ITT irl kino moments

ITT irl kino moments

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I don't get it


He objected to the answer of a question he asked. . . it was like something that would happen in a farce.

lawyer man asked question, the guy answers said question, lawyer man objects to the guy's answer calling it hearsay

He heard him start with "Dr kepper said-" and I guess he bugged out and hearsayed it on instinct because he thought that was leading to an answer he didn't want.
>depp and his lawyer laughing to the side

>o-objection hear-hearsay
>wait, you asked
>o-oh okay
amber's team is in shambles

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Depp and his lawyers are laughing, but even the two lawyers in the back for Heard are laughing. Dude fucked up and looked like a goon.

are mods really simping on amber that hard to delete and move threads?

Not that user but i think i get it
Watching the whole thing today, amber's lawyers were constantly throwing objections, and at this moment they would be the ones throwing objection, however they can't since they are the ones asking the question.
At this moment, only Depp's lawyers could do so.

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Remember when Moot ran shit and the community regularly overruled him if the demand was overpowering? Generals took up half of Yea Forums until he buckled and finally made /vg/ despite absolutely hating the idea of generals and never wanting to add them. Despite his personal belief, he acknowledged that people wanted generals and got over it like an adult. Meanwhile jannies are still checking in on the board once a fucking hour just to scrub /depp/ and ignore anything else up.

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He didn't like the answer and objected, why is it weird? Is the point he shouldn't have asked?

all they do is search depp
that's why this thread wasn't deleted but the other one just got deleted

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Do I look bothered? Bunch of nerds

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>2. All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.

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Look at those eyes, she's distraught

She's really leaning into the unbroken defiant Dark Hillary girlboss aesthetic, as if that is going to get anyone's sympathy right now

Defamation is directly related to his career. Continue to suck shit.

you tell me

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objection hearsay

lawyers object other lawyers

>I have to take a shit but the teacher won't let me out

Faggot ass wannabe hall monitor.

xannies working over time here

Yeesh she must be just swimming in bad emotions right now

Her tears say more than evidence ever could :(

One of the most surreal moments of synchronicity ever caught on film

Objections are objections to a lawyers line of questioning.

If you ask a question, then object when the person starts mentioning what he was told by a qualified professional, the objection is to yourself, not the person on the stand.

It's not the person on the stands job to know the law, they're supposed to answer whatever is asked of them.

god she's so hot
the more I find out about her, the sexier she becomes

shit on my chest baby, sound my cock


Holy fuck

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Amberbros i dont feel too good

>Discussing the roles and careers of actors
>"Noooo that is not discussing the roles and careers of actors!"

Janitors here are fucking retarded. Kys.

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This unironically solidified my faith.

what's this from?

He spilled his spaghetti because he's so hard-wired to keep call everything hearsay (a kind of statement given in evidence which is normally inadmissible) he accidentally did it in a response to his own question.

you can see special magic moments like that every day if you pay attention

yeah he’s a retarded low level lawyer

>I have to take a shit but this courthouse doesn’t have any beds only toilets

Chris Watts' police response bodycam.

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Did this nigga just object to himself?

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/megapint/ general when? jannies are making a rod for their own back by constantly deleting the threads. I don't understand how they can be so retarded.


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>Did you break the law?
>there're more of a set of guidelines really.

>*lawyer audibly blips out of existence*

>Y-you asked the question...
Jesus christ

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Reminder that Shitser broke an entire quintology of films for the sake of her narcissistic self serving ego. Remember the memes Yea Forums.

bitch didnt even react to the objection hearsay goof that her lawer did

>no or very slight makeup
>conservative looks
>old woman hairstyle
>muted clothing and accessory color palette
yes you look bothered


Captain heresay can't stop. He must call out heresay wherever it lies.

Why do all beautiful women have to be so evil and manipulative bros?

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>a megapint?

because they are allowed to get away with it

i dont get it

>>no or very slight makeup
>>conservative looks
>>old woman hairstyle
Why is this so hot?

Hey everybody let's act like we're posting on current Yea Forums except it's the year 2002, I'll go first!

"what do you think of these proceedings so far?"

>You were banned from all boards for 3 days: off-topic discussion
>2. All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.

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this is sad dude

Did this guy go to the same law school as Charlie Kelly?

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Johnny must've really rattled him.

I cannot stop watching this

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I knew she was crazy, but that dedication to keeping the same creepy sulk is really kinda sociopathic. What the fuck is wrong with her? Anybody?

Narcissism, BPD, being a woman.

im too lazy to watch a 20 minutes video, i know who that guy is, he murdered his wife and daughters, and what the context of the video is, but why is it ammusing to watch it? was it a setup by the cop just to read his reaction? explain.

You don't object to your witness answers... You object to the question/answer the opposing lawyer asks... In this retards case he didn't like the answer and instead of moving on to another question and interrupt the witness like rottenborn did with Johnny he objects to himself


Yea Forums wasn't around until years after 2002 newfag

I believe Amber.

How else do you explain those injuries on her face? Nobody would punch themselves in the face.

n-not like th-this ambersisters..

>he's being questioned by police regarding his missing family
>guy murdered his pregnant wife and children
>watch the tv
Jung is spooky.

god I love resting bitch faces
she is a solid 9

crazy women are always the hot ones. This happend in my life aswell, but can't stop getting horny by them they are too hot

People literally cut themselves.

neither the cop or Chris had seen what was on the tv. The boomer neighbor brought them both over to show them the footage he'd recorded with cctv that happened to show chris stuffing a bunch of stuff in his truck (bodies) in the early AM. The comercials were playing just before the neighbor booted up his cctv software to show them

you forgot the part where he put his daughter bodies inside an oil barrel while there is a baby soaking in petrol on the ad

To be honest I do too but I still hate her and want Johnny to sue her

>mfw have to poo

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Guy kills his pregnant wife and 2 young daughters and hides them in oil barrels at his work site, the guy when the incident was reported goes with cop to view cctv recording of his neighbors cam, when the neighbor turns on the tv an pollution ad plays with an embryo drowning in an oil pool

Autist here, I punch myself all the time.

>god used his infinite power to play tv commercials to poke fun at some murdered kids

Holy fuck. As a lawyer I made some mistakes when I was first starting out but this is egregiously retarded. Did the bedshitting whore hire him from the Law Firm of Moe, Larry, and Curly?

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dumb newfag

Newfag and retard detected. The entire reason why this case is happening is because of its effect of depps career.

So did Amber

ok so his neighbour set him up and Chris thougtht he had commited te perfect crime but it was all on camera, thats why hes acting so autistic biting his lips... is that pregnancy add relevant at all or just something random?

>Do I look bothered?

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is it possible that scott peterson was inspired by this commercial or that God just fucked with him?

yes he’s god of course he has a based sense of humor

>Records phone conversations, records videos, provokes and attacks him for years
>Literally has zero evidence of him attacking her despite all this
>Resorts to attacking herself

The fact she so often says "take it to the jury, see what they say" proves that she is fucking mentally insane and would absolutely hurt her own self since he wouldn't do it. Today's evidence proved she's obsessed with her public image and she got so mad when her domestic abuse claims backfired that she kept trying to find other ways to manipulate him.

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She’s a dyke. She is insane.

The scenes on the advert directly correlate to the crime, in an extremely spooky fashion.

Holy shit. This is becoming more and more like the trial of Tim Heidecker.
Im gonna watch some of those youtuber lawyer channels for once just to see their reactions to this. This is absurd.

the ads just by coincidence happened to be exactly related to the crime lol



Why'd she do it bros? I can't imagine this coming out of such a beautiful woman....

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he was the only one that took the job

>to poke fun
Do you not see Watts' facial expression?

Which is inadmissible if it is offered as proof of a fact*

She didn't. It was make-up. There were pictures of her walking to report Johnny Depp somewhere, sulky and bruised, as she walked there with a friend. Then, when they walked out, Amber's face was mysteriously clear, and she and her friend were laughing. Plus, she's kind of got a reputation for being a loony with this shit.

This directly relates to their careers. The trannitors are legitimately retarded and so are you. YWNBAW.


insane, early age abuse and lesbianism

No. You raise an objection to the judge when you believe a legal rule has been broken. Witnesses can break them too.

that neighbor knew that scott was no good. look at his eyes. he knew there was something up.

>look at his eyes
or perhaps listen to when he directly tells the police the guy was acting really fucking weird and something was up

Why is there a pipe going into her head? Did they forget to recharge her overnight?

Make up or rough sex with musk. How do explain they weren’t visible for days or her joking with her sister about fake punches on cctv?

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She should've told her parents to fuck off and married Johnny, they're both fuck ups anyways.


What crackes me up is the look at the other lady lawyer sitting with Amber... she gaves him the look of "this is it, Megapint was your last strike..."

it's the

kek are these three separate screenshots of exactly the same moment?

I couldn't here this clearly can someone tell what did the lawyer ask ? Cause damage to Mr ... ?while you....?


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Why are courtrooms so inherently kino?

him comforting kyle as he breaks down when the verdict was read was also quite kino

>she will never step on you, let you worship her feet, sit on your face or peg you
why even live bros?

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These two were so kino

>TV shows fetus reminding Chris of his daughters and that his wife was pregnant
>Next ad is of a body dissolving in oil