Marvel fans when the new Dr. Strange comes out

>Marvel fans when the new Dr. Strange comes out

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What causes this phenomenon?

hey at least it got some exercise

women having children after 40

I literally have no idea who any of these characters are

This guy is 20 years old.

late stage capitalism

>*sigh* just let people enjoy things

Holy fuck you're right, I thought he was like 40

Literal mental retardation and Capitalism.

People that play Fortnite or LoL should have their skulls ran over with tank treads.

>muh capitalism

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nice mindset

Watch your mouth.

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these extreme sois can make money from these reaction videos and I'm fine with that.
fuck whores!

Begone mutt.

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>ah yes the state must've caused these people to get excited over entertainment products.
Let me guess you still the "jews" are responsible? What system do you think they use? It sure aint communism

>women having children after 40
try 28

Ah yes, its definitely solely and entirely capitalism, nothing to do with anything else. Kys retards

What am I looking at here? What is the specimen so excited about?

It's communism. Real capitalism is when white men all own homes with white picket fences and are allowed to beat their wives like it was in 1950s America.

>the state must've caused
Do you think a corporation could function without the consent of the state?

>Real capitalism is when white men all own homes with white picket fences and are allowed to beat their wives like it was in 1950s America.
hey, at least that's what the AD said !!!!

ALL video games are for children

Lack of a proper father

mortal kombat is rated R

Yes. What you are seeing is a mix of conscious efforts by capitalists and the byproducts of what capitalism does to humans.

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He didn't get his ass beat by his dad when he was a kid. So he never learned to deal with pain & not be so overtly emotional.

and ?

The state exists to protect capitalists, that's true. But it's odd to blame the state foremost. When a rabid dog bites someone, naturally the owner is also to blame but it's the dog that needs to be disciplined and hopefully put down.

Having children after 29
No father figure

This is the endgame of the Disney adult. Fat on processed sugars and directly hooked up emotionally to the nonstop stream of content.
That "My only regret is I didn't CONSOOOOOM more" meme was reality.

This guy is 20 years old by the way

>balding that much at 20
He never had a chance really with those genes.

>these are the guys making threads complaining about the batman being boring
Really makes you think in a way

Lack of hardship. We need a proper war.


So what’s the alternative.

Lack of god

I'm sorry hitler you were right, god has forsaken us

Yes. I can't wait to be forced to kill guys my age and/or get blown up by something I can't even see and possibly die knowing that everyone I ever knew perished in a nuclear holocaust so that Mr. Shekelbloom and Mrs. Goldbergstein can afford to build a large enough bunker to house all the little children they bought to entertain them while they wait for things to clear up.


looks like satire to me

There is none. The last champions of humanity died last century. It is the age of the last men. Accept that or cling to the delusional hope that China is still actually serious about marxism and that the party will be able to save China from the same poison that annihilated us.

Brevity is wit.

Would he be doing this if he wasn't getting views?
You all got suckered

Have sex, incel.

based, but cringe

do they still make stereos that look like that

wait for armaggeddon

onions and jew media

no way
i dont believe it


Stupid moron
"Let's destroy every decent aspect of culture a d social cohesion then when people turn to consumerism let's blame capitalism."
Even you guys dont believe your own bullshit.

Estrogen mimickers
Mass hysteria
Vegetable oils
Artificial sweeteners
High fructose corn syrup
The list goes on.

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so how can I edit the tv screen in this webm so it looks like he's watching whatever it is normies care about now?

La criatura americana

Its amazing how many responses you got and how all of them are either flat out wrong or not touching on the exact cause of this shit. Its literally simply social media and clout chasing that causes this shit. Thats why people post these fucking cringe ass reaction videos and why their reactions are so over the top and fake.

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this will be the average human 100 years from now when America changes its name to Walmartia.

I love this meme since in general people have been getting in better shape the past few years, despite people acting like "le fat epidemic" is still getting worse.