>but you have heard of me
What did he do to be this famous?
But you have heard of me
Other urls found in this thread:
I just wanna know if there's any official backstory. If he was a notably bad pirate why is he so successful?
He used to captain the Black Pearl before he got mutinied.
Other guy was saying hes the worst pirate he ever heard of (probably because of that).
S'alright naw massa janitor, we gon' do wat ya say naw
Yes, that is correct
A got screwed by some bitch and so he took to the high seas never to return.
just post some twitter screencap for the OP to ensure the thread wont get deleted
So what you're saying is he wasn't a good pirate but happened to have a great ship.
Did I read that correctly?
Davy Jones said exactly that
Twitter screencaps aren't on topic. I'd expect a thread like that would be deleted.
He was the carrier of the world famous megapint
The Pirates movies are really kino.
When I watched the most recent one, I noticed Depp's character and the other guy argue a lot more than usual. Which character provides the better arguments?
these threads are OK btw
/pol/ is lame, they can't meme for shit, no thanks.
thread about moviebob's twitter post has been up all day while depp threads are getting btfo
Once Will tried to bring up what other privateers who'd never met him were saying about him his argument fell apart. He tried throwing his sword at Sparrow but missed.
Woooop, one down, kek. Stop giving the mods ideas user, we're in defcon 1 here.
Oh that's right we have new jannies I think. 8 guess they think movieblob is an actor with roles to discuss lol
I missed today's proceedings. Anything juicy happen?
amber's lawyers are railing him hard. Not looking good for johnny
believe me I'd much rather discuss this Yea Forums content here but one janny is particular is working overtime against the board for some reason. they should deduct his pay
the defense played a bunch of funny clips of Depp shouting at Amber, we had a chill thread going with people funposting but a nigger funhating janny started nuking all the threads
beat the shit out of his wife then tried to sue her for talking about it
Ongoing. And let's say if heard was getting her way, jannies wouldn't be going this apeshit.
recordings of Johnny calling Amber a fat ass and saying she will hit the wall kek
Yeah he traded his life for the ship basically
Somebody's #madatmort
you have a problem with violence against unarmed women?
He tricked anton chigurh and made him crash his ship into a cursed lagoon or some shit.
yag sbarroh
Depp made jury and courtroom laugh
Thanks frens!
Shouldn't you be strategising with your lawyer Amber?
Hi jannie
>reddit patrol has arrived
like clockwork
Recordings of depp calling heard a fatass and “she’s a fucking cunt”
>everyone saying johnny is winning
you guys don't know law, do you? yeah he might win in the court of public perception, but he's absolutely getting buried legally. Amber's lawyers have him cornered. He's constantly digging his own hole trying to get the "truth out" but saying exactly what the lawyers want him to say: that he's a drug addicted, controlling, violent, alcoholic. And although a reasonable person would be able to understand that maybe he had good reason to have violent outbursts, by the letter of the law he's guilty and Amber has done nothing wrong. Don't be surprised if JD loses this case and we never hear from him again
I only (you) people who I know have watched Mortdecai no less than four (4) times. Don't ever reply to me again until you reach twice that bare minimum.
Why does this 90% female jury hate women so much??
>Clandestine Depp posting
We make now secret war against the janny
What, you're gonna tell him "rent free" too?
Kekk. No but seriously cuck janny is in this very thread, deleting posts and saying cucked shit in our midst.
This is the story of most actual pirates in history
>even if I did an interview to try and defend myself, it turned into a hit piece
Anyone know what articles he's talking about?
fucking Kek what a joke of a lawyer
>When did you learn you weren'tgoing to be recast?
>Well the producer said to me---
Is this fucker serious?
Its not that they hate women , they love Johnny
Any tabloid article. They are notable for fake "anonymous source" news. Heard's lawyer is the only person alive to ever take them seriously.
Hilariously now he's daring to object under hearsay.
that's not the jury, brainlet
Reminder that a rogue trannie has infiltrated the moderation team and that is why these threads are getting banned.
Jack bros............
>These quotes are hearsay! The National Enquirer is the reliable source to take into account!
lol u got BTFO and theres nothing u can do about it
>a franchise can only last for so long
>I believe the characters should have a way to have a good note out
Based depp
>jannie admissions open
>jannie admissions close and are accepted
>shit like this happens
Like clockwork.
>crying about a pirates movie for children
LMAO how much more pathetic can you get?
9 maybe 10 teeth. More than I expected.
Maybe I should get into this acting business
>I-I will have you removed from court
Stuck up bitch
hes trying to steal the bam margra swag with all those rings
lmao she's not happy
He won.
why doesnt he watch his own kino movies? he should see ed wood and fear and loathing atleast
and maybe dead man
Agreed, Ed Wood is pure kino
Don't give them ideas OP... I can't handle another prequel
>Waiting for the Barbarians
Underrated. It wasn't a masterpiece but definitely worth a watch
what? he never watched his own movies?
Here comes a Mortdecai reference...
he never watched them. he just said that in the trial live
If we get a mort reference, it can only go downhill after that