Wondering here

If you're worth multiple millions, and then get to deal with this absolute drag of a situation. Would it not be just better to let it be. Be defamed, whatever, retreat with your insane wealth and retire.. Fuck what people believe, money still opens all doors.

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All anyone has is their name and reputation. Johnny deserves revenge.

maybe.. but it's so tiring. He can't get much out of this anymore.
also what's the point of rehab if you're like 60

Depp has nothing left to lose while Heard as everything, he doesn't give a fuck and is taking this bitch down with him. Even if he loses he's still wins because now everyone knows she took a big ol' grumpy in Johnny's bed.

What money? He is used to a fairly expensive lifestyle, and that's ignoring the impending medical bills when his drug use and drinking catches up to him. How is he going to pay for any of this shit if he can't work? All that aside, what if he WANTS to keep working? For him to have any hope of getting off of Hollywood's shit list he has to publicly clear his name. This is how he does it. Also, that cunt deserves so much worse.

It’s about sending a message


>Thinks 60 is old
Zoom zoom

>and that's ignoring the impending medical bills

A list actors get the greatest healthcare on the planet. Only presidents and billionaires get better. He only has to worry about ODing.

Most of these people are extroverts addicted to fame and the social attention/interaction it brings. They can't do it.

Stfu. His reputation is everything. It's called not being a pushover for a psycho bitch.

A celebrity allegedly pooping on a bed got more attention than a fucking war

I get caring about your name. But he's known to enjoy a megapint of red wine. You can't have both. An actor caring about his name or heritage seems preposterous to me. They're prostitutes by default.

I am kinda surprised Johnny still didn't start making his own indie art movies, with him directing and acting in it. He looks like the kind of guy that would.

>what if he WANTS to keep working
lol, that's why he never even read the Pirates 5 script.
Also he is so crazy rich, right? doens't he have a private island.. selling that has you covered for 3 lifetimes of outrageous luxury

we already got the hot ukranian refugees shipped out - who cares anymore? just a bunch of people playing paintball at this point

Exactly. Fuck the BPD.

the re-sale market on islands is in the toilet user he'd be lucky to get 100million 50% of that on tax so 50million the guy spends multiple millions a month it wouldn't last him a year

>harpy sisters....

well yeah he'd have to tone it down
you think it would be that difficult?
like downscaling from daily sushi to mac nd cheese or chinese. still quite fucking good

all the videos/audio I've heard makes Amber look like a mental case kek

really..? everything is her secretly recording johnny being a drunk/high psycho. even johnnys texts to his security and shit.

what has amber done?

the guy spends 6figures on wine a month and has done for almost 40years its not like going from sushi to mac and cheese its like going from wagu to instant noodles

His identity includes being a world famous actor. You can't just like some BPD bitch steal that from you without a fight.

To paraphrase a famous man,

"Why should I change, [she's] the one who sucks?"


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He point is him being remembered positively in the culture rather than as an abuser/rapist who was rightly cast out of the public eye.


>her secretly recording
does this not by definition invalidate her way of interacting? Like how she was just crying ''please stop pushing me against the wall''
wouldn't any lawyer worth its salt demolish that kind of evidence

what is she writing down the entire time??
all she's doing is writing and looking up occsionally

why should it? she could be genuine, she could not be, that's why people act victimized when they turn the camera on and why it's such a common tactic. how could you prove that?

it's all about what you can prove. and honestly she doesn't say much in the recordings.. she doesn't need to, it's mostly johnny. he's the one breaking shit, yelling, acting crazy, texting that he's going to kill people. so far amber has 'hit' him and maybe shit the bed. not sure where we're getting amber looking like a 'mental case'. i believe they both are nut jobs and admittedly i give more agency to men because im a misogynist

I am so scared that amber will never work again bros. I know Johnney didn't deserve to get cancelled but neither does she, they were both just very bad partners to each other. She deserves to be with someone who wants to be abused by her like me or many other men.

Don’t worry, with any hope she’ll end up as an escort and/or OF girl

Who is the cutie in the yellow?

Here’s some link highlights: youtu.be/4RtC8p6agnA

The fact you'd put up with the abuse is the reason she would never be with a loser like you. Girls like her are not like your mommy dom fetish, you're not appealing to psycho pretty girls.

depp seems like he's always acting out but in direct interaction with her he is instantaneously held back and toning it down. Because he is a decent individual

except when he threw her phone and grabbed her or w/e, i guess. i wouldnt go so far as claim him decent, it could easily be a mega shit storm if he did anything whether he wanted to or not. plus he clearly gets fucked up and rages like bam margera.

must suck to be rich. ive slapped women and grabbed a woman by the neck when they were being irate and they apologized to me, but im a basically a bum so i suppose there'd be no real incentive to put my head on a spear. bitches are crazy but im not gonna act like depp is a pure flower here. simps on both sides.

>ive slapped women and grabbed a woman by the neck
don't do that

amber is clearly practasing dark magic how the fuck does she drink 2bottles of wine a day year round and look so good how does she even function

thats like a male user drinking 8beers a day any user doing that would look like complete shit

female hands typed this

Jannies could save themselves a lot of trouble if they just stickied this

theres like 4 threads going on kek but atleast we have threads now the janny apocalypse is over it seems

>thats like a male user drinking 8beers a day any user doing that would look like complete shit
thats only 2k calories so i dont see how that makes someone shit when its below daily intake for an average male.

youd be surprised. for a couple months i was drinking glasses of whiskey before work, drinking beer on lunch, getting home and drinking glasses of whiskey until i passed out to do it again.

looked fine and had my AST levels checked and levels were good. just always slugged water and ate healthy. i felt like i was dying but my doctor told me i was healthy as shit. definitely not condoning drinking but you'd be surprised.


I shoved one of my exes and she fell back against her roommate's door, which was ajar so she ended up on the floor. But...
>she punched me in the head
>kicked me several times
>pulled out a handful of my hair as I got up from the bed
>threw a bunch of stuff at me, including a big glass vase that broke over my leg just as I pulled my jeans on, as I was getting dressed to leave
>kicked me in the back as I was going down the stairs (trying to knock me down them)
>grabbed my shirt, put her knee in my back, and pulled so hard buttons popped off
>reached around and clawed my face (that drew blood)
>[that's when I shoved her and yelled "don't fucking touch me"]
She also told me she was pregnant once and didn't tell me the truth for 3 days so I "would know what a pregnancy scare was like for a woman." She's a doctor now.

P.S. I actually still feel bad about shoving her.

>[THAT'S when I shoved her and yelled "don't fucking touch me"]
lmaaooo sorry johnny

Trust me you can never win
I've had a woman put a knife to my throat and people were angry that I slapped her away. People only saw her running away and after I said what happened people go
>You really should apologies

Fuck bitches and fence sitters

Do rich people pay medical insurance in large amounts in advance so that it's lifelong?

no you banana. people don't become actors to become rich. they become actors because they want fame and reputation

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Johnny Depp literally cant afford to do that. He sued his financial advisers a few years back because he was basically broke. Unless he wants to move out of Hollywood and change his wine-with-dinner-every-night lifestyle, he HAS to fight this in order to not be blacklisted by the industry. He's in too deep.

This. Remember MJ and that he was innocent.

With inflation anything bought has more "value" now. $25 is worth $50 now.

>Food content is reducible to only it's caloric content and nothing else

/fit/ was a mistake.

Only puritan fags like you care about that. Everyone else sees a rich actor who doesn't really give a fuck and lives however he wants. Want to take your ex bitch down with you? Even better. He has nothing to lose at this point and everything to gain.

>6 figures on wine/month
He's just like a rich version of me

I got into a fight once because I was drunk and shouting at my cheating whore of an ex at night on the streets. No touching, just shouting. Never underestimate simps.

you don't want that stain following you
especially not from a cunt that shat the bed

>he was basically broke
these mfs win literal millions in a couple months of production, and then some more. How hard is it to invest in something that will give you passive income and pay your damn taxes?!

>the guy spends 6figures on wine a month
Rich people getting scammed out here.

redhead Kirsten?

Nobody gives 2 shits as long as Putin doesn't nuke us in the west and keeps sending his troops to the grinder. Sure we get less oil but we had globohomo renewable mandates to wipe out all oil anyway so we were going to get fucked anyway. Now people won't complain as their wallets get goatse'd because it's all for a corrupt, AIDS riddled country of subhumans that a bigger, more corrupt and AIDS riddled country of subhumans wanted to reunite with.