Well that was a fucking terrible way to waste $12.50

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don't clarify any possible reason why. please. and go back to r*ddit.


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>omg magic mushrooms and naked people wearing wreaths in a viking thing how groundbreaking

and it was kino

literally anti-white propaganda for one
literally no plot
literally gay script
literally no development
literally no surprises
just a bunch of noise and boring gore

I wasted $10 getting the succ from your momma, I let her keep the change.

all kino
zero substance
fuckoff you retard

>literally anti-white propaganda for one
Richard Spencer loved it and called it one of the most right wing Hollywood movies ever made

sound and fury signifying nothing
total trash
calls eggers into serious question

You just have bad taste user, it's okay

You just proved that user's point.

is it actually bad or you are
1. in need of some (you)s
2. brown
3. christian

Based off what people (I use that word loosely) here were saying I thought this was going to be boring. Saw it in the cinemas with my dad and we both thought it was great. I invited three of my friends to come see it with me tomorrow.

I think you guys have gotten too used to super hero movies haha

well there you fucking go
trash confirmed

Imagine if the northman abandoned the revenge teased throughout the enitire movie, ran away with the Slav woman and raise his children in the Rus. It would be such an epic troll to the audience and unironically kino.

Why would you even take the time to post things like this? What's your fucking motivation?

>sound and fury signifying nothing
No this is Hamlet user.

none of the above
if anything i am a viking weeb

he’s either trolling or retarded. eggers is not right wing and the film is pagan in nature. how the fuck is it a right wing movie?

Not one reply from the Arcane capeshit fags heh

it is not remotely pagan unless farting and burping are pagan you retard

did you like batman?

He argues that the film presents Norse society's obsession over posterity and bloodlines as legitimate, which I guess is Spencer's primary concern

imagine getting filtered by one scene in the beginning

shit, you’re right man. norse gods are christian. my bad.

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>west coaster has an opinion
into the trash it goes

That used to be every society’s obsession till 50 years ago.

I liked it.

>pagan isn't right-wing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, post that one dumb bitch who said the gods were trans immigrants or some faggot shit.

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Russian bot

Do you have any actual Norse literature? These are all secondary sources about runes and shit

I'm confused
I googled two of these battles and at least two of them seem to be 'viking' victories?

For you it was 12.50$ wasted
For them it was $80 million wasted

Why do I keep seeing people say it has not plot or that it's hard to follow? It has a very simple and straightforward revenge plot that should not confuse any thinking person. There's other reasonable critiques to make, but this is not one of them.

Attached: The Northman bad reviews.jpg (520x1018, 144K)

If these terms pop up often in audience reviews, you know we're dealing with kino

If you don't understand the romanticism of vikings, you're literally part of the subversion of Western culture which is ironic hilarity coming from some tradtard.

Fun fact; every single thing about pagan scandinavian culture was bizzarre, grotesque, offensive and gruesome by todays srandards

Njal's Saga and Eyrbyggja's Saga were not written by Stephen Floers my dude.

Plus tip

The moment I heard about it doing poorly with test audiences, I knew it was going to be good.

Only idiots are obsessed with Runes lmao, easily the least interesting part of norse history
You only have two sagas?
No books on Norse history?

I guess technically revenge is a plot but it's not a very good or interesting one. How fucking stupid does a person have to be to not realize Kidman is going to wind up getting killed? I knew it from the fucking trailer. I just assumed there would be more stuff than the trailer. There was not more stuff than the trailer.

>only two sagas?
fuckoff you nerd

I think you guys have gotten too used to super hero movies lol

It has an 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. That should tell you everything you need to know about this piece of shit film.

>rip off of conan the barbarian

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>literally anti-white propaganda for one
>literally no plot
not needed for entertainment
>literally gay script
>literally no development
not needed for entertainment
>literally no surprises
not needed for entertainment
>just a bunch of noise and boring gore

I went in expecting The Lighthouse/The Witch and I got Taken.

You don't know anything about Norse history you fucking pseud

Who the fuck said I did? I said I was a Viking weeb not a Norse Historian you gaylord lol

Found the black person

>I watched the Thor movie once so yeah, I'm pretty much an expert on vikings now

Look man, if you know so much about history, then you should know that people 1000 years ago are basically the same as people now, but there wasn't a single person in that piece of shit movie. There were caricatures of people in that movie. Caricatures of cultures. Caricatures of relationships. It's capeshit faggotry for capeshit fags. Simple as.

>what is an archetype
>what is a legend
>what is the hero’s journey

You’re just retarded kiddo, maybe you’ll understand after you get through High school English

I know you're 22 and just finished reading Joseph Campbell for the first time and think you're really smart and hot shit, and I don't doubt for one moment that you liked The Northman, but you need to know that you are a fucking retard who likes retarded movies made for retards.


Paganism is inherently fascistic retard
Christianity is egalitarian and proto-Bolshevik
Leftoids are so dumb it's unreal

Hey listen buddy, I know you are 24 and just finished reading Deleuze for the first time, but you need to know that you are a midwit who likes midwit movies made for midwits.

The Northman was actual garbage. Sadly it's also one of those midwit movies where the fans main defense is saying "you didn't get it" because they've situated the film in their head as something operating on an highly existential level, as it's the first original film they've seen in a decade, so the discussion for it is pure cancer.

Weak bait.

Getting mad that people like something you don't like is a sign of both immaturity and a low IQ