Is The Northman's colossal failure an indicator that viking fatigue has finally set in?

Is The Northman's colossal failure an indicator that viking fatigue has finally set in?
Can we now make historical movies and games about anything other than the vikings?

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name 1 (three) viking movies and games from the last 5 years
no ac valhalla allowed

Who the fuck even likes vikings? They're the niggers of Europe.

We should make mongol kino.

vikings 2: valhalla
vikings 3: viking again
expedition: vikings

onions boys are obsessed with them, probably what inspires them to grow beards. normalfags are more into wwii and the transatlantic slave trade, but don't expect any fatigue for those.

god i fucking hope so
pop culture has been nothing but fucking vikings since skyrim released in 2011
can we finally have some aztec or inca kino?

I watch each and every viking kino, but most of them suck, for whatever reason. The Northman was actually good, however. Probably the best viking film.

I believe Skyrim is responsible for viking fatigue.

So does that mean the next elder scrolls will give us either a ton of arab kino or French kino depending on where it's set?

>the next elder scrolls
Skyrim Super Mega Ultra Edition 3.0?

Only if its them getting shreked by based Conquistadors

>name 1 (three) viking movies and games from the last 5 years
>don't mention this viking game from the last 5 years though
Retard. Also:
>Thor: Ragnarok
>The Northman
>How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
>God of War
>God of War: Ragnarok
And TV shows as a bonus
>The Last Kingdom

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Conquistador movies would be kino and you can sell them easily by doing "le whitey bad" promotion

>the next elder scrolls

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This guy has been spamming these threads 24/7 for weeks now.

>aztec or inca kino
Nah fuck that noise , we already have Apocalypto and El Dorado. I want some Roman kino about Aurelian or a movie about the titanic amount of balls and prejudice Enrico Dandelo had. If we're doing something non white or non western then let's follow some stories of the Sengoku period

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absolutely fucking gay and boring. i want films about pre spanish aztec society.

I think my problem with viking media is that its so limited and recycled. Same reason why people stopped make greek mythology movies. Nobody wants to hear the same tales retold over and over with a different gradient filter

why? aztecs were stupid and cringe. they are only interesting as NPCs in spanish stories

Weak shit. Give me a Sulla gorey biopic.
Bitch Caesar had nothing on him.

finally time for Finnish mythology kino

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i do

For me, it's Hollywood Fatigue. I don't watch movies anymore - I just come here and shitpost with you lovely faggots.

>aztecs were stupid and cringe. they are only interesting as NPCs in spanish stories

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Why is it so low? I went Saturday and my theatre was nearly sold out. I usually only see crowds like that for capeshit.

>"black people fatigue is real,this film is going to break records!"


Skyrim has nothing to do with Vikings. Its based on ancient Scotts.

youre the npc you fucking boring retard

There is actually a lot to work with concerning the vikangz. They could make movies about them exploring Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, trying to survive in the harsh new environment. Interacting, trading, and fighting with the natives, and the reaction of those back home talking about the new land.

They could make one about the rus beginnings, traveling down the rivers in Europe, forming primitive polities and interacting with local slavic tribes, reaching the Byzantines and interacting with them.

They could do one on the later era, working in Byzantium as mercenaries and guards and dealing with politics and the muslim threat.

They could do one on the normans, how they settled in France and acclimated to the culture/religion. How they raided and then formed petty kingdoms in the mediterranean, how they fought muslims there.

They could do one on the Christianization of Scandinavia and talk about the religious and political conflicts and complexities, how their culture changed and formed what they now have become.

Plenty to work with, but no... it's always either about viking nigger chimpouts in England, or some feud in their homeland.

They are suppressing the numbers. The youtube trailers have more views than Amazon's LOTR. This film probably did $500M opening at least.

I don't get it, all aztecs are Christian now. Dumbass schizo.

thank god the viking shit is over

that is fair and I know what you mean. I'd love to see the Byzantine arc which Vinlanf Sagae even skipped but people want revenge stories, not the history channel

The film nosedived in quality once he got to Iceland. The first act with immaculate large sets and cool historical armor and large battle was way cooler than a fucking farmstead in the middle of nowhere, with no armor, and a fucking bowl cut.

the chuds youre whining about are the same posters in this thread saying that vikangz are boring

what else can civilization that is the definition of evil be lol. its like making a movie about orcs - waste of time. unless you do something like apocalpty where the comming of spanish is shown as the wrath of God and salvation for the victims of aztec evil

>a fucking bowl cut.
historically accurate

>How to train dragon

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because you were saying that history isnt interesting unless it has catholicism in it.

aztec society is fascinating but you only want to watch le epic based spanish ruin it all.

Its capeshit. This is so cringe.

Nigs didn't sail across the atlantic, in fact they didn't even sail to that one big island directly off the coast

youre mentally retarded. i want to watch a film about aztec culture and be immersed in it. i already know enough and have watched enough about catholics and europeans. fucking retard

I want Knight Kino with lances clashing into enemy formations

What historical pics do you guys want to see.

I unironically want a Native American film set before the arrival of Europeans. A comfy war film following a tribe warring with a neighboring tribe.

Italians in media:
>Super Mario Bros
>Super Mario Bros 2
>Super Mario Bros 3
>Super Mario 64
the list goes on


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pre aztec society
>unique languages, pagan gods, culture, lore
post aztec society
>all speak spanish except some tribes, exact same religion as europe, degenerated culture of spain, dont even remember history

>me me me
i bet you are some faggot that gets turned on by blood. narcisim isnt suprising. Most movies are about europeans because they are the most kino. no one gives a shit about war between pachau a nahau or hwatever indians if there isnt a white man leading one of those

anything about the Bohemian wars, such a kino period for war cause you still had knights but then you had peasants with prototype guns

we got you covered user. it might be hard to find subs tho, but they do exist

Unironically Jews (the ADL) sabotages the advertising for this movie.

Surprise, surprise:

The ADL isn't mentioned in this article you will have to research that yourself.

i hate gore. gore is reddit
>narcisim isnt suprising.
what? so im not allowed to say what i want in a film now? wtf?

youve got hundreds of films about european history. instead of attacking me for wanting something different just go watch them.

>youve got hundreds of films about european history
amd i want a hundred and one european history is very long

Fuck Norfman,Egypt Kino is upon us

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Finally. A Byzantine epic is at hands, bros.

back to zombies then

How about another Batman movie?

>Diversity demos were 56% Caucasian, 21% Hispanic and Latino, 10% Black, and 13% Asian/other.

are there any conquistador kinos at all?

I wish it was capeshit, this has worse fight coreography

Box office is irrelevant to determine the quality of an audiovisual product. It`s just an indicative of popularity/ reception by the lowest common denominator and we all know the masses are retarded; They are ALWAYS wrong. That`s why you have like 20+ marvel movies and who knows how many fast and the furious and transformers ones. The reason Hollywood is creatively bankrupt these days is precisely because it tries to play it safe and appeal to those people and focuses on box office and tweeter tier feedback and reviews rather than on the creative process.

I blame Valheim. Too powerful a drug with declining returns.

it's flop but the norfman budget grows faster than the amount of jews that were shoah'd

how long until it's $120m?

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