>Rue is mad at Jules because whe she needs her the most, she just go about her life and doesn't give a fuck about her
>Jules is mad at Rue because when she actually tries to get close to her, she immediately relapse despite Jules telling her it might kill her.
Who is right?
I like both characters, but definitely Jules.
>OP is the zoomer idea of beauty
bleak future
>look mom I spammed him again
I'm right for never watching this garbage
>Spam Hunter threads every day so the board will Hate Hunter regardless of prejudice.
What's the end game here? Is it a false flag to drum up hate? A bitter Euphoria fan that wants to shove this show down everyone's throat?
Rue is an addict disaster so Jules isn’t wrong to distance. But you also can’t expect to have a relationship if you aren’t there when someone needs you.
I was thinking the same thing.
Fucking retarded troons.
jesus christ
just look at that mutt face
Why do you americucks watch this shit?
Well maybe if Jules was around all time, Rue wouldn't have to cope with Drugs amirite?
So you are telling me that Rue was angry as fuck at Jules to the point that she hated her to death and never EVER said anything transphobic to her?
Maybe, but it’s not anybody else’s fault she uses either. On the other hand I’ve been in a similar circumstance as Rue and once you cannot trust someone to be there when you need them, there’s no way to have an intimate relationship
Why would she do that?
>Rue and Jules agree to run away together
>Rue changes her mind at the last moment and abandons Jules
>this is treated as Jules' fault, like she has no life of her own and is obliged to live as Rue's 24/7 emotional crutch, meanwhile Rue has no obligation whatsoever towards Jules and can do whatever manic shit pops into her head (that Jules is obliged to follow along with)
>Rue has a loving family, she even admits her being an addict has nothing to do with her dad dying, she just kinda felt like it
Has there ever been a more useless self-centered character who's garnered more unwarranted sympathy? Fuck Rue. I'm glad Jules cheated on her, she deserved it.
>all time
that's not a healthy thing to demand
Jules was always in the wrong. She's a sociopath
>coming from the weeb
don’t say such things about my wife
>muh conspiracy theories.
why join in on the thread when u already have prejudice chuds?
maybe people want to talk about the show or it’s charecters.
Maybe it's attempting to incite a hate mob against the lady boy to drive him to suicide, thus making Euphoria a crazy sensation because the tranny killed himself.
>Multiple Hunter threads aren't spammed 24/7 you're just s conspiracy theorist!
Kill yourself retard
This, Rue is a shit-tier character whose entire personality and motivation is "dude drugs lmao." God knows why they made her the protagonist. Jules did a couple of questionable things but she's not the manipulative psycho that certain retards think she is.
based user, where is this pic from?
Kill yourself you transgender suicide risk faggot. You sad, sick elderly dude in a dress, wig, lashes, makeup, bra, and shoes.
You and your druggie faggot guy pals just use your gaming, coding and web app social skills to make kids question their whole FUCKING shit, and just game, stream, communicate with minors, and do drugs. You stream just so you could fuck a gay childs asshole. Thats literally it. Thats the whole bottom line.
Trans rights are anything but human rights, and the older you get the more ashamed of yourselves you will be. You and your groomer child molesting clique fell for the worst fad of your entire life, fidget spinners, club penguin, harry potter and all, and there is no reattaching your dick theres also no scientific evidence that an xy genome is female. 41% of you realize this annually and that number is increasing at an accellerated rate.
>you’re a conspiracy theorist
>”kill yourself retard”
i am not deny the threads or the amount of them. I am denying your retarded takes on how it has to to be a psyop for a greater purpose that is a secret
Careful Anons!! this post is so edgy i cut myself reading it.
Anyway time for ur meds
Both are complete self-destructive freaks that no one reasonable or sensible would go near with a ten-foot pole.
Boy nothings edgier than telling your parents they birthed you wrong
No estrogen meds will help you
which meds?
It's an OC edit I made, I got the pic of Jules off google images tho.
ngl i would get close to them user
nice.. well I saved it user, thanks.
Jules is worth destroying your life over desu
>God knows why they made her the protagonist
because she's literally based on Sam Levinson lolololol
truuuuee based user
do you think he fucked her irl?
Julesbros... Why do the CHUDS have to invade all our threads... I can't handle it anymore.
>Casually hangs out with her and BOTtom Holland
"Yes" . She fucks them both.
>I can't handle it anymore.
if only there were some kind of percentage-based club you could join to escape reality.
do you think these two guys have double penetrated zendaya together?
They're all Nateposters
literally looks like a dude in women's clothing here
Rue was 100% spot on when she tore Jules down and attacked her for "loving being loved". Jules is nice to people because she wants them to love her but she isn't actually invested in them as people, I've met a million girls like Jules. Rue is obviously an absolute trainwreck there isn't much to explain there, they're both just terrible for each other - Rue is an addict so she'll shower Jules with love and Jules will just go along with it because she loves the attention without taking into account just how wrapped up Rue is with her
>I've met a million girls like Jules.
but how many guys have you met like Jules?
That's 100% possible at this point kek
they linked up?
Glad you like it user. You should know, though, that I made it to illustrate how Hunter, like Joi in BR2049, is illusory, an abstraction onto which we project our desires. I fawn over her on here of course, but you and I both know that the "real" Hunter is a scrawny man neutered by pharmaceuticals. He's an idiot. His opinions are stupid and unconsidered. We have ample proof of this.
I don't care about that anymore though. In defiling his body with Supprelin and Estradiol, by the use of makeup and photoshop and clever camerawork, he's become intensely beautiful to us, a sacrificial virgin for the postmodern era. I know this and accept it because I've come to realize that, like any other perfect thing, the Hunter we love was only ever a fantasy.
I know, it is a dude in women's clothing, but they're usually careful to film or photograph hunter from angles where he at least looks feminine.
You should make the one where it shows all of JOI's characteristics like hair, race, eye color etc
Jules might be annoying, but Rue is infuriating. Even Fez is mad at her sometimes, fucking shit up.
Science denying chuds are retards
unironically what did she do wrong?
she was kinda a dick in that episode she's getting wasted and doesn't give a fuck about Rue during the party
she just takes and doesn't give
Look up social vampires
This thread is ultra-gay.
if you assume that Jules is a social vampire for Rue, then what makes Rue for Fez then?
a drug addict and a drug dealer ?