morbiusbros... we won...
Is this the new Batman movie? I dont actually watch movies i just like to shitpost
I don't know why fantastic beasts gained any traction whatsoever no one gives a fuck about Dumbledore Grindelwald or any of these other faggots in the franchise. If anything I would have liked post graduate Harry Potter. Enslave Daniel Radcliffe Rupert Grint and Emma Watson to be in those roles forever and watch them do crazy adventuring wizard shit until they die
Dr. Strange prequel
Why were there even 3 Fantastic Beasts movies? Isn’t he basically a wizard dog catcher?
The lead is a shit actor, they recast Depp, and Ezra Miller is a violent transsexual. I have no interest in any of the star power in this movie in any capacity. Plus, the premise is garbage. Judging by your post, I'm not alone in this.
HomoIustbros, it's not looking good for us.
they literally just need to do "HOGWART LE NEXT GENERATION" with a black/muslim girl and they would have printed money and won an academy award every 3 years
the first one was alright but the 2nd was so bad, they could've just kept going with the newt feller and the beasts but they wanted to make it some grand story that no one cares about
families rather go see the much better Bad Guys. Who woulda thunk it
just an excuse to have more HP prequels with the popular characters
Movie is a clusterfuck + no Depp + auto sabotage because it is related to JK
My kid seems interested when she sees adverts for it. I think you're right
Depp was awful in the second movie which also flopped
It has nothing to do with magical beasts. They're just there as a tangent, an afterthought. They think audiences are going to come back again and again for some big homo relationship drama that makes no difference to the HP story
i liked the 2nd one better
The nail in the coffin was keeping the Fantastic Beasts branding past the first movie. Should've been Hogwarts, Dumbledore, or Voldemort something, fucking anything besides Fantastic Beasts.
Good. Fuck wandshit.
Big problem is that HP got huge, but the series is named after the kid and there's not much story to be told outside of his story. Imagine if Star Wars was called "Luke Skywalker" and now you have to make a sequel without Luke? So to most normies even casual HP fans, the connection to HP is lost on them.
If this series continues on, I hope he's edged out from the protagonist role in favor of DumbIedore.
who would have thought redmayne could carry a film without method mayne?
Another win for Trans rights.
Chuds like JK Rowling are on the wrong side of history.
>first movie made a quatrillion dollars thanks to the HP brand, but it was pure shit
>*sigh* somehow, the second movie was even shitier
>they made a third movie for some reason
One day I will ask the producers and executives if they read the scripts or just green light everything.
take her to see Morbius
It's funny how they're going to blame this on JK Rowling when really the movies are just not appealing to mainstream audiences at all and never have been on the level of Harry Potter. The cast isn't iconic, the characters aren't known, etc
How could Depp do this Ambersisters?
I. Fucking. Told. You. Mudbloods.
No one wants to hear about Gayass Dumbledore or snivering Scamander sliming about on screen. And remember what you told me?
"No way Voldemort/Tom Riddle prequel user, his story will be mixed in with THIS one and the sequels coming after, there's NO WAY they'll ignore the big bad.
Well mugglefuckers, this trashpile burned harder than the Potter's house on YOU KNOW WHAT day, and I'M no where to be seen.
Let's get in with the proper prequels and stop fucking around now. You know this to be true. Tom Riddle movies - young life/first half of Hogwarts - second half of Hogwarts/young adult life - adult Tom turning into Voldemort.
I'm back from my ban, potter heads. New Tom Riddle General coming soon.
The focus is on the brand and continuing the brand forever, instead of trying to risk making new series. These big cultural phenomenons are rare, but they're big cash cows that you can presumably milk forever. Just think how much money and how long you make billions while pumping out 8 or 9 films? That is steady money for like 20 years!
This is HP series running on fumes. This certainly will be the end of "Fantastic beasts". But they will give it a few more goes until they say it's done forever.
next up Hogwarts Legacy
hope that one also tanks
>This certainly will be the end of "Fantastic beasts
From what I can gather they never really did more with the Fantastic Beasts concept outside of the first movie.. It fell into the Star Wars issue and immediately became the Harry Potter prequel.
These franchises are absolutely terrified of expanding their universe outside of the main narrative.. Everything has to be have some connection to the original saga.
I dislike Harry Potter a great deal but thought with Fantastic Beasts atleast they were trying to grow that universe.
Also.. Focusing on gay Dumbledore and his love relationship. I really think executives over value the appeal of this shit.
Based fuck Harry Twatter.
>make gay shit
>nobody watches it (twitter trannies don't actually watch movies)
atleast they got their woke internet points tho
We need a Harry Potter with a transgender protag to save the series.
Good fuck this shitty franchise hope it burns in hell where it belongs.
Moribund was literally just a fun action flick. In what way was it even bad? It had neat visuals and a creepy villain even.
Thats JK's fault lol she's the writer
The dialogue was atrocious. Nobody wants to listen to Rowling suck her own cock for two and half hours. Add to that a huge portion of her fanbase rejecting her ideological bullshit and you have a recipe for franchise death.
I see your point, but why not get a better script for the movies in this series? It would be better for the brand if they made less shit movies.
I think it was the second movie that got such convoluted plot that they decided to put the Titanic with the forgotten brother of Dumbledore and the cursed heir of family and a dude who stole the wife of someone and they did all this in like a 4 minutes montage in the middle of the story. I can't believe no one, in such a giant project, reconsidered the whole thing while reading the script.
No sounds is such a disservice of this webm.
It's amazing that enough people care about the Harry Potter Cinematic Universe enough for the third(?) movie in the spinoff to make 43 million dollars
>I see your point, but why not get a better script for the movies in this series?
What's a good script? By whose definition? Pure tripe makes billlions in the box office all the time. A "good script" in contrast is probably gonna be made by "artists" who are gonna do weird things and take risks. Money men hate risks. a lot of these franchises are written by committee (Disney has this down to a science now).
I'm almost certain there's an effect whereby the bigger a company gets, the less creative they get, and the blander and less appealing their product gets.
why do they think they can take their time and make franchises over A forty-year period? you have to capitalize, or people lose interest.
>literally getting murdered by furries
Only Marvel, Horror and Animated movies actually make money at the box office everything else flops.
That seems to be the long term trends. We might be seeing the death of cinema as we know it. Adult dramas might move to home.
>wrong side of history.
No such thing. That's made up commie bullshit that doesn't really exist.
>for the wrong reasons
don't forget chink shit like Water Gate Bridge, making 626 million.
>Our postmodernist theories will remain unchallenged for all of human history.
this , only trannies think the first one was better
HP universe is pretty based my friend. It's a pity Rowling lost sight of what made it so based. People wanna watch kids go to magical wizard school and occassionally have whimsical adventures. She though they wanna see Dumbledore discover he's a power bottom.
What is 43 million after a 79% drop?
9 million
The international gross is over 200kk.
So trannies are the only ones with taste?
The 2nd movie is one of the most boring ,bloated ,poorly paced pieces of garbage I ever sat through there is like 100 stupid things going on that have nothing to with anything I actually paused the film part way to take a break something I never do.
I actually laughted at that retarded baby twist.
if they were popular characters wouldn't this movie be making money??
its because of newt were unlikable main character
>We might be seeing the death of cinema as we know it. Adult dramas might move to home.
That is so depressing. Did COVID do this?
if i remember correctly, don't international markets only give back 30% of the ticket sale?
By "blame JK Rowling" I mean the transgender stuff. I've seen lots of people say that people are refusing to see the movie because of her comments and that's not true. It's more her shitty writing and bad marketing
this! and covid killed any momentum it had
>That is so depressing. Did COVID do this?
The trend started beforehand. For about a decade "serious dramas" were what you saw at Home. "Fun" films or animation were what you saw on screen. So breaking bad, and Game of Thrones on AMC and HBO, then Marvel or Disney in cinema. COVID may have sped up this process, but it has been going for about 10 years now.
this is literally the fucking opposite of what postmodernism is you fucking nonce
>Only Marvel... 's sequels