like an upside down dick. Bravo, Lars.

I can't believe they thought those sticks would save them

Attached: 4185.webm (982x409, 2.66M)

It's surprisingly sturdy if you watch frame by frame. The collision is happening, the people are instantly bursting in flames, yet it's still strong. Probably floating into space by now.

That's a big satellite

>it was luck, shit happens
>doesn't realize the beans in the jar thing was just a metaphor for her deteriorating mental state

are autists incapable of understanding the kinos of Lars Von Trier? his movies are very emotional at their core, and I always see people in these kinds of threads fundamentally misunderstanding his movies all of the time. is he just too pure for the midwits here?

lets hear your interpretation

Me on the left

He understands Hitler

I read the plot of the movie. It sounds retarded

interpretation of what? it's just a movie about her being depressed but autists in here always get caught up on the orbit of Melancholia itself.

there is no "interpretation ", it is a movie about emotions and depression, autist are mentally handicaped and cannot understand such complex concepts even if those concepts are explained

>gravity isn't real
unironically true

If Melancholia were that much bigger, the Earth's orbit would be messed up and start going around the other.

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