How could David kill the Engineers if the Engineers were all dead before Prometheus happened?
Explain this retarded movie
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You're a speedwatcher and it shows. David literally tells Shaw at the end of Prometheus the engineers are not gone and he can find them. It's why they fly off the planet, to literally go find them.
The new Alien movies make no sense, and they’re not worth analyzing because even the writer/director don’t know what the fuck is going on. Alien Covenant was a Slapstick comedy:
> Engineers were all dead before Prometheus happened?
There’s literally an engineer at the end of the movie. Clearly not all are dead nor was it implied they’re all dead.
I'll explain to you why this movie is the way it is. Prometheus was released and it was a great movie but filtered tons of Alien fans that were expecting an Alien movie. Prometheus 2 was supposed to further follow the adventures of Elizabeth Shaw however because of all the whining of Alien fans they totally scratched what they had in mind and quickly turned it into another boring and braindead Alien movie. We were robbed, never forget what retards took from us because of midwits on the internet.
This fuck all alien fans, you deserve nothing but trash for complaining. Enjoy the disney crap they shit out, you deserve it.
the Covenant hate is one of the biggest memes in recent movie history. it's really good and deserves a sequel.
this whole movie was clearly Ridley trolling fans "ok i'll give you exactly what you want and make it a terrible piece of shit just in spite of you"
Because of the wheat situation.
to be fair Prometheus was outlandishly boring and pointless except for like 3 minutes of it. idky people always bring up such a shit movie
I don't need to explain it, it's non-canon and never happened
>idky people always bring up such a shit movie
Because it's good.
Rewatched the movie recently and it's a lot better than I remember, it still takes a lot of suspension of disbelief with how stupid characters are and how quickly the xenos seem to grow, the captain gets facehugged and 30 minutes later the xeno is already adult sized
The civilization David wipes out in Covenant are not the advanced race of Engineers from Prometheus, but are supposed to be another race that the Engineers spawned same way they did with us. But you and everyone else (including me) on first watch thought it was supposed to be the Engineer homeworld because that's where they say theyre going at the end of Prometheus. It's really weird that it's never fucking stated in the movie that theyre not on the Engineer homeworld though.
It's cute that you think Prometheus was a smart movie.
The prequel short is kino
>We need to keep David and Shaw alive at the end!
>Ok, now kill off Shaw off-screen before the sequel starts and put David experimenting on and mutilating her corpse into the extras. Damn, I'm good.
It really feels like Scott and the others are so bored of the Alien and its lifecycle that they have to fast forward all of it. They don't want to go through the whole discovery, mystery of egg, facehugging, taking crewmember to medical, waiting while they seem fine, horrific realization of chestburster, horrific realization of grown alien, etc process every time a new group discovers the Xeno. So everything is sped up and the people are infected then birth a grown alien in a few minutes instead of a day or two.
He doesn't even want to use the facehugger much anymore, now it's just swirly, floating black goo viruses that get into people's ears and create a xeno inside them. Except this would be so easily defeated if these people, you know, wore a goddamn sealed spacesuit while exploring alien planets with all sorts of flora/fauna/microbes that could infect them even without black goo.
aw man a david and shaw adventures movie would have been kino
How did David cause the solar flare that damaged the colony ship? Was he specifically trying to draw humans there? How did the colony ship accidentally stumble upon a habitable solar system that just so happened to be an Engineer world. If David hadn't been there and killed them off already, would the humans and Engineer people have been friends? If they had gotten along together, would that have made the Bigger Engineers reconsider killing of humanity?
see that's the thing, Prometheus 2 wasn't going to have David mutilating her corpse, he only did that because of retards that wanted an Alien movie, she didn't fit in the typical retarded Alien movie plot so he got rid of her, brought in new characters and did the typical Alien encounter thing again.
Ridley should have made his own movie instead of ruining Alien.
Well OP was a raging retard who didn't pay attention to the first movie. It's not even offhand comments, it's some of the final dialogue in the movie.
Well can you blame them? We all know how that goes since it's been done already. That's why he wanted to make something different about the Engineers, but people cried for more Alien so he killed all the Engineers and just threw together some Alien slop for them.
Never said anything about it being a "smart movie", the whole Engineers thing is intriguing though.
coincidence, no, they picked up a recording of shaw humming take me home and followed the broadcast to the source, maybe, maybe
dumbass weeb go back to Yea Forums with your retarded insults
>turns out to be some stupid mask and suit
Still mad, especially when they say in Alien that it's been dead and fossilized for thousands of years even though David bio engineered the xenos just 18 years before
>some mysteries are best left unanswered
>a few years later
>it's essential that we answer the mysteries
Ridley Scott is a hack
Anyone read this series?
This. Prometheus should have just been a space jesus movie like he wanted and it'd be received differently. Instead they tacked on the Alien name to get asses in seats.
Why is there an Owl?
it saw those massive hooters and decided to swoop in
Prometheus is a space jesus movie.
Alien Covenant is an Alien movie.
blade runner crossover
Yup. Space Jockey in the original Alien was a very frightening creature, and I hated that the face turned out to be a mask. Prometheus was cool but I don't think it should have even touched the Alien universe or 'explained' anything. The 'Deacon' xenomorph at the end of Prometheus was awesome.
Prometheus is a space jesus move that should have stood as it's own thing, but has vague Alien referrences to get people to go and see it.
Covenant is a disaster resulting from the backlash.
I wanna fuck a xenomorph
download and watch the "Paradise" fan edit. You're welcome
He's inviting the xenomorph to Hogwarts.
Got a link?
The ending bothered me so bad. Fucking David man.
password: flutelessons
>but has vague Alien referrences
like what? I don't think the movie itself has any real Alien references except the creature shown at the end. The Alien ship and engineers don't really count. From what I have read it was marketing assholes who made it out to be an Alien movie while promoting it and that's where the confusion began.
What if in the third movie, David continues on and finds the actual Engineer homeworld. He kills most of them with his Xenos, but captures a few Engineers and experiments on them. He changes them into this mockery of life by making them larger with grotesque proportions, super long arms and no legs. Then he fuses them with the machines, so they can never leave. The Engineer homeworld is like a dyson sphere or something and uses a blackhole for power. David finds some of their research on the blackhole and discovers the weird effects on time it has. He sends the Engineer ships on a slingshot trajectory around the blackhole, and it catapults them back to the past. Some crash on desolate, barren planets but some make it to habitable worlds, release their Xeno eggs and make Xeno worlds.
I don't see anyway in which editing can salvage that mess but I'll look it up.
Dear God please don't let them make anymore, let it die, they already ruined the Prometheus story with Covenant.
Thanks user, I had no idea this was a thing
Why is it worth watching?
I honestly have no idea what people want these movies to be about. You got three sequels where whenever the alien is not on the screen all the other characters are asking "Where's the alien?!", is that not enough? Prometheus and Covenant are both better than Aliens and more people will adopt this stance the longer it's been since the films' original releases.
Yah it is actually really good, top tier.
Yeah but why is it good? It's a freaking fan edit, those are usually shit
>they already ruined the Prometheus story with Covenant.
i'm fucking howling here
Time travel is pretty much the only way to tie it all together for it all to make sense (even AVP), which really sucks
>why is it good
Because editing is a huge part of movies dipshit. You know why the suicide squad was so fucking terrible? Bad editing can be the difference between a blockbuster and bomb, OSCAR and shit heap. Left out scenes, music etc. This edited both Promthesues and Convenant into a single coherent story/movie.
>like what?
It's been a few years since I watched it but there are wall carvings depicting the lifecycle of the Alien (somehow before David even creates them in the sequel)
Also the fact that they literally use the same ship and engineers (retconning their size and the biomechanical elements)
I misspoke when I said vague, they are not vague at all they are brutally obivous but they are irrelevant to the plot, like I said it should have been a standalone movie and was only made into a prequel to get Alien fans to pay to see it.
no, i don't think i will
>still not answering the fucking question
But does it change the story in absolutely anyway?
>This edited both Promthesues and Convenant into a single coherent story/movie.
maybe for Prometheus apologists
for everyone else, it's still a fucking dogshit movie
>no, i don't think i will
IIRC Ridley wanted to make many more Alien movies after Prometheus, but Covenant was supposed to be the last Xeno centric one. He was more interested in exploring ideas about David. Apparently he wanted to make a movie where David is the emperor of a whole planet populated by A.I. machine life. He talks about it in some interview but I cba to find link. It honestly sounds like it could have been absolutely kino, but is unlikely to happen now. The current rumour is that D*sney are waiting to see how succesful that upcoming Alien tv show is before funding more movies.
>This edited both Promthesues and Convenant into a single coherent story/movie.
That's pretty much impossible since the entire Covenant movie was nothing but a trashing of what Prometheus established just to make it an Alien movie.
>Apparently he wanted to make a movie where David is the emperor of a whole planet populated by A.I. machine life.
sounds shit.
Trips of truth.
Schway af.
you told us to watch it
Wow that is incredible rude. But I forgive cause you rolled trips.
I told OP to watch it in response to his question you drooling fucktard