Alright, is Starbuck trooning out on us now?

Alright, is Starbuck trooning out on us now?

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Literally who.

>Problem officer?

The guy from Moby Dick

Rent free.


No way, not on us!

She was always ugly but scifi nerds have the lowest standards so it never mattered

Literally and figuratively who?

The topless chick in the latest Riddick movie.

imagine if she had kids with christoph waltz.

get it lol

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Had the biggest crush on her character in Longmire. Perfect deputy, perfect woman.

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what sort of degenerate shitbag brings a newborn to a bar

>holding baby incorrectly
>has drink front and center

thank you quequeg

>it's a vick episode
>shirt loses a button every season
yep...this for me

Ahem, I have an announcement to make

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You guys just scroll around the internet looking for things to get mad about?

I've heard that she wanted to leave acting but I didn't know she had a kid. Good for her.

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other than coomer bait, is that show any good?

Yes faggot

Imagine if she had kids with me.

That would be awesome user, one of these days you're gonna make it

Canadians are so cucked they're even whoring their infants now. Sad to see

Thanks bro.

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You got some sort of a FUCKING problem with that? Why the fuck does what I do on the internet concern you? FUCK YOU KID. Fuck, this post makes me mad.

She has the same problem for me as Andrea Riseborough. She can be an 8/10 or a 4/10.

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Comfy, Manly. Put it on and have a beer.

Shirt hair =/= trouncing out groomer

She’s from just outside Portland. Of course.

>pedo smile
Save the baby and kill her.

It's pretty comfy. Never would have guessed a little one horse town in the middle of Montana was the murder capital of the usa.

Man Battlestar Galactica was peak sci-fi, nothing compares.


Sack-off would be a pretty funny name for a tranny

She's not trooning out retard. She had a kid and cut her hair short because she's probably tired of the little fucker pulling on it.

Actually said "uhck" aloud despite myself, wtf user
It was shit.
>uh you dumb patriarchal men don't get it we can't do the logical thing because machines will predict that!
>let's instead do [unconventional but completely logical thing that an AI would be much more likely to think of easier than a human because they're unbound by human spatial and strategic conventions]
>haha the toasters didn't see that one coming! Wow Starbuck does it again!
It's traaaaaash.

bring back starbucks goddess with bare milkers

This bitch fucking animorphs.

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I swear if it weren't for this fucking site I'd rarely ever have to hear about trannies or anything else.

These cunts are their own worst enemy...I should stop coming here for my own sanity.

Short hair =/= trooning out

Are you a 15 year old girl or a redditor

I live in Calgary. Should I show up to the bar wearing a bunch of printed out Elliot Page memes?

She had a surrogate birth her babby, so now I'm thinking she couldn't get preggers cuz she had an extra nut down there or something. So yeah, this might just be the next phase.

The touch of a woman.

I don't think that's how it works

I watched her on youtube for a while so I have austitic deets.
>Dumped by Karl Urban
>Hooked up with intern on her Netflix TV show
>Intern Guy is like 10 years younger than her
>Intern Guy wants to be a TV/film writer
>Covid lockdowns with him
>Intern Guy becomes her personal assistant
>Intern Guy gets married to her
>She immediately gets pregnant
>Has baby
>Cuts hair off
>They're still together
>She's still doing Mando
>Rumors says her character is either getting a spin-off show as the lead or will be a main character in a spin-off show about all that storyline bullshit
>She's still best friends with Caprica Six and they do shit together all the time, a bunch on their socials, her youtube if you want to watch
>She is super into workout fitness and body sculpting and eating weird healthy shit
>She looks like crap coz she does fitness plans where you get rid of all the fat on your body and tone your muscles
>And also she's old

tl;dr: she got dumped by Karl Urban so married and had a baby with the next beta simp she met, she lives a no fat workout lifestyle

well wait, she had the baby herself? Not surrogate?

>Intern Guy is like 10 years younger than her

Mommy bros...

Surrogate was the implication from what they said, unless she clarified it. She vanished from a lot of media and appearances for a long time but I wasn't sure, probably should have been clearer it's doubtful she actually carried the kid

>>dumb patriarchal men
>a woman becomes the president of the colonies
>cheats during the elections because she didn't want Baltar to win
>gets cancer and dies
It wasn't shit, it was kino.

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Some poor dude impregnated this woman, only to watch her get sloshed and endanger their child over the entire Internet.
I'm thinking the 'cels are right to hold out for better.

Shut the fuck up, kike.

biggest forehead I've ever seen

big kek

Jesus H Christ what happened

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why do white people age like shit

same with felicia day and summer glau