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Bruh, megamind looking head ass

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it looks so awful

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why didn't they get Jason Isaacs?

This looks like 90’s low budget sci fi shit meets the crow. God damnit.

isn't this from that cringe dumped/cancelled lucas tv show

dude fuck sake

why isnt he dressed in jedi robes. fucking gay

Disney seems hellbent on ruining the franchise.

>tfw no sith gf


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>Lightsaber steering wheel

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I know it’s Star Wars, but i’m having a hard time believing this shit could possibly be popular anymore. The quality of this and Boba just looks so bad.


This is what happens when you choose to do death sticks.

it's almost over for them, better ruin it while they still have something to ruin

Somebody Stop Me!

>soulless and dishonest
I just can't wait until Mike Stoklasa and all his mindless prequel hating drones finally apologize after this. The shame will be too excruciating.

Why is Hollywood so opposed to risks. It's getting really pathetic.

Quan Chi was such flaming homo in that show

>He looks completely blue screened in
>Lighting on Obi doesn't even match the scene and other characters
Literally Youtube original fan content tier CGI on display.

They had a really nice chemistry and Ventress was sexy af
Shame they never developed that and gave ObiWan a boring romantic interest and paired Ventress with...
Quinlan Vos?

Where is the Strong and Capable Black Woman (TM)

Why did tranny janny delete the trans clone thread?

>it's another shoebox diorama Star Wars show

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lol that stupid spin saber

Is that one of those Wii steering wheels?

The prequels fuckin sucked.


Quinlan Vos is a cool character that disney could use but its a shame because the mouse hates anything prequel.

the book was shit and we dont talk about it

all we can hope isnit gets retconned

He had some cool comics
How was hos portrayal on the CW show?

Sneedbox diorama lol

In the show he's a surfer.

>character is a tanned/mix race dude with dreadlock dreadlocks
>"lol he's clearly Lenny Kravitz"
Bravo Filoni

90s low budget sci-fi is pretty soulful.

digits it flops

I'm still not watching those gay CG cartoons, Filoni!

why Darth Vader looks different?

This looks so fucking trash

Hes undercover dipshit.

Star Wars was inspired by:

- John Carter from Mars
- Flash Gordon
- Dune
- Akira Kurosawa Samurai
- Shakespeare
- Holy Bible
- Neoplatonism
- Scientology

Nu Wars is inspired by:
Star Wars
Hunger Games

oh god, the shitty helicopter lightsabers are going to be in the show?

un-ironically looks more like the character than whatever is supposed to be.

>rebels poison

The clothing in all pictures looks brand NEW. Star Wars is supposed to be a "lived in" Universe. The homeless guy looks like he's wearing brand new clothing.

Why does Disney always forget this? Everything is not supposed to look sleek and modern and new..

does he do the helicopter thing from the memes, because i hope so

he looks like a crackhead looking for death sticks

I like how the original idea for a Kenobi story that everyone loved has been abandoned in lieu of the same old shit. All they had to do was make a story about Kenobi trying to survive on Tatooine and dealing with criminals, Tusken raiders, and all sorts of shit while also trying to lay low and watch out for Luke (who is kind of a tard).
Instead it's just him fighting not-Sith and Vader when he shouldn't even encounter Vader again until ANH.

>this show is going to feel more real than the prequels

Its because they keep using that meme soundstage they built for Mandalorian

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darth bane??

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Yep. I hate it.
I just wanted a Obi-Wan / Owen Lars team up Hutt crime movie that explains Owen telling Luke to stay away from Obi-Wan

peak /fa/ honestly

Anakin Skywalker being the Chosen One is a great thing.

Darth Plagueis & Darth Sidious meddled with the Force to achieve unspeakable results and the living Force retaliated by sending them an agent to recalibrate the balance the Sith tipped with their experiments.

Attached: sith.jpg (1024x765, 135.46K)

Looked promising until this goober showed up in the trailer.

ok but he should still be in tan and brown
how is the audience supposed to know who he is

holy fuck it looks cheap as fuck
It's ogre

Johnny Depp?