>Dinosaurs have spread across the world, and InGen’s rival company BioSyn has been contracted to capture and house them at BioSyn Valley, a weather-controlled sanctuary in the Arctic.
>Owen and Claire are in hiding to protect both Maisie as well as Blue and her daughter Beta, but BioSyn captures both Maisie and Beta.
>Meanwhile, Ellie Sattler is investigating a swarm of locusts that have been ravaging crops and believes BioSyn is responsible because only their crops haven’t been affected.
>Ellie asks Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm for help. Ian has been working for BioSyn and agrees to help them sneak into BioSyn Valley, which is also the company’s research center.
>Owen, Claire and their pilot friend Kayla follow the mercs to an underground dinosaur fight club in Malta, but the mercs release Atrociraptors to kill them.
>Owen, Claire and Kayla escape in a plane and fly to BioSyn Valley, but are attacked by the Quetzalcoatlus and crash.
>Owen and Kayla fight a Pyroraptor in the snow while Claire falls into the artificial forest and encounters the Therizinosaurus.
>Owen, Claire and Kayla meet with Alan, Ellie and Ian and they sneak into the research center and run into Dr. Henry Wu, who now works for BioSyn.
>The group finds out BioSyn CEO Lewis Dodgson has created the locusts so BioSyn can control the world’s economy, and abducted Maisie her DNA has the cure to a rare disease.
>Dodgson decides to destroy the locusts to cover up his crimes, but they escape, setting BioSyn Valley on fire and causing the dinosaurs to escape.

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We already knew this a year ago

>The group is chased by Dimetrodons, but manages to escape through a series of underground tunnels. Alan stabs a Dimetrodon with his Raptor claw.
>Dodgson also escapes but is cornered and killed by a Dilophosaurus in a manner very similar to Dennis Nedry.
>The group is cornered by the Giganotosaurus outside the facility, but the T-Rex arrives to help, bursting through the Jurassic Park logo.
>Rexy fights the Giga and kills it with assist from the Therizinosaurus. Both Rexy and the Therizinosaurus survive.
>Owen, Claire and Maisie reunite Beta and Blue, while Alan, Ellie and Ian expose BioSyn Valley with Wu’s help and rescue the dinosaurs.

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>The group is cornered by the Giganotosaurus outside the facility, but the T-Rex arrives to help, bursting through the Jurassic Park logo.
Can this stupid fucking lizard stop being such a diva for once. Holy shit.

what ending is this.

I'm more disappointed that the trailers tease the idea of a worldwide expedition, when this is basically just the same place with different aesthetics

It’s the ”good” ending, the bad ending has Jeff Golblum eaten by a diplodocus

>plot leaks
>for a movie franchise that hasn't written an original plot line in decades
Let me guess it's got something to do with dinosaurs and people trying to stop the dinosaurs and some evil guy trying to do evil things with dinosaurs and at the end is a fight with a Trex

I'm not watching after the fuckign shit the 2nd film was of Jurassic World, fuck them.

Don't hate it just cuz you ain't got it.

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What's the cheat code to unlock the good ending?

You are right, it should have been a courtroom drama about dinosaur pronouns.

>haha remember when the T. rex coincidentally saved the humans from Velociraptors in Jurassic ParK?
>haha actually it's a superhero that likes humans and saves them for no reason
>except for that lawyer, fuck lawyers

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Are they trying to make Jurassic World a Pokemon prequel?

I thought Wu had become a villain?

You make fun but they're only like 10 sequels away in the lore from dinosaur gender politics

He was pretty villainous in Jurassic World, but they walked back on it in Fallen Kingdom.

When does the Joker dinosaur start roaring FBI crime statistics at Chris Pratt and the gang? I would assume that's the epic climax, am I correct?

They really brought back fucking Dodgson lmao, these people are so creatively bankrupt it beggars belief

He's not white, so he needs a redemption to not seem racist and to market to China

>Alan stabs a Dimetrodon with his Raptor claw.
I have no words for this.

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you forgot the bit where Rexy is briefly overpowered by Giga and the humans feel sad for Rexy as they're evacuated in a helo because they think it's dead, but it's actually a ruse and the flashing of the helo floodlight on Rexy's eye makes it contract which reveals it's actually alive and then Rexy and Theri gang up on Giga and kill it.

The lawyer was a bad guy, so she's always been a good guy. Forget that she threw a child into a tree. She just girlboss

Every Jurassic Park movie after the first is total garbage

Thankfully not and just like in the books Dodgson is the only real antagonist and Wu is just ambitious.

It's more about killing the Giga than saving the humans.

The only problem I see is that her age should be reflected in the story. And maybe it is in some way. From the released footage it kind of appears that she's slower and thinner. But perhaps she should just die peacefully especially if it's the end of the story (aside from possible unrelated spin offs like they said).

>Dinosaurs have spread across the world


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Biosyn clones them and ships them to different places. It's a dino black market.

Life, huh, found a way.

>>Rexy fights the Giga and kills it with assist from the Therizinosaurus. Both Rexy and the Therizinosaurus survive.
Hahahahahahaha. HAAHAHAHAHAHA. Please be real.
>>Alan stabs a Dimetrodon with his Raptor claw.
Why not just use gorgonopsids at that point? Ugh they're gonna be lizards with sails. I'd love to see a legit representation of Permian therapsids. Closest we have is Gojira

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writers count on everyone having capeshit-enjoying tier brains.

Even though no one even attempted him to be a realistic representation of that because that wasn't the point? Then Dimetrodon will be more accurate by default. And we know there was an animatronic of some other Permian creature so it's not gonna be the only one. But sadly nothing from the Triassic period.

Those are all actual dinosaurs, user.

>Dodgson is the big bad of the franchise


Reminder that Trevorrow was inspired to make the Giganotosaurus like Joker.

Ever since the books. It was weird the movies just dropped that story but if they had to do something for the finale it's good it's something we're familiar with. And in the book he was a classic, ruthless villain not just an industrial spy or a normal man with a different opinion.

I'd unironically watch it if there was a dino trump that came in at the end and just ate everyone.

Post the fucking cake already


It's a random line from an interview that means nothing except it quickly lead to some funny pictures.

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Movie-only fans have no idea how pulpy the books actually are.


Unironically, this is where Trump's wall would have come in handy

Completely book-accurate movie or a show would've been shocking because this level of violence is sometimes too much for modern horrors let alone sci fi thrillers. In a book you can give a really effective description to sell it. In a movie it would feel exploitative. Or gunning down dinosaurs.

>Murphy kids
>John Hammond
>Robert Muldoon
>Ray Arnold
>Sarah Harding
>Roland Tembro
>Mr Udesky
>The Kirbys

>Billy Breenan

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It just happened.

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This is neat. Refelcts the location of that bad guys mansion from the last movie but most dinosaurs in Dominion will be cloned and released by Biosyn.

This will end with a meteor wiping everything out like how it originally killed the dinosaurs didn't it?

>John Hammond
Attenborough is dead though

Shut up, Trevorrow.

West Coast confirmed for BEST coast

I see absolutely nothing in here about BDH getting her enormous ass stuck in inventive ways and the rest of the cast having to struggle to free her.

This is so retarded. Any dinosaurs would have been killed a day or two after they escaped

all movies past the first one were garbage

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It tells you what kind of mindset that out of touch hack has.

why every product movie poster looks the same nowdays? this is just like the no way home one and the uncharted one

I'm noticing a district lack of dinosaurs eating people in this summary, what is the point of having dinosaurs roaming around amongst people if they're not eating them

Time the fuck out. Spread across the world? How? FUCKING HOW? We're talking about, what, 30 to 40 different species that were let loose in North America? I could understand the small Copies maybe, but you're telling me the EPA or ANY wildlife organization did fucking nothing for months/years with these creatures? THEY HAD EVERY CHANCE TO GET THIS UNDER CONTROL. Hell, they should die first winter, or of starvation due to an ecosystem that can't support them, or anyone with a gun.

Did no one think about this goddamn script or how stupid this premise is? Oh wait, we had the last movie, which was just about as dumb

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You're getting angry because of a plot hole that exists only in your head. I think those threads should always come with an explanation.

Only the first movie is any good and even then it's significantly worse than the book.

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Listen I know Fallen Kingdom was a stinker but there's an extremely obvious, in-your-face scene of dinos being auctioned off and transported out by various groups/cartels. It's not out of the realm of possibility that some of these groups sold samples of or access to their dinos by pharma or other companies. In addition to that it's entirely possible that some of these groups weren't equipped to handle housing them and some escaped.

They're still not the same dinosaurs that we see in other parts of the world. I know not everyone is up to date with it but just by watching the trailer it should be obvious that they're cloning new dinosaurs.

How is this not a valid criticism?
Okay, stop. You're tell me that a fucking T-Rex, even acknowledge the frog cell sex change (which would still require two) would thrive in a foreign environment with no one shooting it or it dying from natural causes/exposure?

Am I talking with shills or just complete morons here? There's no excuse for this premise. It's poorly thought out

Two bullshit statements in one sentence. Nice.

>Shows a Giganotosaurus with a T-rex 65 million years ago
Imagine paying money to watch this shit lmao