Snyder fags take yet another L

Snyder fags take yet another L

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i like both :/

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A brand new movie beat a Director's Cut of a movie everybody had already seen?


>brand new movie
LMFAO holy cope

Attached: cinema vs vydia.webm (860x720, 2.97M)

DC and Wb takes an L from Marvel lmao.

Well one is a movie for women

no cap?

Snyder was the last one to give us White Superman.

WB is having Zod abort the White Superman and permanently replacing him with a black Superman written by Coates.

Not to mention The Batman was Anti-White propaganda where every white character was evil.

But enjoy your Woke Whiteless DC, Reddit.

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Why are they still so salty lmao

>le blue filter
snyderjeets are pathetic

>The Batman bombed and got dumped on HBO Max

Rajesh, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

sneeder trannies btfo lol lmao

>as now it is learned it got absolutely destroyed
>as now it is learned
>it got absolutely destroyed

Who the fuck wrote this?

Matt McGroin

>of a movie everybody had already seen

Nobody bothered to see that movie



>fag is upset by one throwaway line that was meant to make people upset

>capeshit movie over three hours long
Who actually enjoys this? Most movies shouldn't be over two hours long.

Don't be fooled into thinking a streaming view has to be a full viewing. All streaming sites work the same way netflix does. Even a 30 second view counts as an official view. Samba tv doesn't have access to streaming numbers because streaming networks don't reveal those analytics.

Snyderfags take all kinds of Ls

Attached: darkseid-forgot.jpg (1822x1086, 272.99K)

Both are terrible, deal with it

>A newly released critically acclaimed film is doing better than the 4 hour rerelease of a universally panned film from 4 years ago
The only reason this is news is because ZSJL absolutely BTFO of so many journalists/critics when it released in the first place.

>Director's Cut of a movie everybody had already seen
Oooh, so now Snyderfags finally admit this. Your tune sure was different when you kept saying IT WAS A WHOLE NEW MOVIE!!!!!!!!

You know, these are the kind of holes that break entire movies. SpiderMan NWH was the same, stupid shit that completely collapses on itself.

It's why I liked The Batman. Yes, there's stuff to nitpick and question, but nothing even comes close to the laziness that is "Darkseid forgot bro just relax man"

>Why didn't Falcone buy the media too?
>He just forgot bro

The Batman really had the dullest batmobile yet

The Reeves chase scene went on way too fucking long but god if that isn't some /carkino/
It's embarrassing that anyone defends the bottom.

Buy the media, really?

It is an entirely different film.
But that doesn't change that from first glance your astroturfing made people believe that it was a film they'd already seen

stupid post. Leftists own everything, but there are still some sane journalists out there.

>your astroturfing
holy cope. Dilate, tranny

>it hasn't been a good couple of weeks for a one year old director's cut of a movie that's five years old
should The Batman be compared to the first Iron Man movie? maybe we should compare it to Superman 4. why contain ourselves to superhero films, how did Snyder's Justice League do compared to Die Hard? utterly bizarre behavior. are WB execs still paying for this or are the journos just seething WB wouldn't listen to them instead of fans?

>t. Rajesh seething

the Snyder movies sucked but that doesn't make this behavior any more pathetic, from the journo and from you

I can't be the only one who thinks both Snyder and Reeves suck at making Batman and DC, right?
I even think Nolan is fucking overrated. And Reeves is just reheated leftovers of Nolan. I like Nolan as a deconstruction of Batman. For a pure Batman film, it sucks.

Attached: Christopher_nolan_TDarkKnight.jpg (1450x967, 267.65K)

You sir are SEETHING

>Bellflower but cgi capeshit

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Reeves is an interesting director. there's more visual flair in The Batman than all of Nolan's films. i can only think of a handful of shots that are really interesting from Nolan. the greatest strength of those films - the realism, they look like they could be happening in any city in the US - is also the greatest weakness because of frankly how boring they are to look at when there isn't an explosion happening. meanwhile The Batman alone has a lot more going for it. the nightclub scene with Batman punching his way into the club while the lights are going off is one of the most memorable scenes to me just because of how exciting it was visually. the use of shadows, you get this bold use of the color red, all great stuff. meanwhile it feels like Nolan was shooting a documentary. on the other hand, at least Nolan was capable of actually shooting things instead of just having entire segments done by a Chinese CGI farm, which is both the great weakness of Marvel's films and Snyder's take on DC.

i think also the things people complain about Batman's character in TB (he sucks, he's stupid, he doesn't help people, etc.) shows how much Reeves understands the character. because the entire point of the movie is that even Batman knows he's not doing enough, something is missing. he's just a vigilante taking his anger out on thugs, but he's not actually doing anything to help people. Batman can't save Gotham by himself. the citizens need to take part as well.

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>claiming that Snyderchads are the trannies
Your dishonesty will not work. Your seething is sad. Perhaps one day in the future you will join us in the sun

Pajeet, you've embarrassed yourself enough.

being a snyderfag is suffering

>first it was trannies
>now it's pajeets
This is awkward... Why don't you tell us what's really on your mind?

Good morning sir

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>samba tv

Aka my dad works at Nintendo the "service".

>>one throwaway line
kys dishonest faggot bet youre not even white and if so youre an even bigger cuck

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Keep spamming that image in every snyder thread you fucking loser lmao
>inb4 pajeet
Guarantee I'm whiter than you faggot


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>every white character was evil
Except for, y'know, the main character.
Show me examples of it being anti-white aside from that one line.

Forgive him Snyder for he knows not how cringe he is

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imagine the smell

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notice how he doesn't talk about the actual story beyond the government hates superman and the people love him

this guy is very likely full of shit, and if you believe the ultra humanite crap, god bless you

lol this nigga BOILIN

>pics you can smell

>>every white character was evil
who the fuck are you quoting? I never said that retard.
>Show me examples of it being anti-white aside from that one line.
How about the beginning of the movie where that gang with the face paint is trying to get the one black kid (they made sure you know he's black since he's the only one with his face not fully painted) to play the knockout game on an Asian man which perpetuates the stop Asian hate narrative even though in reality its blacks who started the knockout game and who commit the most violence against Asians.

you've seen nothing yet

You're not even white.

>Reeves is an interesting director. there's more visual flair in The Batman than all of Nolan's films
Which makes it all the more frustrating that he just did a "realistic" Batman akin to Nolan.
A Batman film with visual flair without this "realism" fetish could be amazing. It doesn't need to be goofy camp like the Shumacher films did badly or the 60s show did great. Even Burton's film had a dark noirish camp.
I don't get these idiots who think Batman needs to be "realistic". Even Snyder's visual style was better than Reeves, even if his illiterate takes on the characters were idiotic.

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I will always love Batfleck. Is the best Bruce Wayne.

I feel bad for R Pats. I would love to see him do a colorful 70s adventure blue suit Batman with a straight face.

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>Even Snyder's visual style was better than Reeves

Fuck realism. I want a gothic horror supernatural Man-Bat movie.

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>that he just did a "realistic" Batman akin to Nolan
i'm not sure how you can look at Batman getting shot 50 times and never bleeding or Batman paragliding from a 50 story tower and hitting a bus at crazy speeds without breaking his back/neck/ilimbs or Penguin stopping an 18-wheeler by breaking in his little 4-door as "realistic". restrained, maybe, but that's more the time period. Batman isn't fighting Mr. Freeze or Poison Ivy or immortal super ninjas yet. i can absolutely see those things existing in this world if they're handled properly, it's just that we're not there yet. if this version of Batman tried to fight Bane he'd get killed. he's just not ready.
>Even Snyder's visual style was better than Reeves
objectively incorrect

Hmm. You know what? They both kinda suck and are overrated.
I think -in theory- Snyder's Batman is visually better. Sadly in execution he doesn't really have anything interesting to say with those visuals.

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you have that moment sure but that moment isn't VISUALLY better, it's just the practicality of Batman's fighting style. the majority of the movies are still the grey/brown muddy mess without any real use of color/color theory, 90% CGI, there's nothing bold because Snyder has nothing to say visually.

You're right, I just witnessed kino.
Ost that can't be matched.
Batman putting his life down for the world.
Patbat putting the lives of innocent gotham bystanders for some incel chud.

>court of owls

Fuck the Joker.

allegedly Court of Owls are being considered for a sequel. i think with the Riddler's focus on the Wayne and Arkham families it would fit. i would really love a good supernatural story though, i love seeing Batman contend with mystical forces.

> "realistic"
Hence the quotes. It's pseudo-realism. I accuse the Nolan films of this same nonsense. Though I think I can give more credit to Nolan. That pseudo-realism played into his take on Batman as a deconstructionist treatise on superheroes and heroism in film.
>the time period
What time period? The 90s? 90s grunge Batman? I read Batman comics in the 90s. It wasn't like that. In the 90s you had a continuation of the 80s and even 70s Batman. You still had O'Neil as editor keeping things somewhat along the same continuity.

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Top: barely coherent shades of brown
Bottom: crystal clear excess crossing the line into retardation

Nothing actually interesting happens in either clip. I give both of them a D-

>What time period?
Year Two Batman. the entire point of the film is that he's still not really Batman yet. he's just an angry rich kid playing dress up and taking out his trauma on random thugs. he's not ready to deal with supervillains on the scale of what you're asking.

I hate both of them.

Kek, I'm whiter than you Rajesh

>>court of owls
Meh. That's about when I gave up on DC. I enjoyed the original Court of Owls, but I never read later issues. I gave up on the New52 reboot. I also hated face-off Joker. It wasn't originally in Scott Snyder's run, but he ended up running with it in later issues. I checked out of DC and Batman comics at that point.
I ended up collecting, digitally and physically, older Batman books from the 90s and before.
I see things got even fucking worse with Tom King taking over the main Batman book. Blech.

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i dislike new 52 as well and was never into Court of Owls as presented in the comics but i would be interested to see Reeves incorporate it into his version of Gotham. the idea of Batman contending with an Illuminati type group could be interesting, but it might be too close to the concept of Falcone owning the government/police already.

>who the fuck are you quoting? I never said that retard
Look at the post I replied to in the first place, retard
>How about the beginning of the movie where that gang with the face paint is trying to get the one black kid (they made sure you know he's black since he's the only one with his face not fully painted) to play the knockout game on an Asian man which perpetuates the stop Asian hate narrative even though in reality its blacks who started the knockout game and who commit the most violence against Asians.
You're reading too much into a scene where Batman just saves someone and displays how threatening he is.

I love the idea of the bat-man. It would be awesome with Reeves' art direction and PRACTICAL special effects. The creature could come out of the wreckage made by Classic Dano.

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>Year Two
>no Reaper
>not Leslie Thompkins
I know you mean the time period, but this has nothing to do with Year Two or even the period in the comics.
Waners and Reeves just wanted to avoid doing Batman Begins again. So they pretty much did Batman Year 1.5.

Attached: Detective_Comics_575_17_Year_Two_part_one.jpg (1000x1550, 317.04K)

I'm literally 100% white dipshit keep grasping at straws
Snyder has been making white mans kino since 300

Plus Year Two Batman was already wearing blue. Gordon was already Commissioner after the fallout of corruption charges in Year One.
And where the fuck was the giant McFarlane cape?
Instead we just get slightly modified Batman Begins. Almost looks like Reeves just took rejected concept art from Begins or the rejected Aronofsky/Miller Year One script.

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