/bcs/ Bravo GOULD edition

Thread rules: Unfortunately in this particular thread, no shiftposting is permitted. If you have any shiftposts, they'll have to wait until this thread reaches bumplimit.

Previously on /bcs/

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what timeline is this?

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How did Gus hire mike?

Alright serious posting now.
I have a question for the smarter anons: are we going to get introduced to a new character somehow? Or the cast is full and that's it? Somebody who's going to appear in a few episodes and is going to have a huge impact on the story, kinda like the nazis in BB?

Once BCS ends I think I'm off shows for a while. Nothing really seems to catch my attention anymore.

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This timeshift theory is the most retarded thing I've seen on this general in years. Even if they are just joking.
Now, for the serious predictions, there is only one way in which Gould can explain what happens to Kim in a way that Saul's character in Breaking Bad makes sense.
Brain swap. We've all noticed that Kim is a cunning, machiavellian lawyer, that thinks that the ends justify the means in those past episodes, while Jimmy is a good guy, who just want to help people, he doesn't like Kim's plan, he doesn't really want to destroy Howard's life. How can he become somebody completely different in a short span of time? The simple answer is: he doesn't.
My theory is: in the future episodes something bad happens to Kim. Maybe cartel will want to kill her, but more propable answer is that her plot on Howard will fail and she will be threatened with imprisonment, it doesn't really matter though. Then Jimmy, the sweet, kind, brilliant men we once knew will offer her a brain swap, and then he will let himself be killed or he'll go into prison instead of her. They will use Caldera's services to do that. Kim liked Jimmy but didn't really loved him that much, we can see it throughout the series, so that's understandable that she forgot about him after couple of years. It's also obvious why she doesn't mention herself in Breaking Bad, it explains this change of Saul's character, it explains why she uses hookers and flirts with Francesca (something Jimmy would never do, because of his love to Kim), it explains Saul's cold relation with Mike in BB (she didn't went through the desert with him), there is literally no weak point in this theory.
Let's also not forget that braVince wrote the X-Files episode where Mulder brain swaps with character played by Michael McKean.
Who knows, maybe the number she gives Francesca in that one flashforward scene in season 4 is the number to the state prison in which real Jimmy is.

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Chuck was the actual Jesse Pinkman of the show and they killed him too early.

too long, didn't read. time travel is happening

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ABQ post BCS is run by a triumvirate of the kettlemans, ice station zebra (aka Jimmy and Kimmy), and Lalo. Nothing happens in that city during all of breaking bad without their blessing

Blue board---censor feet.

b-bravo gould? what did gould meme by this?

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The lyrics of Winner Takes It All foreshadow the finale with Gene and Kim:
"Somewhere deep inside
You must know I miss you
But what can I say?
Rules must be obeyed
The judges will decide (will decide)
The likes of me abide (me abide)
Spectators of the show (of the show)
Always staying low (staying low)
The game is on again (on again)
A lover or a friend (or a friend)
A big thing or a small (big or small)
The winner takes it all (takes it all)
I don't wanna talk
If it makes you feel sad
And I understand
You've come to shake my hand
I apologize
If it makes you feel bad
Seeing me so tense
No self-confidence
But you see
The winner takes it all"

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I guess maybe in the Gene timeline? Someone with that glowie

>Pls Craig earned it, the money belongs to us
>Well Betsy, but have you earned it?
>What do you mean?
>There is a deal here, you have some bargaining chips, I take $30k as a retainer, but you need to do something for me
>You can not possibly mean?!
>Oh but I do

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the guy bill burr plays should show up in atleast in a minor role since hes part of the main "saul crew"

>Pls we do anything
>Well by now you know the price
>Craig stand there, Jimmy, mount Betsy why I hold her here

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Bill Burr was supposed to be the detective hired by Jimmy against the bald guy, but he was unavailable. It doesn't make much sense to see him now. I hope he shows up though

I think more probable option is that they will use some forgotten character that was in one or two episodes earlier, like Dave Brightbill, just like they've reintroduced Kettlemans
also Patrick Kuby needs to appear somehow, but I don't know if that counts as a new character

unironically,what the FUCK is the deal wit the occasional feet shots scattered throughout this show?, are the actors just fine with cameras pointing at their feet for no practical reason?

This is what the absence of feet, pits, neck and shoulders do to a man


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>just read the leak

nachito :(

>people want this goblin to be on the show

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post yfw this is canon

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he did :(

I had a dream that Kim blackmailed her into getting /ss/'d


He defecated through a stargate!

EW put their review too early


The one of Nachos druggy gf was so blatant in the season 6 premier, they show her sort of playing with her toes and the she gets up and the camera cuts straight to her feet as she steps on a domino and then wipes it off her foot, it was the most blatant fetish pandering since Quinten Tarintino or Dan Schnider

I just read the leak: the whole review makes a lot of sense, holy fuck, oh well, GG Nacho and fuck Kim

Gus is a back gman

It’s simultaneously the most ridiculous yet credible theory out there

i thought you were trolling, im not reading this thread further more kill yourself for spoiling me if it was true

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Ignacio "nacho fast" Varga hehe

its 100% true nigger dont browse Yea Forums threads if you are worried about spoilers

im going to timeshift and remove the spoilers

>another episode where nothing happens to jimmy/saul/gene

for fucks sake i'm not even hyped anymore.

She looked young once.

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this one's pretty recent, she lost a load of weight for catch22

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Fuck this,I'm going to play Far Cry 3 again

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Hopefully Mando nails the delivery for his last fuck you speech to Hector and the rest of them.

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gr8 actor desu

Jesus fucking Chris I hope this isn’t real.. that is depressing as hell. This show sure loves suicide, huh?


did they go too far here?

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It sure seems to be based on the screenshots showing Gus, Juan Bolsa and Hector meeting out in the desert.

I highly doubt this is real.. a major character killing himself in only the third episode of the season is ridiculous

Not reading

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how does the breaking good timeline fit into all this?

i doubt i'd have resisted the urge to put mommy prosecutor sweaty feet into my mouth if i was jimmy in that situation

nachobros… not like this

well, one of nacho's girlfriends walking over a 6-3 domino had to mean something

>did they go to far
>Crusty bunion covered crooked toe old lady feeet
needless to say I was licking the screen


Fake ass leak .

It's EW retard

So what's Howard's fate then? They won't do two suicides in one season.

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yeah like bruh whats the point of nachos character if he just goes out like a bitch like that? dude did fuck all for two seasons just for 0 payoff?

>a major leak reviewing very well and that makes sense
nachofags are on the verge of desperation

God I hope not. The last Season of BB had some huge problems. The tape that Walt makes is forgotten about a day later even though it was enough for Hank to give up...even though apparently he was tailing Jesse? I hope they don't go that route.

>like a bitch


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Chuck IS LITERALLY Jesse Pinkman, my dude.

Go to sleep timeshitters. The thread rules were clear.

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Here's the real spoiler:
>Saul gets Better Called


bros..now i don't want to watch the next episode

Don't Call Saul

im just saying most of these nacho scenes will feel like a massive waste of time on a rewatch if this leak is real

i hope

Dumb fucking ass. Do you really think they'll kill off a character like Nacho, so relevant and foreshadowed even in BB, just like that with minimal buildup? The leaks are fake, the post was fake, your birth certificate is fake, you don't even exist outside of my subconscious, faggot. Screenshot this fucking post, Nacho will LIVE

its EW


I've forgotten so fucking much of this show's plot
Should I start watching from the beginning before watching this season?
Dubs and I'll do it

>minimal buildup
you see he needed to be on the run for 3 seasons

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>foreshadowed even in BB
Care to explain? Please don't give me the throwaway line made up on the spot by Bob Odenkirk, thanks.

gus saying that nacho's face is too clean and mike beating his face in must be some of the saddest things ever shown on tv

Realistically speaking, can someone sue EW for leaking that and ruining the experience?

>Nacho dies, close upbof lifeless body, cuts to credits as somber music plays
>Cuts to black
>*opening guitar riff from Back in black plays*
>A figure riding a motorbike in the Mexican dessert at night, drifts down the road
>they stop infront of Nachos body
>boot steps off the bike
>Camera rises to the riders face as they remove helmet
>4 different slowmo shots of them taking off the helmet
>the moon reflects on the helmet in one epic shot
>the helmet falls on the floor and bounces, shows reflection of the cool motorbike
>they pick up the helmet and put it back on
>they pose on motorbike(badass)
>they drive away
>Credits carry on playing, Nacho still dead

And I thought Chuck’s departure was depressing… holy fuck this season is going to be fucking kinography

>nacho spends 3 seasons as a punching bag that kills himself at the end
for what purpose

Gilligan told me in private that Nacho called Hank to warn him about the cousins