Holy shit, it's not even hitting $100million at the box office at this point. This franchise is dead...

Holy shit, it's not even hitting $100million at the box office at this point. This franchise is dead. Where the fuck do they go from here?

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>take big franchise
>add unwelcome political propaganda in it

Fantastic Flops


The entire Harry Potter series is political propaganda, chud. Especially from Order of the Phoenix onwards.

it's at 280 million right now

still earning more than The Northman

Why didnt they just nake it about dumbledore being a fag in the first place? Why even call it fantastic beasts? Are there even any "fantastic beasts" anymore? Does that no personality limey dude who is supposed to be the nain character even do anything?

It's not even that. Harry Potter has Star Wars lore-wasting syndrome where there's basically limitless cool stories you could tell, but they fixate on the shit we've seen a thousand times. In Star Wars, it's the Jedi. In Gary Squatter it's shit like hogwarts.

They'll just keep making them, stopping would be true failure.

>kick the best actor who gave excellent performance in previous
>people dont give a shit now

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>global box office
Domestic box office matters most, and it's a fucking disaster. There's no way they make a 4th or 5th film at this point. They need to bush that hack Yates and adapt the books into an HBO series.

The original series was a hit because it was a magic school with cute uniforms and cool classes. Turns out pew pew laser beam wand battles and le Magic Hitler can't carry a franchise on their own

>In Gary Squatter it's shit like hogwarts
If the Fantastic Beasts series has proven anything, it's that nobody gives a shit about Harry Potter outside of Hogwarts. I would even say that the whole boarding school angle of the books is what drew people in more than anything.


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You fucking nigger the first movie was good

Ironically the Harry Potter series probably has more actual capes than capeshit movies

The franchise was shit and inconsistent
Making it something more than a kiddie and teen saga was their biggest mistake
After that It's obviously the fact that they made it political


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Fantastic beasts is dogshit even compared to the original Harry Potter movies

It's over...

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I'm so fucking sick of these 3rd and 4th tier sub-franchises. Every line of dialogue is written with epic-brain. It has to have some DEEP and MEANINGFUL scene where some actor says some platitude like "differences can't make someone a monster..." to a cgi boogieman. Its always 2 and a half hours long. Let these shit movies and half baked pseudoseries fucking DIE ALREADY YES I MAD.

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Fantastic Beats feels like they wanted to make cape shit out of the magical feel that the original Harry Potter movies had. I don't know how better to explain it.

C'mon man the mandalorian and boba fett focused on mandalorians, who became a religious sect which never takes their helmet off and abide by a bizarre jedi like code. Also beskarr (formerly durasteel) is now equal to lightsabers.
So instead of jedi we have religious zealots who are pretty much untouchable except when fighting other bountyhunters and jedi. But like, mandalorians don't have telekinesis so they are totally different.

Are people ACTUALLY watching this? The first was so shit it should have ended the series there.

it's failing because of the opposite reason, rowlings got canceled


oh and:

It's funny because no normal person would give a shot about that drama, but Tumblr trannies make up the entirety of the hardcore Harry potter fanbase

>The entire Harry Potter series

is an absolute expositional shitshow.

'oh this is ..
'that's a..
'with this I..
'you can use..
'he got a..

Seriously. 50% of the fucking dialogue and over-done fx is only there to reference some obscure bullshit in the stories.

Not to mention Disney not wanting to pay the EU authors for their world building.

Mandalorian became fixated on jedi shit again as soon as they introduced baby yeed.

> yo so what if we walked away from harry potter and focused on this other likeable idiot who basically plays pokemon with mystical creatures but then immediatly jam him into a story about the past before harry potter comes into play and make him do nothing with his mystical creature catching powers until we remember he has them all of a sudden? wouldnt it be great to backseat him for like the majority of the films?

studios are greedy and retarded, its a vile blend

>pew pew laser beam wand battles
seriously, how do you fuck this up?
Is there not a single person on the team with a little imagination? Even in HP that one duel between dumbledore and voldemort you had voldemort conjure a fucking fire snake and dumbledore waterbending.

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A lot of people went out of their way to boycott the film due to the treatment of Johnny Depp.


It's unironically the best one in the series. That's not saying much because it's basically been a trainwreck, though. It'd lile Disney Wars all over again.

The duels were the worst interpretations the films had. The books made them seem so cool but in the movies they just stand 10ft away from eachother and make fencing motions with trash cgi fireworks going off like asian MMO combat. disgusting

One of the most glaring problems with this series is that it's always worried about where it wants to go and not caring about where it is.

I would still go see 4 and 5 if they make them.

I saw that movie and it was mediocre as shit.

They don't need to go anywhere. Let it die.


Jk rowling should kill herself

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how much sway do the studios even have with HP? i assume JK has a lot of say which is why she's still able to write the screenplays for these despite how bad at it she is. this doesn't feel like studio meddling, it feels like a lack of it.

Was a cool casting choice and had a good look. Then they replaced him with Mads looking and playing every other character he’s played.

>Jk rowling should kill herself
You will never be a woman you ugly loser freak.

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You will never be a valuable member of society


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It's not about Fantastic Beasts anymore, it's about Dumbledore. I know it's part of the series or whatever and they still have Scamander but this branding is fucking retarded and must be losing them money on its own

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This doesn't work when you can hear his manly voice

And user wasn't talking about goodness but about marketability, you emotional fag

>You will never be a valuable member of society

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I’d be really interested to know what was going on behind the scenes because you’re right, it makes no sense how Newt became a side character in what was sold as his franchise. Redmaynes performance of him as a hunched over mumbling sperg does not help at all either

>Jk rowling should kill herself

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as much as i enjoyed watching Law do his Dumbledore impression it just takes away from Newt who should be the heart of the series yet he feels like a side character

the only thing i can think of is a desire to keep Dumbledore mysterious, having him as the central character would take away from that.

It's a Bri ish film

I'm glad that autist is being sidelined desu.

oh wow thats a new one. nice

I don't care either way just drop the prefix and call it Secrets of Dumbledore.
No one cares about his gay love story anyways but at least it's accurate and succinct that way instead of shit on a poster

Trans rights are human rights.

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i enjoy his character. the second movie has the scene with the giant lion thing and the two square off and you except some big dumb CGI filled action scene, he winds up disarming the creature with a cat toy. very charming, good example of subverting expectations. having someone like that save the day would be interesting but it's impossible because Dumbledork has to fight Grindlecunt and win and we all know it happens so literally nothing in these movies has any kind of weight or suspense to them.

Harry Potter is like Star Wars where people pretend there's so many stories to tell, but there really isn't and no one really cares. Their deep lores and world's were meant to be background to the stories they told, not to expand forever.

Neither passes.

The movies are pretty timeless and all hold up exceptionally well. There's no need to reboot with a series so soon that can wait another 10-20 years

did Zendaya dump the Spiderman guy? who's this guy in the picture with her, is that her new boyfriend?

Hogwarts is the Harry Potter franchise, tho.
Sure, you could make a film set in the Harry Potter universe, but it's set in Australia or Taiwan or something, and Harry, Dumbledore, Voldemort, etc don't play a role or get mentioned. But you could also just create a completely unrelated franchise altogether

I love when they throw gay wizard's black girlfriend out of the airplane at 20k feet.

>passing ladyboy doesn't give a shit about western brainrot and proudly says that he's a guy
western trannoids on suicide watch.

Looks like an upgrade.

Yates isn't the problem here, it's Rowling. she's an awful screenwriter yet insists on writing the films herself instead of letting someone who knows what the hell they're doing have a crack at it. but also yes, this whole Grindewald thing should be a TV series instead of movies.

Rowling could be the worst screenwriter in the world, Yates still fucking sucks.