Where did it all go wrong?

Where did it all go wrong?

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Men became simps

>ultimately this is all mens' fault!


It is.

The 19th amendment

"Westernized" women were just fine 100 years ago. This is an issue with progressivism.

>Toxic femininity
No such thing, chub.
Johnny Depp has a history of violence, so under the influence of drugs and alcohol its not hard to believe he hit his wife. Will Smith agreed to an open relationship so he could sleep with co-stars, but his wife got the better of him. Did she hold a gun to his head and force him to act violent on national television?

I mean we've always been talking about how crazy women are, it's nothing new

>men have held the monopoly of power for millenia
>decide to give it up and include women
>world has gone to shit in less than 200 years
Yeah, it kind of is men's fault

Will smith could've left Jada but he didn't because he's a simp, he begged her to stay, and women can be easily persuaded

Johnny is the abuser in this relationship. There's text messages of him threatening to kill Amber and rape her corpse, there's text messages of him saying he's going to hit her. There's footage of him having aggressive rage fits and breaking things in the house. There's photos of Amber's bruised face from where Johnny hit her.

When they said, "I do."

>bruised face turned out to be fake in court documents
>she admitted to beating him
>she literally pooped in the bed
What a beta simp lmfao

But, they're acting MASCULINE, the conniving, manipulating, victim playing, they're all masculine traits, femininity is things like love and empathy, chud.

Is it really toxic femininity rather than women taking upon themselves the bravado and arrogance of men? Femininity to me doesn't include acting like a dick swinging asshole in its definition. It may be just me, but females who were also assholes, traditionally, acted differently than they do in modernity.

Oh Yea Forums being contrarian again for the sake of it



It's not toxic femininity, it's toxic masculinity manifested through women. Amber for example is taking advantage of the male abuser stereotype


>Johnny is the abuser in this relationship.

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The Feminine Mystique

Actual toxic femininity is being a passive-aggressive manipulative nag. not this.


the problem isn't with "women". that's a retarded incel viewpoint. be more self-aware. we're in this situation because we've chosen to benefit from being men, we've used believability as a dumpstat. we get paid more, we get respected more, we have more chances in life. but nobody believes us when we talk about being sensitive, or when we talk about sexual abuse.

we've hid behind this mask for so long we can't take it off anymore. the man has become the mask.

there's a lot of films about this. the solution is for us - men - to allow other men to be more sensitive without being judged for it

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Bollocks, you can't just call violence a gender specific action, it's the way violence is used that is masculine or feminine. Both men and women act physically abusive, but they cover it up in different ways. Men use fear, intimidations, or convince the women they deserve it. Women, like Amber, try to gaslight men into thinking it's not REAL abuse, they convince men shouldn't be upset by being abused because it's from a woman, or they act a victim publicly and let the partner think they'll come off worse if they speak up. These are things women do, not men, so they're feminine traits.

HAHAHAH kill yourself simp

>Will smith could've left Jada
you're a fucking racist and a retard

Pathetic simps, truly.
Historically illiterate simps, even.

>the problem isn't with "women". that's a retarded incel viewpoint.

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Women are attractive but let's be real: they are vile and mean creatures

>Never date/marry/have kids with a girl who has any of the following

1. Dyes her hair rainbow colors
2. Mood swings aside from her period
3. That is bisexual
4. Not a good relationship with her parents
5. Fuck black men
6. Substance abuse issues
7. Excessive number of tattoos.
8. Has children already and the father is not present in said life.

what are you on about? society encourages men to be overly sensitive now more than any other time in history

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>Give women more power in society to make them shut up
>They use that power to almost exclusively be total cunts about everything

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Incels might be retarded but you're a genuine faggot from reddit.

Women pushing men to become more sensitive has always been a work by women to make men more susceptible to their female-headed garbage, prove me wrong.

>Give women more power in society
I didn't do that.

I can’t tell if this is b8 or a tranny post

>toxic femininity

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>we get paid more, we get respected more, we have more chances in life

>That is bisexual
how will I live out my harem/cuckquean fantasy then?

>force men to show emotions more
>dump them for a black dude anyways

Despite the fact that Toxic masculinity is an empty vapid belittling and divisive term, most men admit it exists because they've dealt with it. It can be shitty, has killed a countless number of people and ruined even more hang outs than anyone can count. But Toxic Femininity is literally DESTROYING western civilization, and until women can even ADMIT IT EXISTS it's only going to get worse

This is some of the faggiest shit I've seen today.

>we've used believability as a dumpstat. we get paid more, we get respected more, we have more chances in life
It's not the 50s anymore bro. Women graduate from university at a higher rate than men do. Women only job positions have somehow become a thing despite the fact that it's actually illegal to hire based explicitly on gender in most western countries. You can be as sensitive as you want, just keep in mind that women will think you're a fucking pussy if you act a little too sensitive for their liking. They'll go on and on about the evils of toxic masculinity despite the fact that they are a large part of the reason it exists in the first place. Feminism is not for you, it's not for men. It's exactly what it appears to be on the surface: women grabbing for special treatment and privileges. Look at the whole "body positivity" thing for example. It's not for men. Women can be fat, they can have stretchmarks and fucked up skin conditions but men still need to be muscular and strong. It's not for men because it's not what they claim it to be. They're just hypocrites and you're getting worked by their bullshit.

it is. if a dog is misbehaved, do you blame the dog or the owner? Those men weren't the alphas of their home and they paid the price

Reminder that all anti feminism is about the right wing wanting to fuck kids.

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For every man sick of one woman's actions there are a handful ready to justify it on her behalf

wow left wasnt to groom kids in school and the right wing wants to fuck kids too.

poor kids desu


women rights were a mistake. If you give women freedom, they fuck it all up by being naive, soft and not understanding accountability

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Right, so it has been talked about. OP is a retard.

> the solution is for us - men - to allow other men to be more sensitive without being judged for it

Jesus Christ. You are one clueless idiot. Its scientifically proven that women love LOOOOVE confident assholish men. No woke nonsense changes reality that women want you more the less you give a fuck about them

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Wahmen r kwenns
yasss slayyyy

Reminder that you're a tranny and you will never be a woman.

Women's rights movement

nah dude we don't get shit. Our whole gender is a dump stat. We were only cool when we were actually allowed to use our physical strength and mental autism to get whatever we wanted. But now the meta is leeching from others which we are not very good at.

this. They don't have your best interest at heart, they want you to be vulnerable and shit for their own benefit.

>when your gay is faster than your brain


Christianity in a nutshell