Were they fucking serious?

Were they fucking serious?

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Snyder won


Yes, and that's the problem. Reeves is a clown

something in the way hmmmm

>Were they fucking serious?
I'm pretty sure they intended it to be laughed at, like his engine stalling. He's brand new to being batman. It's still a horrible movie but to answer your question, no they were not being serious. You were supposed to laugh.

i love this snyder cuck meme. thats literally the whole runtime of that shot and it's got other shots peppered in as well. cowards.

The action scenes in this movie were just subpar for all the hype people were trying to give it from the trailers. Like the final act felt like some video game shit or something.

this. The Hindus are running out of ammo, now that it's been confirmed The Batman's HBO Max opening completely obliterated ZSJL.

he never lost in the first place

JJ Abrams wokeness
Rian Johnsons subversive ideals
This movie is pure corporate inauthenticity. A genre far more destructive than "reddit: the movie"

>he never lost in the first pl-

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Nothing about that scene was intended to be funny until he crashes. It was just Reeves trying something different from Nolan’s gliding scenes and it just looked like dogshit.

This was one of the coolest parts of the movie. Seethe, chudcucks.

I have no dog in this fight. Snyder sucks ass, but they decided to include woke bullshit in The Batman. So I don't care about either.

>an overpass
That's going in the ol' funny folder. It's also the only part I didn't like.

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>abloobloo catwoman made fun of my pale skin and pampered people

yes and it was kino

>woke bullshit
some kike nigger hybrid whining about white people isn't woke bull shit - it's just reality. you sound fragile to me but the movie isnt that good to convince you otherwise anyway. just stop letting Yea Forums warp your mind

Sure, bud.

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you sound so PC crying about wokeness
>nooOOOO you must be like how I want nOO!!!

>isn't woke
nta, but do you know what you are saying?

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not that user either but you’re a dumb chud lol

they were both dogshit

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this scene was great. fucking memeing contrarians need to stop seething.

I'm going to tell your mother you're on Yea Forums

omg lol!

>I love batman so much I would put up with niggers and jewish messages

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lmao Hansdeep Nigelwong you’re not even European. You’re literally the least wanted race even after Africans and Jews. Even your ancestors in China don’t want you lol

>a nigger said a bunch of crimelord political elite white guys might've deserved to die
you're weak and fragile if you let some hot negress dominate you with a couple words. certainly not strong enough to be white, a race where that is, by everyone's own accord, dominate.

you sound EXACTLY like a turbo libshit. grow some testicles. imagine if batman acted like you right there, he'd look like a faggot instead of a stoic man in total control

>i've been programmed by pol

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post the whole scene you fucking coward

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>Batman has the power of providing minor pain relief to serious injury
That doesnt seem canon

This scene was unironically very good. From the moment Batman wakes up with the cops hounding him about to unmask him to that part where he hits the bus.

I know that out of context webms are a good way to shitpost, but there's no need to use them when this movie has actually laughable retarded scenes such as the Batman VS Riddler interrogation in Arkham, the Joker and Riddler laughing together, the flood shit, etc.

Do a webm of the retarded part where the Riddler gets carried away by the police and then the camera pans down into the coffee cup with a fucking question mark on it. Now THAT'S deserving of mockery.

Like it or not but what she said would benefit you but you decided to cry about >white = bad meme

Batman should have slapped the bitch. He didn't, movie sucks. And you need to go back to r*ddit faggot

The scene is good, but batman using a wingsuit parachute looks and feels way more retarded than any of those examples you mentioned, they're taking muh realism way too seriously. What's next, a superman movie where he uses a jetpack to fly?

He's a cleric, so it makes sense that he has healing touch.

Exactly. I actually just came from the theater and I dont even remember any face shots during this scene.

>brand new to being Batman
I wouldn't call someone with 2 years of experience "brand new"

Batman was never meant to have super powers, though. He was always about tools.

I though you would be talking about head butting steel beam at 100 mph.

Coping nigger

Based. To anyone whining about all bad guys being white - Gotham is mostly white and the mob are italians. What the fuck did you expect?

turd star

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>facts are wrong

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>Batman VS Riddler interrogation
That's a good scene though. You should have said "smashing into the bridge" instead.

and he already has a tool, his cape

Nigger lover, shouldn't you sucking nigger cocks?

>Batman didn’t glide with his cape once
Nolan was the only one who got it right for live action.

No, it's a really stupid scene. Dumb fakeout.

you expected him to glide through the city using his cape?

Just watched it.
Started out good but then went downhill around the middle and got boring by the end.

Nice try. If Gotham is mostly white the good people should mostly be white too. Should be a white mayor-elect, white Gordon, white catwoman, white doctor, white good joker.


everyone that replied before me is a fag. check em.

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Really cool fakeout. The only slightly cringe thing is that one scream Riddler does.

why did he inject himself with bane juice at the end?

Chuds were too strong for him

Haven't seen the movie.
Is the Riddler supposed to a white supremacist or something like that?

i liked that the score was inspired by the original animated series and not some generic zimmer shit

What part of "the mob are italians" wasn't clear to you? You wanted some black italians there?
The race swaps are dumb in general, however, the actors they got are really good and there were no cringe lines about how they are black. So I'm not gonna seethe about it.
But yeah, major should have been white. OR the major that got killed should have been black.

No. He is an abused orphan abandoned for the theft of a social fund.

Dishonest faggots acting like the catwoman line was the only "woke" or anti white shit in the movie. Did you miss the bit in the beginning where the skin heads with their faces painted try to get the one black kid to play the knockout game on an Asian man? Completely reversing reality since it's black people who started the knockout game and are responsible for the majority of attacks against Asians.

not in the slightest

the less of these you have, the more one is worth

Pretty sure thats a joker gang. And they literally had hispanics and a black guy in there.


he never lost in the first place

the original animated series being on at the same time Nirvana was still a band isn't really "inspired by"

>more free gibs from whitey than anyone in history isn't being pampered!
>we wuz oppressed
>hundreds of years ago

No. He wanted to clean the city from corruption.

Look you just don't understand

Blacks do shit like the knockout game due to systemic racism. Who controls the system? The Jews. Jews are White and therefore Whites are responsible.

Just think of it as God being the root of all issues because he created everything

Score is fucking amazing, probably the best live action Batman score so far.

they're called the train gang and are supposedly inspired by the neon gang in batman forever

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wasn't the catwoman always a militant feminist bitch? she's a fashion designer/jewel thief with toxoplasmosis out the wazoo who's attracted to batman's eccentricity. dude's a crazy bitch magnet.

So did Hitler

Both based.

>People dislike the batglide scene
>People dislike the batmobile chase

I thought both were kino.

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It's a subtle joke

Batmobile intro was one of the kinoest scenes ever. That sound was cool as fuck, best batmobile.
The glide scene is okay but should not have ended like it did.

yeah that shit was token af.


>he didn't like the chase scene

Words can’t describe how much this contrasted the rest of the movie, nay, this scene! They go so far to do the most realistic Batman wing suit to date only to do something Batman ‘97 tier.

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His daughter killed herself. What a victory!

>This scene was unironically very good.
Go-Pro for no reason at all was stupid. Go-Pro always break immersion because the audience can see the camera exists.

The batglide scene was incredible, I loved it.

The chase scene was too much style over substances. The over-use of rain and inside-car-shots made telling what the fuck was happening nearly impossible behind the basic gist of "Batman is chasing Penguin"