Funny, funny stuff

Funny, funny stuff.

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Why the fuck would you let your teen son wander the neighborhood at night after he was suspended from school for drugs? Am I the only one with family that would've curb-stomped me for that?

>suspended from school for drugs
Is that true? I never heard that part but I'm not at all surprised that the media would cover that up.

>haha racism is funn-

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He also had stolen jewelry in his bag.

oh shit lol

Qrd on why we're triggered? Who did South Park make fun of this time?

At first I thought Trey was weird for doing this, but then I learned that the vast majority of American white guys are raising black sons nowadays. An American friend told me that it's deeply taboo for a male parent to raise multiple white children without including at least one black stepson in the group.

There's lots of shit that got covered up. For instance this thing in the pic that claimed to be Treyvon's girlfriend, that claimed to be the last person he talked to, that was a guest on the Piers Morgan show... Turns out that was all bullshit. She wasn't Treyvon's girlfriend. We don't know the name of treyvon's girl, she was a minor at the time. How about them apples?

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>vast majority

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I'm black and a woman

>implying if Zimmerman shot a white kid he would have been executed

you're black but ywnbaw

what does that have to do with being murdered in the street though

it means him being murdered saved other's lives

The Trayvon era was peak Yea Forums

Trayvon was bashing the spic's head-in, It was self-defense.

>liberal, cool atheists
>coincidentally takes the same position as whatever the leftwing, corporate media is putting out
Once you realize these "agnostic" atheists just put man as the replacement of God it all starts crumbling down. That was the actual intent of liberalism and the Enlightenment. People like Voltaire even wanted to have an "intellectual ruling class" which of course he and his buddies would fill. There's no "recent" switch where all the liberals became faggots, they've been like this from the start.

i dont think i've ever read that anywhere

Vat where your sources?
I saw photos of Zimmermen's head all swollen after the altercation.

corporate media is not left wing, the stuff they sell is packaged for a liberal and mostly centrist audience though, because thats what most people are

I'm sure you just believed whatever your twitter friends told you.

you're asking me for a source? usually the burden of proof is on the one making the claim user

i've never used twitter in my life

it really has been downhill since then

i don't think i've ever laughed as hard as i did and as long as i did since this moment

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Wow that is some biting social commentary.

Legally, logically, morally it was not murder.

can't flim flam the zim zam

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he had sex with a black woman, what's the problem here

Trayboon was punching his head into the pavement.
Blacks think you should let them kill you cause rassism

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>We don't know the name of treyvon's girl, she was a minor at the time. How about them apples?
We do know it, it was fatbeasts half-sister, who was the one on the phone with Trayvon and refused to testify since she either had to lie or confirm Zimmerman's story.
Also baby Trayvon who looks like Obama's son was trying to buy a gun 1 week before he was shot.
This case was the begging of current clownworld.
Vid related is an amazing documantary about it:

If the Zim Zam had shot a white kid we'd never have even heard about it.

I’m so glad Trayvon is still dead. Anyone know where that niglet is buried? I wanna take some funny pictures and I’m in Orlando for the next few weeks.

Damn Matt and Trey are fucking cucks for that. Not worth getting upset about though since everyone stopped caring about Shit Park 10 years ago.
> Di Maio also testified that Zimmerman had at least six injuries from the struggle: two head lacerations, two wounds to his temples and wounds on his nose and forehead. Di Maio said those injuries were consistent with Zimmerman having his head banged into a sidewalk, and that such injuries can be dangerous. Di Maio stated it's possible to receive trauma without visible wounds, testifying that, "You can get severe trauma to the head without external injuries, actually." Di Maio said Zimmerman's nose may have been fractured, which was consistent with Zimmerman being punched in the nose

Blog Post Story Time:

Once when I was young my black friend was hanging out at my house and his mom just never came to pick him back up.

We had our first sleep over that night, and he became my best friend for many years.

Turned out she went to the casino and just slept there... likely with some man.

Anyhow they lived in the suburbs (very white) and still acted like that, imagine if she had been from the ghetto where there is no law.

This part is also 100% true: She ended up being convinced by (((media))) that it is impossible for white people to NOT be racist at all times, so she sat my family down while me and my friend were playing outside and told them this info.

I knew something was up because in the car my friend kept talking about "taking her car and running away to a different state" then his mom took him home and that was the last time he was at my house.

I tried for a long time to call him and sometimes he would answer and not say anything on the other side of the line.

Found out later that she told him if he ever spoke to me again, she would disown him.

We paid for all his food, video games, and clothes and stuff and she never once said thank you, she was just a horrible piece of shit non-stop and if her son ever cried she would give him 100 dollar bills she got from gambling and likely sucking cock.

She didn't love him (black mother).

We loved him (white family).

She thought we wanted to own him, when she is the one who treated him worse then her own property.

pt. 1/2

pt. 2/2

To end this I'll say we were best friends, completely inseparable for 6+ years, then his mom made that move right before high-school started, and he happened to go to the same school.

I saw him there and he saw me and when I tried to talk to him he just ghosted me right down the hallway and wouldn't acknowledge my existence which still hurts worse then I could've thought after all these years... its been maybe 15 year since this and everyone in a while I'll have a dream where I'm back hanging out with him and it feels like we didn't even skip a day.

I love you TJ and goodbye.

I never got to say it to you in real life... but... goodbye thanks for being maybe the only real friend I ever had.

/blog I'm fighting back tears and can't remember the last time I cried.

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My man been readin.... AY! AY YO! LOOK AT THIS FAG

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Erm.... okay?

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i would love to give matt and trey the warwick davis treatment

i hope this is pasta because its gay af. he is in prison btw

>le heckin ebin niggerino childhood story!
cringe, go back to r e d d i t onions

holy hell this hits hard. i no longer believe in borders.

>On July 13, 2013, the jury found him not guilty.

>"World War Zimmerman" is the third episode of Season Seventeen, and the 240th overall episode of South Park. It aired on October 9, 2013.

So mad about the result, they kill him off in the show. Pathetic jews.

They’re not Jewish

Any kinos with forbidden friendships like user's story?

Wow imagine having an opinion and not knowing anything about the thing you're having an opinion about. You sure fit in the new 2020+ retards. Now fuck off back to readdit you NPC faggot.

He had stolen jewelry and was by the looks of it casing wealthier neighborhoods with b&e tools in his backpack. Zimzam was doing the neighborhood watch thing because local houses had been broken into recently. It is circumstantial, but there's a reasonable suspicion that obamas son might in fact have been doing something instead of din due ing nuthin.


Lol This is why we have trials

>usually the burden of proof is on the one making the claim user
I think your sources become relevant when you say that info wasn't in your sources

Even if they weren't, it'd make them honorary converts.

You gotta be a complete retard to believe this.

That sucks user. Had a similar fate but with a girl
>met freshman year of college
>super cute, same taste in movies and would play video games with me
>dated for two years
>took her to meet my parents and they loved her
>was always cagey about her own family
>finally end up meeting them and basically the entire family gives me the cold shoulder
>afterwards she finally fesses up that they don’t like her dating a white guy
>that meeting pretty much sours the relationship and she dumped me a few months later because her parents kept pressuring her and she chose her family over me
>hurt for a long time but eventually moved on
>stupidly got the urge a few years later to look her up online
>within a year of us breaking up she got knocked up by a black dude her parents hooked her up with, he bailed, she dropped out of college in her last year, and now she lives with her parents raising her daughter and working at Target

feels bad. Makes me wonder how things would have turned out if her parents hadn’t been so adamantly racist

do you get upset at chimpanzees eating their young? this is their nature, stop pretending you're dealing with people


>I have to protect my black son from the people he will one day assault and rob

It supports the stance that Zimmerman was dealing with a criminal.

he is son of rich leftist. he will prolly troon out

What the fuck? No.