Who the fuck was AVEY MARIA and what part did he play in Riddlers plan?

who the fuck was AVEY MARIA and what part did he play in Riddlers plan?

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I wonder if the riddler ever posted here..

does baneposting exist in the batman universe?

4channel is canon now, making Mr. Freeze a proto-oldfag.

jesus mom

I heard Paul Dano has never had sex in his life to prepare for his role as the riddler.

Literally impossible, the guy is obviously and unironically a sex god.

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fucking love how dano did the 'maria' part with an american accent

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he was unironically good. the riddler is obviously full autismo

Rolo Tomasi's brother. They are twins from hungary who ran a drug ring with Kaiser Soze first in metropolis then they set up shop in Gotham Gotham

>he was unironically good
literally /ourguy/, wish I could upvote and follow this madlad

Was he doing an impression of Eric Butts when the vans were exploding?

>You're big guy

>You're big guy

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>You're out of your goddamn mind. This is all in your head. You're sick, twisted. You think you'll be remembered? You pathetic psychopath, begging for attention. You're gonna die alone here. You're a nobody.
jesus christ, did Battinson really have to be so cruel and insult him like that?

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>did Battinson really have to be so cruel and insult him like that?
he was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.

>a literal psychopath dressed in a fucking batsuit calling another psychopath out

>literall voice of an angle

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This movie wasn't supposed to be memed like this

>You're out of your goddamn mind. This is all in your head. You're sick, twisted. You think you'll be remembered? You pathetic psychopath, begging for attention. You're gonna die alone here. You're a nobody.
I feel personally attacked

So many girls would be attracted to him. They would unironically say they could fix him

he’s so cute need him

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I'll remember you, bro.

He cute.

>Im acting

Riddler posts on /pol/

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Batman: whiny emo bitch who beats up street gangs (but not the black ones) while paling around with villains and causing car crashes

Riddler: ultra chad galaxy brain taking out the top level corrupt elite and mob bosses, commands an army of avey maria single riflebros and single handedly fucked up an entire metro size city



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From the twisted mind of Matt Reeves
>Yea Forums user
It was a coomer in a Gotham thread talking about Catwoman

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the point is that btman was at least partially yelling at himself

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He kinda looks like John Lennon

lol, no it isn't. you Pattman faggots are starting to reach Snyderjeet levels of headcanon.

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just a silly little guy

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He looks like he fucks black women

Maybe he was making a subtle reference to Disney's Fantasia, in which Night on Bald Mountain (starring pic related), is juxtaposed against Ave Maria in the finale.

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>i didn't get it
>ur dum!

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she was the one who set up the bombs

>She's the only other one we didn't get.

>Big Bat Cock

jesus, Dano never stood a chance, Ave Maria!!

the batman 2022 is for fujos only

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Fujo kino

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I have a horrible wide midface like this, kill me

do gay guys do this, they get raped then rape that guy in revenge

They should have made the riddler Michael Pitt and made him more like this over incel rage

why would you want this when paul dano is perfectly lewd and cute himself and his riddler is endearingly pathetic

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Riddler confirmed as an incel tradcath

Michael Pitt is a pain in the ass to work with. Babyface incel Riddler was an excellent choice desu.

he’s a lapsed catholic inceloid and doesn’t understand how his peepee works desu this is canon

What's the point of that collar? Looks like it's big enough for him to take it off

The movie fucking sucks, that's why. It makes no sense.

collar is heavy so he can’t lift it off his head, dumb ass

he just has a classic face

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