How does an ancient knife that was made years and years ago show the exact location of the mcguffin located in the death star crash
How does an ancient knife that was made years and years ago show the exact location of the mcguffin located in the...
Fuck these movies but
>what is force vision?
Because the dead speak and somehow palpatine returned
I assumed that the blade was magical and just took shape of wherever it needed to point to, like a very complicated GPS
its so much worse since it requires that exact location to be stood at and at the exact same time and at the same height as this girl holding it.
Shhhhhhhhhhh… just watch the pretty colors
The death star exploded only a couple decades prior, and definitely didn't crash mostly intact onto some nearby world somehow. How would an ancient knife depict any of it? I didn't even watch this I only know about it through Yea Forums but literally wow. These aren't star wars.
Thats no knife thats one-eyed willies buried treasure!
they again added death star in these garbage sequels? what?!
Ohhhhh, JJ is just speilbergs little cuckold. I get it now. He just lazily transposed the scene but didn't understand why the goonies one worked.
I doubt it was meant to be a static piece of metal, more like a fancy compass
Its ancient like vader's ancient religion, yknow?
It wasn't an ancient knife, it was just engraved with Sith writing because the dead alien who made the knife was basically a Sith weeb.
That makes sense
Jesus Christ what a poor shot. Why are R2 and 3PO obscured in the background with nothing on the right side of the screen and the Mexican(?jew) has half his face cut out.
I'm not saying this scene could possibly make sense, but in a vaccum without context this could have been a cool shot but it's all blue and shitty and the characters are just dotted around the screen randomly instead of taking into account that each frame is like a separate piece of kino you have to make look good.
Bingo! I'll buy that for a dollar!
How did willy know they would build a restaurant at that exact location?
JJ has been aping Spielberg his entire career. It's fucking pathetic.
He took out a lease for it like 300 years before. It was going to be like a Captain D's but instead it would be Captain Willies. Come on its Spielberg we're talking about here. Not Abrams or Snyder.
does anybody have that e;r jew jew abrams nose gif lmao
>there's no special platform they need to stand on
>they just happen to be standing at the perfect angle
When did they say it was ancient?
it's not an ancient knife, it's a new knife created by someone retarded
was the knife and compass made before or after the death star crashed?
I'll take anything from the OT any day over soulless ST garbage. Nothing from the OT excuses the ST in any way, shape, or form.
Basically old wizards saw a vision of the future. Kinda makes sense considering they have spoken about prophecies in Star Wars before.
>a vision to find the 2nd navigator thing to find palpatine on his secret planet
what a weird prophecy
It was a different time
JJ is one of the kids Spielberg fucked in the ass
>The dead speak!
jews don't do that shit to other jews, they only do that to aryans
Rey can talk to knives containing the force. you didn't know about it because it's an ancient knowledge and she just knows it because she's that bad ass
JJ is a midwit, he knows what works but doesn't know why. it's why all of his works are flashy piles of shit with body spray.
>Disney dropped this for Rise Of Skywalker
In their minds "it's the same as the staff and jewel in raiders," but a thing pointing to another thing is literally as deep as they thought about it.
you can just see Abrams saying
you know, like the map room in raiders but with like, a space dagger!
>how does something that predicts something exist in a universe with prophecies and foresight?
They should've unionized and got themselves a guard rail
force vision at best only shows a few fragments or two and never anything concreate enough to know a general location, hell despite being the chosen one all Anakin got was just Padme suffering in child birth and got nothing on how and why it ended up like that which proved to be his downfall, I doubt any edgy space wizard from a few hundred years ago was getting any true insight on how to craft a knife to fit some hacks movie plot
It was ancient and then the dude carved the shape out of it after the crash.
Did you pay attention?
its a better plot compared to the other sequel movies, that being said it still has some really shit moments, especially the muh light and dark side balance shit
You're right, and it's still REALLY stupid.
Why build a guard rail for people who are going to die of agonising radiation poisoning in about 20 seconds?
this is fine, but noo if it's knife in fantasy kids movie then it's not fine!!
It's a prophecy bro, they HAD to go to the volcano to fight it was FATE.
Movie says otherwise
Your post was made by someone retarded.
it's the lining up part that breaks the fiction
What the hell is force vision? Fucking disney cucks
>future SW movie
>ancient sith sorcerer forges a knife and points out to sea “one day, a moon shall crash there, blah blah blah, transgay power”
But probably this
>How does an ancient knife that was made years and years ago show the exact location of the mcguffin located in the death star crash
Which was ultlimately just the location of the Throne Room which any of the plans would have shown.
This was such a ridiculous goonies thing I completely forgot about it. I wish I could forget these movies ever existed.
Yeah, because everything was built to work like that. The dagger was built before the Death Star fucking crashed and became a random pile of trash
I just took it all as b8 set up by palpatine, he knew everything would happen the way it did because he's palpatine and it was his plan
Been a while since I've seen it. Wouldn't they have been able to calculate the stance of the sun? What's wrong with it?
Or is the problem the moment, had he done that a few years later or earlier it wouldn't have worked?
It also requires the edge of a rocky cliff face next to an ocean not change in topography, at all, for who knows how long. Probably one of the dumbest mcguffins in history.
It's muh will of the force tho