Why do people consider Bale the definitive Batman? Everyone I ask who the best Batman is all say Bale

Why do people consider Bale the definitive Batman? Everyone I ask who the best Batman is all say Bale

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because TDK was the perfect film

For normies total Reddit taste

Why does he look so funny in that suit? It looks like he's sucking a lemon.

Op. See, Keaton was always a fave. But that was nostalgia. I was 9 when I see Batman. I do like Bake. Just his voice is so fucking cringe

midwits love Nolan
TDKR? awful movie. look up the imdb score though.

Bale *looked* the most like Batman/Bruce.

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Bale and Kilmer are best batman.

Bruce Wayne needs to be a sauve ladyboy.

Bale, damnit!

did he? more than not fat affleck?

It was 7/10 capeshit

dude's got everything right both on and off mask.


he is a better bruce wayne than batman

imo Batman has never been done well on the silver screen

Cuz those are the only good batman movies.

If thats 7/10 capeshit then all other is 5/10 max

Keaton is the first and he was the one they all mimic

His Batman is laughable, The cookie monster voice & spewing his philosophy to his oneitis was cringe.

Every actor has either been a good Batman or a good Bruce Wayne. Keaton was good as Batman but he was terrible as Wayne, he was a billionaire but fell for some random blonde bimbo? Really? Bale was a great Wayne but his Batman was kind of silly.

affleck is still the best (live action) batman, independent of the movies he was in. Anyone who disagrees is unequivocally and unironically wrong. If you even say keaton then its very likely your mother fed you chinese baby formula as an infant.

His Batman didn't even log in 100 hours, then he quit.

Bale brought the most humanity to the role. He was very dark and obsessive, almost Corleone-esque, but still managed to be heroic and inspirational, which is how Batman should be imo.

Modern takes on the character, both on-screen and in the comics, just make him this perpetually angry, paranoid lunatic who's also totally infallible, and it's just not compelling. I also like the detail that went into showing how much money, technical know-how, and theatricality goes into being Batman.

If the movies had a little more detective scenes, they would be the perfect batman movies. Bale plays him perfectly, ie like the cartoon
>implying comics are still relevant
Idk how batman acted in them and dont care

good post. if only he didn't use the fucking stupid voice.

Oh shit...

Aflack was garbage and your gay dubs confirm

Lol this!
Always ripped you right out of the movie

Watching Bat Begins with my Mom & the "Swear to me" scene comes up, She bursts out laughing "He's trying too hard."

Agreed, the voice is probably Bale's only real flaw. And desu I'm not super crazy about the Batsuit in TDK and TDKR.

Peak Batman is '66 but with the dark aesthetic. AKA the way Miller wrote him. At once a hardass but also fucking hilarious and nonsensical.
Affleck came closest to this.

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>Keaton terrible Wayne

I liked how Keaton whispered.

It was 7/10 capseshit

As capeshit, it was 10/10

That is like comparing great junk food to a gourmet dinner, they are both good in their intended purposes.

However the dark knight is not really junk food, it is more like, a memorable picnic with your family

>When he paints himself completely yellow.
I love Miller.

Miller Bats is comedy gold and I'm glad someone else sees it. It's subtle enough to where midwits call it too "grimdark", when it's pretty well balanced.

because he was the first since Keaton to not play the role like a meme

I watched 89 a few weeks back, every scene with Batman in it was wonderful but every scene with Wayne was
>oh Alfred, I'm a billionaire who just met Vale but she's changed my life, I love her so much!
It was pathetic, he was acting like a lovestruck teenager when really he was in a position where women like Vale would be constantly throwing themselves at him. The Nolan movies get Wayne right by having him be superficial on the outside while in truth being very careful about who he can really trust and show his real emotions to.

Wayne always fell for Vicki Vale. Read the comic! I prefer Keaton’s recluse Bruce Wayne. Bored playboy wannabe is cliche and such a Zorro rip off

Tall, dark, handsome, also genuinely charismatic and charming unlike Affleck, also can convincingly play a wealthy person unlike Affleck whose only authentic role is as a mick day laborer in Good Will Hunting.

All Star Based and Redpilled is so good.

Affleck as Batman was really good, he was intense but also aloof and slightly empathetic. Too bad the films were poorly written and all.

I don't care if it's in the comics, Vale is a terrible character. It makes sense for Batman to fall for Rachel since muh childhood friend seems like something that fits the character, he idolizes his time before his parents' death and she is part of that. Likewise it also makes sense for him to fall for Catwoman or Talia al Ghul since those women are part of his new world as Batman. It does not make sense for him to fall for a random reporter as Bruce Wayne.

I don't mind recluse Keaton however, that's pretty good. I would have liked it if they had played it up in 89 instead of focusing on the Vale romance plot.

Batman Begins is the best Batman movie so far. It takes itself somewhat seriously, while still being firmly rooted in a neo-noir comic book Gotham, and it has some heart. From TDK on it was just full-blown cold, sterile, Nolan cynicism.

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>most successful, most seen, most well-regarded depiction of Batman
That's why, regardless of who likes which actor the best personally. The TDK trilogy is as mainstream and definitive as it gets, I believe it even got a few Oscar noms besides Ledger's win.

Ben Affleck's Batman wasn't in a good movie until last year, and he's a supporting character. For me, I can't help but see Affleck as a fat pathetic alcoholic constantly crying about his ex-wife, so I can't see him as Batman even if he did work his ass off and put in a pretty good performance.

>can't separate the character and the actor
so you see baleman as an angry try-hard asshole all the time?

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Agreed. Begins is also the most timeless imo, whereas the other two feel extremely dated watching them today what with the War On Terror/Patriot Act/Occupy Wall Street parallels going on.

2 & 3 are like bloated Law & Order episodes.

Batman Begins has this great open-endedness to it, Like there could be magic out there, Then you get to TDK & it's just a cop drama.

he's not convincing. I respect that he gave it a go and that it was probably a lifelong dream of his to play Batman, but that doesn't mean he was born to play it. Ben Affleck is one of the dumbest people alive and by all rights should still be working at a Dunkin Donuts. In that big booze-bloated Irish face of his, and in those dumb doll eyes, I do not see the world's greatest detective. But his suit was awesome, the voice was great, the fight scenes were really good

Bake was Batman from 2005 to 2012, and even though TDKR has issues, it was a Batman story that was generally well received, so he was Batman for the longest and not part of a series that is totally shit or dragged down by serious production issues.

I could never get passed the Batman voice. I know it's been memed to death since Batman Begins (and even more after TDK) but it's just so fucking goofy and awful it takes me out of the scene.

That said, Conroy is the best Batman followed by Keaton.

Because his first two movies were great. Best superhero films and among the best action films.

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>played him the most consistent Batman
>batman begins and TDK are amazing
>was a handsome playboy but also a strong not jacked badass
>had a sense of humor

I still don't like Bruce was lil faggot that got his parents killed because so fruity dancers, Only fags are scared of rats & bats.

Alfred has a speech for every situation.

Saw a talk show clip on youtube recently where Conroy did lines from other Batman actors. When he got to Affleck he did some nonsensical line from Josstice league instead of "tell me, do you bleed?" which pissed me off.
Clip in question.
I never watched any of the CW stuff, was his live-action appearance as Bruce Wayne worth watching?

Should be youtube.com/watch?v=48wGUdUOvUc, not sure how that got cut off.

It was the perfect 7/10 film

He had the best card.

> read this as "best cock"
I've been here too long.

Kek this must be what happens if Netflix made a Batman movie

For a child it's believable. I got scared of scooby doo movie as a kid and had to close my eyes.

>buy the original 4 90s Batman flicks
>tell girlfriend I'm bringing them over and cooking dinner for us
>put on Batman forever
>"I thought you said we were watching Batman? you didn't even buy the good ones"
Seriously reconsidering this relationship

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Yeah okay, I got scared of the vikings in my town's festival when I was little.

Having just re-watched Begins last night, young Bruce is indeed a little gay twit who was being very spergy at the opera and should probably feel a tiny amount of guilt

I just like the Zorro angle of Bruce darting into the darkness, Not a big fan muh fear theme Nolan was trying to do.

I did like how the Bats helped Bruce in the BVS.

And now you dress as Scooby Doo to beat up criminals at night

Batman Forever is kino, I got strangely emotional when Robin saved Batman.

>"I thought you said we were watching Batman? you didn't even buy the good ones"


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