Django>Kill Bill 1>Kill Bill 2>Pulp Fiction>Reservoir Dogs>Hateful 8>Inglorious Basterds

Django>Kill Bill 1>Kill Bill 2>Pulp Fiction>Reservoir Dogs>Hateful 8>Inglorious Basterds
Havent seen the rest

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Death Proof is his best imo, not even saying this to be a contrarian it's the one I enjoyed the most

The other way around for me.

Jackie Brown > Django > Hollywood > Hateful Eight > Pulp Fiction > Inglorious Basterds
what I've seen

It's kinda funny how he didn't mention Jackie Brown even once on that joe rogan episode.

Nobody remembers that movie, not even Quentin.

all garbage

Reservoir Dogs is the only tolerable one from this hack

>Kill Bill movies above Pulp Fiction


>Nothing happens: the movie

4rooms is kino.

Nice meme you fucking retard, but i unironically think Kill Bill vol.1 is a masterpiece.

Pulp Fiction > Hateful Eight > OUATIH > Django Unchained > Kill Bill > Reservoir Dogs > Death Proof > Inglorious Bastards

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What makes you think its a meme?


Because you rated Django higher than garbage tier.

It’s an amazing movie chud

Pulp Fiction > Jackie Brown > Hateful Eight > OUATIH > Django Unchained > Reservoir Dogs > Death Proof > Inglorious Bastards > Kill Bill > From Dusk

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Forgot True Romance between Jackie Brown and H8ful8

Fuck my list would literally be op's reversed

I forgot his new one oops, would fit than in after Death Proof

I don't know who this is but he looks like a hack

Go watch volcanic eruption compilations on YouTube if you want to see "things happening".

What is your impression of this man?
Do you think he is Turtley enough for the Turtle club?

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*Jackie Brown before Kill Bill.

True Romance is one of those movies that would have been much better with QT at the helm. It's too watered down as it is, but still good.

I'm sad he'll only do one more movie

i hope it has lots of feet, and black guys

>liking anything he made after Kill Bill

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Deathproof and KillBill2 are his best films, the rest is literally "Tarantino Garbage" that hollywood jews prop up like the work of God, that is really generic jewish trash

I followed La Palma pol threads for two weeks and nothing happened

Inglorious Basterds>Reservoir Dogs>Pulp Fiction>Kill Bill 1>Django>Hateful 8>Kill Bill 2

from dusk til dawn is the best thing tarrantino has been involved in

Hateful 8 > Reservoir Dogs > Django > Pulp Fiction > Once upon a time in Hollywood > Kill Bill 1 > Kill Bill 2 > Death Proof > Inglorious Basterds

Jackie Brown
Inglorious Basterds
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Reservoir Dogs
Django Unchained
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Vol 2
Hateful Eight
Death Proof
Kill Bill Vol 1

Why are so many people putting Basterds so low? Is it because it's "pozzed" or something? Genuinely interested in your takes, since it's one of my favorites, after Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill

Very few action scenes despite being a ww2 movie

its corny as hell
Brad Pitt also acting horribly the whole film

Pulp Fiction > Inglourious Basterds > Django > Hateful Eight > Hollywood > Deathproof > Four Rooms > Reservoir Dogs > Kill Bill V1 > Kill Bill V2 > Jackie Brown

reddit ranking

dogs > basterds > pulp >Hateful 8 > djamgo > Hollywood > Jackie brown > kill bill > def proof

Oh so it's just terrible takes from misinformed people? K, cool.

My favorite Tarantino film is Snakes on a plane

He made JB for two reasons:
To prove he could make a "mature" movie (and then never gave to do it again)
And to try and get Pam Grier an Oscar
I don't think he's particularly attached to it outside of having gotten to work with Grier. I think he would've married her if he could've, just for the clout, even if they didn't like each other and despite her being like 25 years older than him
His best movie is Death Proof, it's the only one where it felt like he was really saying something personal that wasn't just about movies

Sneed > Feed > Seed > Formerly Chuck > City Slickers

I think he'll change his mind. I think once his son is a little older he's going to want to make something "for" him, like Robert Rodriguez did like 6 times

>His best movie is the one with the most foot fetish pandering

Kill Bill is a mashup of a bunch of other (better) films, but watching it still feels like visual candy.

seethe lmao

based KINO poster among plebs

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kill bill one is his worst film you troglodyte

I sure love 15 minutes of pointless dialogue

capefags are the worst


All of his movies are KINO. Stop pretending that they are not. Even Death Proof is more KINO than anything that comes out now.

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He hadn't met his wife yet, and was getting old. Mike is his stand in and it's about him feeling disgusting to women, which he had for most of his life. It's also him trying to get Zoe Bell to fall in love with him and knowing he would fail at it, even after giving her the lead hero role in a movie playing herself (didn't work with Uma and he was still relatively young at that point). I think he wrote it after that younger reporter fucked him and then wrote an article about how gross and boring he was and that he had a small dick. DP on the surface is his "girl power" movie, but there's a lot of anger toward women in it

feet. just. feet.
this man is based just by being a feet lover.

The order things happen in is completely random, dont impact each other, the first assassination/kill is uninteresting. The hatori hanzo scene has zero impact on the viewer because we weren't told how special he and his swords are in this world. the music and editing tries to hype the moment of getting the sword up, but to the viewer he is just a random old japanese guy with a katana collection. The japanese women's henchman's only purpose was to get a message to Bill??? Had tarantino thought 5 minutes longer about it he could have found a better solution.

That makes me like the movie less, user.

Well, everything worked out in the end. He's got a hot Jewish wife and a son and is rich and famous and does what he loves for a living, and hangs out with all his childhood heroes. I appreciate that a man as talented and successful as him can still feel lonely and undesirable.

>We don't know Hanzo's special
We do if we already knew who he was from his other movies. It'd be like Dracula showing up and you expecting the movie to explain who he is. Some of us recognized Pai Mei, knew the song from Female Convict Scorpion, the music from Master of the Flying Guillotine, and immediately recognized the Bride was dressed like Bruce Lee and Gordon Liu was dressed like Kato. You're saying it was bad filmmaking when Quentin was just making jokes that went over your head

>DP on the surface is his "girl power" movie, but there's a lot of anger toward women in it

how so? because they kill melanie?

I didnt know Pai mei either, but his encounter carried inherent weight in the movie. He proves himself immediately by defeating the bride with ease.
>You're saying it was bad filmmaking when Quentin was just making jokes that went over your head
no I'm saying it's bad filmmaking when an integral plot device isn't set up properly.
>It'd be like Dracula showing up and you expecting the movie to explain who he is
name a dracula movie that just drops you in the castle with no setup

Because it's about his frustration at knowing that women aren't attracted to him, even after becoming a living legend movie director with dozens of celebrity friends, and also fearing he would die alone now that he was aging out of the sexual marketplace. I think he LOVES women, but is deeply frustrated by them. He talked in his Joe Rogan interview about how he worshipped Sam Kinisin when he was just starting because of his takes on women, and in his own words, was "two steps away from becoming an incel". Guys raised by single moms tend to have complicated feelings about women.

>Guys raised by single moms tend to have complicated feelings about women.

to be honest i was raised by an agressive mother and weak father so the results are the same for me, i still can´t get a gf