Why do Americans and Italians refuse to watch movies in foreign languages?
Why do Americans and Italians refuse to watch movies in foreign languages?
Don’t want to
Americans are retarded uneducated ignorant mutts
More news at 11
Why did the song from this become popular on Tik Tok?
dont have to
Turd worlder seethe will never not be hilarious.
I literally do not care about a single country outside of the USA.
>posted from my mud hut
why do ironic weebs refuse to watch live action animes?
Kukuru is the best girl
Why should I?
>t. replied from my paper house
I'm surprised your PajeetCom cable made of cow hair fibers let you upload a file that large.
Haughtiness combined with xenophobia.
The only foreign language most Americans know about is Spanish, and considering how many Hispanics are coming into the country and being born and shit, I wouldn't be surprised if it'll no longer be considered foreign.
Here's the answer, OP. 90% of mutts legit think like this and see nothing wrong with it. Ignorance is bliss to them.
love em
I pay less than $10/month for 500mbps
How's that data cap and ISP letters treating you mr mcmutt?
I simply do not care
Americans are more okay with subtitles than Europeans, actually.
precisely. You just prove my point. Are you not spooked by the fact that the rest of the world is curious about things surrounding them? Oh, wait, I know what you're gonna say. You don't care.
Because we both agree our cultures are superior and we respect each other for it.
>the best American epic was directed by an Italian
>the best Italian leather comes from American animals
Isn't that like an entire year's wages in your backwater country? How do you afford it?
Couldn’t be bothered
depends how much the next generations assimilate i already know many who cant speak spanish or barely can but their grandparents did
Jugemo Jugemo...
Give me a reason to care about your irrelevant shithole where people walk around with goats on a leash and take dumps on the street while on break from their scam call center job?
its a fine point. we are talking about entertainment remember?
>I literally do not care about a single country outside of the USA.
it's a visual medium if you're reading the entire time you miss what's going on
yuromutt's law
>How do you afford it?
I get paid to shit on Americans daily
we don't know what your country thinks of it because you're completely irrelevant to us
You care about the USA because we are your masters, we create/command and you consume/obey. A rich CEO does not give a fuck about the lives or opinions of the retarded bums asking for change to go get high.
we're the center of the world and have enough going on here that we don't need to obsess over other countries
>pajeetcels so pathetic and insecure, their government pays them 2 billion rupees (0.000000000002 USD) a day to seethe about Americans on Yea Forums
>I saved a picture of interracial porn to own americans
this lmao fucking faggots
>amerimutt seething
ah such a sweet nectar
>start bants
>get absolutely btfo
>y-you're all seething, I won!
Yeah, can't they just watch movies as the director intended? Constantly looking away from the visuals to read text superimposed over the frame...
Seethe + cope mutt
You will never be white, or thin ;)
>Are you not spooked by the fact that the rest of the world is curious about things surrounding them?
Oh wow, there was abhorrent crime in some Latin American country today and Europeans keep selling their favorite soccer teams to American owners for some reason. Boy am I sure glad I keep up with the current events outside my borders.
> As if you wouldn't salute a patriotic pig-bro
>s-s-s-seethe haha...
Sorry pal, come back with better material next time. You're clearly a novice.
>and see nothing wrong with it
There isn't.
That's a smart Ukrainian.
americans are pig ignorant and never leave america. Also factor in that literally 50% of their country isn't white and will also never leave the US
>white people culture
do slavs really?
>they don't wanna leave
>he's never downloaded a movie from rutracker
Foreign languages except for English sound ugly in general.
Why would I leave America? To play in the mud and cow shit with you and your illiterate family?
When are you lads going to Japan?
I went and there was all kinds of stuff on meetups.com
I found one that was for riiichi mahjong, and when I got there it was a community center. There was about 12 people. 8 seniors and 4 young people
I ended up playing with the old people while the young guys taught the other foreigner how to play.
It was so fun, but I was not smooth with making the walls
I experienced zawa zawa despair, as the old guy in the match kept targeting my discards no matter what I was trying to build
The two old ladies at the table were chiding him for always targeting me, and I realized only after they were playing with me like I was a small child and going easy on me.
It was fun
It's a catchy song with a simple beat and easy to imitate dance that all the zoomer thots can learn.
I watched the show back when it aired and quickly noticed how catchy the ED was, it definitely gets stuck in your head so it wasn't that surprising zoomies revived it.
I've only watched the old jap death note movie which was pretty average. Live action jap anime adaptions don't appeal at all as they have a tendency towards cringe overacting to try replicate anime shit + why would I watch one if I can just watch the original which is pretty much guaranteed to be better?
>seconda- no scratch that, tertiary faggot acting like he's got some enlightened taste because he watches garbage no one else would care for
>retard image
99% of those characters are never used. They also skipped one of the super frequently used variants: 太.
Because I'm not fucking the qt Japanese girls I see. Anime girls are one thing, but when I see a 3D nip qt, I actually wanna fuck her