This is going to be comical

This is going to be comical.

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look at those slimy fatty hands, disgusting.

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I wish it was a theater movie release so I could sit in the middle and laugh my ass off out loud telling shitty jokes until they throw me out

>it's an orc immigration episode

someone post the 'lawd of the wangs" copypastas

Aesthetically, costumes look way better than in the drab Jacksonfic

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I knew I smelled bussy juice.

kek everytime

>Christopher Tolkien gave Amazon 3 rules/request when he sold the rights
>Uses one of them just to dab on Jackson one last time
Absolutely based

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>This would make it the most expensive television series ever made
Either it does well and is enjoyable to watch or it absolutely crashes and burns on par with the new Star Trek shows which would be equally enjoyable

It's really a win win

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It's about $45m/episode, which is huge but strangers things is almost $30m/episode which just shows how crazy TV show budgets have gotten the last 5years

Dumbasses arguing that black people make their fantasy setting less realistic will always be funny. Elves? sure; Dwarves? of course!; Orcs? definitely!!; Non-white skin tones? noooooooooo toooo far!!!!!!

It's not actually LOTR. It's a "diversity" reimagining of LOTR by a bunch of invasive species and parasites who just can't come up with their own shit, so the shit of the people they hate will have to be the underlying foundations for what they push.

It never stops not even for one day. Whether it be intentional or unintenional, parasites seek to kill the hosts they live off of.

do you know how much of that goes to MBB personally?

When LOTR was written most people( I mean white people not the other kind) didnt even know black people existed let alone saw one.
Atleast their folklore had elves, dwarves and whatnot with drawings and such.
Black people were more of a fantasy mystery to them than Dragons

>Nobody responds to this low effort faggot bait
>Responds to himself
You should kill yourself

So unrealistic, unlike the dwarves, elves, dragons and fucking car sized eagles

does it make you feel like your skin colour helped JRR Tolkien write his books when you post like this?

Yes. I don't want mud people in my entertainment.

Brown skinned people were mentioned in the original writings about LOTR, they live south of Rohan apparently.

How fucking old do you think these books are kek

>evil can not create

Eu barely had any non whites/jews/slavs before the 80s
That wasnt even that long ago, let alone in the 60s

The sad thing is that Tolkien did kinda racially code his fantasy world.

Don’t know what his „political“ views on racism were, but LOTR seems pretty clear on which people lives where and so on…

Not that I have a problem with more diversity in the show tho

deh media said dis show be expensive it must true I hate da media and they lie all the time but they be telln du trooth about MONEY not a marketing strategy for money laundering tax fraud SO MUCH MONEY WOW WEEE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT

I used to run a homebrew DND campaign and one guy left in a tantrum because I wouldn't allow his character to constantly homophobically abuse my stand in. His logic was that because the world was based on a more steampunk Victorian London, I should obey real world Victorian morals.

One of the characters is an immortal warlock with a fucking snake tail but yeah, a lesbian is too far.

You do know the books made it over to America too right

Guy sounds based.

You don't think a country that had single-handedly controlled half of Africa for over a century by this point knew that black people existed?

Nobody gives about muttstate murrica the book was written for europeans

J.D Payne and Patrick McKay on adapting Tolkien’s works for LOTRROP

“Tolkien’s work rightfully finds its peers among the strongest voices in all the English canon – Milton in its scope, Wordsworth in its beauty, and Shakespeare in its depth. In approaching his legendarium..

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He was definitely not.

I honestly don't get it. This guy was the WHOLE package too, in all its glorious contradictions. The things he said that outright contradicted each other included:

Me "being a danger to children" because I'm bisexual, but also because I'm a woman having children is in my nature and I'll understand once I force myself to have a child I don't want, I'll be happier in the long run.

Pride is pointless because gay people have total equality now, but if you point out homophobia that still exists then that's to be expected because gay people can never achieve total equality.

Feminists are terrible because they encourage women to go against their nature and abandon having children for careers, women should stay at home but also women should work and contribute financially 50/50 and feminism has encouraged women to sit at home all day with their kids being lazy.

Nazis are evil, and we (England) should have the entire world's gratitude for saving them from the fascists, but also fascism isn't inherently harmful, and it would be good for England. But Oswald Mosely isn't bad because "he wasn't as bad as the European fascists"

Child restriction laws are terrible because "no one has the right to tell anyone else that they can or can't have kids" but also he has a vested interest in getting rid of women's right to choose because "that's the only way I'm going to get a son out of one of you people"

I could go on, but do you really want me too? Lol

The average brit folk probably barely knew about 4 other countries and their people
Not much different than the current year anglo

…we seek to be inspired by the same spirit that inspired him, reverently adapting where possible, respectfully inventing where appropriate, all to bring to life one of the grandest and most pivotal stories in all Middle-earth.”

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How does it feel to know the masterpieces of entire peoples, ethnicities, and races will never be their own, and only be what they took from someone else?

Nice deflection from the fact that it's always what whites create that gets appropriated and race-flipped to discharge other people's open refusal to even fucking try.

All you're ultimately doing is making entire races look like they're too retarded to ever create or do anything on their own, so they're dependent on whites to carry them like eternally-needy children. And within that you're hurting black people more than helping. I seriously suggest you read some Malcolm X to catch up on a black man who had his eyes wide open. They're not retarded, incompetent, or anything. People like YOU just made them eternally NEED you for every last thing.

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Good one
Sadly there are retards who actually think it's about that

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>lord of the rings; the rings of power
dc comics

What the fuck :| I also experienced something similar. I played a trans character, and one of the more annoying players was constantly like "oh u cant have access to hrt and binders etc so can i see your characters boobs" etc, even though the DM kept asking him to stop. He literally accepted magic, dragons, bags of holding, disguise spells etc, healing and polymorph potions but no, hrt is where he drew the line lmao

That's very true for most of the country, but I don't think he intended his work for that norf fc type of Anglo

>no one even knew that black people existed in 1954 England!!!

Other poster got 8+ replies.
Have a single (you)


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Chriss a cuck

Celebrimbor will still get killed by Sauron, probably S2. The big events will still line up, even if the timeline is compressed. Just like with that 19 year timeskip Jackson removed, it's not going to affect the overall structure

Blacks have grimy cold hands

>Got the replies after my comment
Holy fuck now new to Yea Forums are you
You still responded when you got mad no one had.
After that is irrelevant

>shills are now trying to throw Peter Jacksons trilogy under the bus to promote their shitty online show

This is a huge mistake and I look forward to laughing at you pathetic shills

Yidsney did the same with Lucas and the original Starwars trilogies. Which also failed spectacularly.

south of Gondor*, read the books they're interesting

You are so fucking mad.

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I am so not watching this.
I'll read the threads on Yea Forums, though.

Jacksonfags are irrelevant, nobody under the age of 25 has watched his trilogy. They are literally dadcore and dated af by now
Anyway enjoy getting mad af for the next 10 years, lol

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I've found it pretty effective in many cases to simply point out that this isn't our earth, it's a completely independent fantasy world that only coincidentally shares certain similarities with our own. Of course, this only works if the other party isn't a complete twat, but it works rather well the rest of the time. I have a good friend who is religious and at one point he brought up the biblical age of the universe in our rp. I just said, "Sure, but this is a different universe with magic and elemental deities" and we were able to quietly move on without issue.


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There's actually 2. The second one also could be a jab. Jackson killed Haldir for no good fucking reason.


600k and 13.5mL of Semen per episode

Ne not really.