I'm named after my great-grandmother, she was my role model! and you?

>I'm named after my great-grandmother, she was my role model! and you?
>m-me? im named after a dragon hitler psycho bitch queen from the game of thrones
>the what? is that a board game?

Why would anyone do this to their own flesh and blood?

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How many boys were named luke just so the dad can pull the meme line on their sons?

at least luke is a normal name

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kek, my wife wanted to do this shit
i'm glad i beat some sense in to her

Why? Fucking why? It's not a name, it's a title.
It's like being a fan of Queen Victoria and naming your daughter Queen.
I wonder what kind of stupid fucking retard actually did it. Were they even aware that the character was named Daeneris? How many of them possessed an internal monologue?

What would (You) name a kid?

shhhh! baby Khaleesi is sleeping

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i would literally rape and murder my wife if she wanted to name our child after some popular culture thing.

It's the same as open a book with names and choose one that you think it's pretty

Shit like this is why countries where you have to get the name approved are based

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My adopted cats were named Loki and Khaleesi by their previous owner.
I do not use those names.

Like my favorite vidya character, of course.

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I met a guy named Anakin at a frat party, he actually really liked his name

What a hideous artstyle.

>No, I am your father
That works for any name. Girls, too.

My dad named me Kyle after Kyle from terminator 1...

Hitler was good.

But King is a name.

in my country it's legally impossible to give your child a stupid name, any name that's sounds weird gets sent to a language committee that decides whether it's acceptable or not
they for example rejected "Castiel" when the parents claimed it's a biblical name of an archangel; they recognised it's from Supernatural, and said that if parents want to name a kid after an archangel they are free to choose Michael, Gabriel or Raphael

Do europeans really have councils that decide what you can name your baby?

My first name is Virgil.

Impossible to know since Luke has been a common Christian name for 2000 years, and he also wrote the best gospel

You can't rape your wife, dumbass.

I'm naming my baby Sneed


>want to name my child after my grandfather Walter
>"no, that's a name from a tv show, name your child Muhammad"

That's extra retarded. What's the difference between one fictional angel's name and the other? They should've kept going until they accepted one

so khute :)
shhhh everyone :o

*nods respectfully towards you*

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>Why would anyone do this to their own flesh and blood?
Sansa is a shit name, but it's still better than Braelynne or other zoomer cracker names like that.

Sandor is a pretty good name though.

I've got a cousin named leia lol

>tfw cousin and i both have Star Wars inspired names
Luke is at least a normal name, but mine was almost really stupid.

Anakin or Obi Wan?

Bitchface Malone III

Only a few of them are probably retarded white people, with the rest being black women coming up with the name at random.

Leia. Instead I'm just Leah which is a perfectly passable white girl name.



And also better than all nigger names, zoomer or otherwise

Angels are real. My nail stylist told me.

that's based, no more Shaniquas

Bran is literally short for Brandon at least. Theon could be played off as a bastardization of Theo.
I feel bad for the kids named Dany. I feel worse for the ones named Khaleesi because their mom's were room temp IQ retards who thought that was her name.

you will never be a real women



>The infinite black women theorem states that a black woman naming babies at random for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any name ever used in fantasy literature

>not Kelly C

Good one m'sir *tips*

>named my daughter after a video game character
>you'd never realize it because it a regular, if not fairly uncommon, name

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>gets sent to a language committee that decides
yuropoors are subhuman

That’s horrifying and infuriating. That’s normal to you? You accept that? You approve? Jesus. I’ve banged 12 black women.

>you can't name them after tv show, but you can name them after jewish fairytales

My girlfriend is called Leah, my dad makes the Leia joke every time.

I've got a cousin's cousin named Anakin

*tips fedora*
*names son Thor*


based gungrave appreciator


Imagine how many poor unfortunate souls will get named Ranni, Melina, etc.

>4 babies
Fuck off, there's loads of people called Brandon.


>Enough, The Batman! No talking back

There are modern names based off titles like duke, baron, earl comes from Jarl.

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I have a mentally retarded cousin named Kal-El

people legally named bran =/= people legally named brandon


