Here’s your 2K BC Mediterranean Helen Of Troy bro!

>here’s your 2K BC Mediterranean Helen Of Troy bro!

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Thanks bro!

Meds 4000 years ago weren’t Turkish/Arab rape babies

They weren’t WASP/Scandinavians either

Sienna was better

Attached: sienna troy 1.webm (1920x1080, 916.34K)

Time for a history lesson given by burgers, oh boy cant wait

Better than the uggo brown pallete we are forced to look at now. I want to look at attractive people on screen. Not a reflection of the ugly world.

Helen in the legends is supposed to be beautiful, and she's beautiful. It fits the purpose Helen has in the story.

Do you not have a job? Or hobbies? Is your entire life really spamming racecuck threads on Yea Forums?

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They were blonde

who would they cast as Helen today?

What do you mean? This is my hobby

If she was a beautiful Asian, Arab, or Black (or any race other than white) woman you would be kicking and screaming like the insolent manchild you are

Today? Monique.

yeah ? she's greek ? ooga booga

The Iliad and the Odyssey has blondes etc.

An Arab as a Mycenaean Greek in the per-dorian era is believable, hell even a pajeeta but not a Black or East Asian woman. Plus there are some modern and ancient greeks who looked like that.

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OP you’re not Greek, stupid nigger, so stop being offended on behalf of Greek people because I guarantee no Greek person would be offended at being portrayed by a blonde-haired White actor.

I’m Greek and I’m offended that Krauts and Slavoids, alongside niggers and Kikes, are deadest on appropriating my history for millenia.
The average Greek woman mogs Kraut “models”.

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There are many classical references to Helen being blonde (and Ariadne too, as it happens). Sappho in particular.

ancient Greeks were more swarthy than the modern ones, who have slav admixture

cope on, anglocuck wewuzzer

Do you really think the average popcorn-fisting American gives a shit about historical accuracy. They just want to see white people. It’s perfect in its simplicity.

Looks accurate. Modern "Greeks" are really Iranians. The Iliad took place before the Persians invaded Greece.

The meme mutt, Zendaya

>characters are benchmark for being beautiful
>cast whites
God I love being white.

Zendaya or that ugly monkey from Thor

Are you implying Europe doesn't want to see white people?

>new paper on ancient greek dna drops
>Hair colour: Brown/Blonde
>Eye colour: Blue
>Skin colour: Pale

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Is this chart trying to say spartans were lactose intolerant?
Lactose Intolerance didn't exist outside of the 20th and 21st centuries.

How come they couldn't drink milk and were at super high risk of diabetes? that's not very european

>majority of people in area are not blonde
>that means 0 people are blonde

Attached: europe_blonde_hair_map_by_arminius1871-d4bi138.jpg (681x674, 51.02K)


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Yeah its a miscast, but not by much.

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>unsourced pop-sci picture with maximized upboat potential art style
your snow nigger ancestors were living in mud huts when Greeks were inventing sciences and democracy

kek this honestly

Placenta eaters detected.
Go smash headfirst into a tree like your idol. Don’t wake up though.

Reminder that only kikes try to divide white people.

What the fuck are you talking about

Let's be real bros, casting anything other than a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman for the role of Helen of Troy would feel unrealistic. Even if those traits weren't as common in the ancient Mediterranean as it is in Scandinavia today, you don't start a war and get Greek goddesses jelly over average beauty. She stood out.

My favorite attempt is to say that each European ethnicity is a separate race and that "white" shouldn't be used at all. It may be true that they're distinct, but now is not the time to subdivide whites.

who is my idol in this instance?

and the coping begins

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> nigga spends 90% of his life outside in the greek sun
> still pale
> meanwhile IRL 90% of med Italians , greeks , yugos , spaniards and portuguese are olive skinned and have brown eyes
That's an yikes from me , nordoid.

Aww yeah it's schizo time


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>redheads burn in the sun
>can be found in very specific regions of the world with little sun
>”now see dis here sun-soaked place whose art features 95% black haired peoples with tans, actually WUZ redheadz, but then they disappeared cuz, uh… fucking Turks from the very dark inner Asian lands came 3K years later and made them niggers, even though we have art from literally every single time period until then which follows the same way of depicting the peoples”

No european in history was lactose intolerant.
You will never convince me otherwise.

This thread is the perfect example why prolonged exposure to 4channelll leads to mental illness
Literally go outside

Quite literally the perfect woman
I'd go to war for her

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Wasn't Vivaldi redheaded? He was nicknamed "il Prete Rosso". If Italians could have red hair in the 1700s I'm sure Greeks could have it further back.

>going to war over a woman
>any woman

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Yes, I am.

Derpy face and bad skin desu

keep fighting the good fight

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>my preconceived notions about meds being swarthy cannot be wrong
>no, it is the DNA profile that must be incorrect

>pre-Turk invasion


im not coping i just want to know why they cant drink milkies

Implying they would cast this "white woman". If they continuance live hair count them out.

He was nicknamed that way because redheads stand out here

holy fucking shit she's so fucking hot

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I'm a Serbshit and I have very pale skin with brown hair and blue eyes.
>y-you just don't get sun incel!
My family and I spent every summer going to the Dalmatian coast and spending all day in the sun. The browner Yugoslavs tend to be gyppos or Macedonian Albanians.

Ancient meds were blonde/red haired. That's why they were so successful and modern meds are so incompetent. It all makes sense

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>I’m Greek
Stopped reading there. Pay your debts, faggot - then you can have an opinion.

They were fairer than they are now, but not Germanic. Anyone who disagrees is retarded. They were quite literally overrun by Turks and Muslims for centuries after the fall of Byzantium.

>jewess to play the role of Helen of Troy


I don't know about germanics but gauls at least were said to tower over romans, and I find that picture quite ironic when germanics, along with parthians and a giant scorching desert were the only ones who resisted the roman conquests and were ultimately the ones to bring down the western empire (or rather survived it as it brought itself down)

Scandinavians came from Troy

Romans came from Troy, not Scandinavians.

Not in my timeline.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 178.08K)

A = B and B = C
Romans were scandinavians.

What a pitiful empire.

>My family and I spent every summer going to the Dalmatian coast and spending all day in the sun.
And you didn't get tan , you massive nigger?
> i'm pale
Of course , all meds get paler after winter when we stay inside ,but we tan in the summer, and ancient people were a lot more tanned because they spent virtually all day outside working the fields, training.
Also, a spartan gets 2x sun than a Serbian, so that's that

Attached: Solar-Map-Europe.png (1000x706, 621.84K)

Good, the Ottomans are so annoying in EU4. Impossible to stop unless you go all out. I never get why their neighbors are too stupid to ally or form a coalition for this inevitable mass coming at them.

Because the AI isn't exactly smart.

>wake up in the morning
>feel like shit
>look at hand
>mood instantly improved

yes because they have an inferiority complex of looking brown

>And you didn't get tan , you massive nigger?
My hair would become blonde in the sun when I was young but no, I'd just get pink/red sunburns so I used a lot of sun screen.
>Also, a spartan gets 2x sun than a Serbian, so that's that
Yeah I don't disagree on that, there's a reason whiter skin is associated with the nobility in large chunks of the world from India to southern Europe and the New World.

>I'm a Serbshit and I have very pale skin with brown hair and blue eyes.
you aren't really med you're closer to slav