Zoomers will never understand how intense this was. And nothing ever came close.
Zoomers will never understand how intense this was. And nothing ever came close
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Gay porn is not allowed on blue boards OP
Nostalgia Critic is a power bottom
I literally had to keep pausing the video and pace around my room when this was first uploaded. I mean holy shit, two guys who could easily have filled all my free time and interest on their own, two giants of new media criticism. Not only are we graced with two minds like this alive at the same time in history, but now they’re in the same fucking room together! I genuinely get butterflies and light headed even typing this.
>dude the same thing we've been talking about for almost 2 decades!
who gives a fuck. we've all seen all 100. some of us multiple times
>grown ass niggas fr screaming about shitty 80's pop culture
Smdh, I honestly don't get it.
I love the part where they throw vulgarities at each other, but when Nerd calls Critic a jerk, that crosses a line.
This was almost a decade and a half ago.
It was a simpler time when people could enjoy funny things because they are funny and didn't need YouTube to be ironic or dweebs analyzing everything because sincerity is cringe and gay
i was born 4 years before this video came out
>let people enjoy things
A redditcore sentiment if ever there was one.
Millennials truly are a blight on society, just like all those boomerberg articles said.
Was this before or after James spoke with Steven Spielberg on AOL?
Compare this to the Irate Gamer crossover episode and tell me that the AVGN is still good
1. Action 52
2. Plumbers dont wear ties
3. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
4. Ghost n Goblins
5. Battletoads
Channel Awesome represents the last truly non cynical state of mind I can remember. I can't imagine that lack of sneering judgement in my world anymore, that openess and good will. The lack of a cringe reflex, the absence of that anchor of caustic and taunting self awareness that's plagued me since the world managed to belatedly and against my inclinations hang it on my mind.
There used to be no such thing as cringe. I looked upon others with charity, and a presumption of legitimacy and good standing in how they lived their lives and expressed themselves. There was a time when I looked at Linkara and with felt only an unqualified, warm familiarity. Ahh, he does the internet comic reviews. They're not laugh out loud funny, but they keep my attention. Oh, he's doing a storyline where he copies "badass" Doctor Who speeches. No big deal, it's his show, let him feel this out. I of course presume he's operating with a certain level of winking irony.
It's not like that anymore. Now if you don't identify and tear down anything "cringe" you're presumed to be on its level. I feel like a North Korean defector who can't make it in the South, left to long for the simplicity of what I left behind as I flounder.
Is it better to be full Chris Chan, oblivious to his wounds, or to agonize as a Mark Corrigan.
nigga nobody read that
Ironic humor is extremely reddit tho. You're delusional
The part where doug asks james if he knew how to tie a tie, but only james wife knew how was cringe as fuck
When you don't scream the YouTube is gay and cringe and tell everyone to kys all you get back is dat fluoride stare from zoomers
Go back to plebbit and dilate
type another paragraph about how youre not an autistic faggot
Ironic humor is Yea Forums npc shit. Faggot loud = funny Newgrounds shit like AVGN is reddit
It pleases me that the faggots who were children when this came out and who wouldn't shut up about those unfunny protostreamers, now have to suffer the newest generation jacking off about their own preferred streamers.
show me on the doll me where the Millennial touched you
Yea Forums is the last bastion of sincere humor. Saying nigger is funny because it is lol
We get it gramps, you're mad Beatlemania didn't last forever, but your homosexuality did.
For me it's Plinket tying women up in his basement
By intense you mean cringe and embarrassing right?
zoom zoom
>2007-era AVGN episode starts
>Screwattack/Gametrailers logo appears on screen
>people are now getting nostalgic for shit that came out during my first year of college
Jesus christ. It's happening bros...
Plumbers episode is kino but I don’t really get the hate. The game is shit but it is more of a shitpost art and unique in some ways. At least it’s entertaining and not boring
>The 2 trick-or-treater kids from the 2007 Halloween episode have probably graduated college by now
>Boo died 2 years ago
he's gonna take you back to the past
to when his hairline didn't suck ass
Humor? Who said anything about humor you delusional old sausage rider? It's two dingy looking autists with zero self awareness screaming at/about children's entertainment from the late 80's - mid 90's. I don't see where humor comes in the picture, more like a cringe based horror subgenre.
Ok, zoomer. Doesn't change the fact your irony is reddit
True. Nostalgia Critic doing a fucking Anton Chigurh bit while reviewing Freddy got Fingered is x10 more funny and entertaining than any pseudo-intellectual video essay or stuff like nu-jontron
Doug - bald
AVGN - balding
Cinema Snob - bald
Film Brain - bald
Mike J - bald
Ashens - bald
Linkara - balding
Guru Larry - balding
Mike Michaud - bald
Rob Scallon - balding
Phelous - balding
Folding Ideas - bald
What is it about being an angry internet review person that causes hair loss?
Irony? Don't remember saying a word about that. You are arguing with and getting mad over some shit nobody mentioned that only exists in your head.
You've typed more than me about how much you hate the NC and I'm mad? Ok, kiddo
Almost as if there's a connection being a crude amalgamation of genetic runoff and finding so much solace in nerdy media that you feel compelled to base your entire personality on it later in life, to the extent that you'd do an internet review show...
In no particular order:
Big Rigs
Sega CD
Nintendo Power
Jesus Christ you need to get off the internet for a while
Rip Boo
I don't even know what the NC is.
Kids are already nostalgic for Regular Show and Adventure Time, those were on in my first year. 10 years really doesn't feel like much when you actually go through it
>Kids are already nostalgic for Regular Show and Adventure Time
Zoomer moment
Those shows were kino
The Addams Family episode was real special for me
>Zoomers don't get le AVGN or le Critic
Yes we do. We grew up on the internet. I remember Critic, AVGN, Spooney, Peeved Pedro, Sterling, TotalBiscuit and all the other big names. I remember when the Elden Ring tough guy jokes were about Chuck Norris and what I shiggy diggy means. I watched DSP and Wings before that rabbit hole Reddit video. You're just mad that being a 50 year old online loser doesn't grant you some special club because you remember Gamergate and think I don't. Even if I was too young for something, you can just look it up. You wish something like the fappening happened when you were 13. Sorry old man, but all your base are beling to us.
Zoomers watched old AVGN and Nostalgia critic, but they didn't watch their showdown.
For me, it's taking a shit on Bugs Bunny's face
Even if he was a 50 year old loser, he probably lived his life in his 20s, then after finishing everything he needed to do, he decides to spend his life shitposting on here. Meanwhile you're wasting the prime years of your life, never talking to any woman, never developing the appropriate skills to become an upstanding member of society. You are a weak homo that will never be capable of creating anything great.
Yea Forums will also ban you for making jokes too by the way, especially here on Yea Forums. Mods are tranny jannies with no sense of humor whatsoever. But I wonder are they mad because they’re dicks are small?
do you think searching through a backcatalogue was invented in 2015 gramps? You realize both of these guys review media marketed for children?
Yeah, I'm sick of everything being cynical. Everyone is so scared to be made fun of that they refuse to try anything new. I'd take AVGN screaming "Fuck" at Castlevania 2 over some soft-spoken, 2-hour long, faggoty video essay about the same game.
Only the first few seasons of each were good.
Forgotten classic
1. Die Hard
2. Silver Surfer
3. Sega CD
4. Street Fighter 2010
5. Godzilla Games
>Zoomers will never understand how intense this was. And nothing ever came close.
1. Pepsi Man
2. Kingdom Hearts Chronologically Confused
3. Life of Black Tiger feat. Gilbert Gottfried
4. Spawn Games
5. Aladdin Game Enhancer
2019 was a fucking awesome year for AVGN
I feel bad for Bieber zoomers born in 98 because they never watched this show.
All those moments lost... like years in the rain.
I’m surprised zoomers would even want to watch them given they have jokes that’ll offend them
this resonates so much with me brother
Pure projection. Not only have you revealed that you've given up in life, but that everybody else on here must also be a loser with no work/fun separation
Sorry to burst your bubble user, but I was born in 2003 and I loved Grim Adventures as a kid. The show went on until 2007 Cartoon Network reran it for years after it ended
The Halloween special focusing on all the side characters was the shit
Zoomers are the generation that grew up yelling racial slurs on Xbox Live and screaming about fucking your mom. They would think AVGN is "pretty cool fr".
I think the kind of people who would make such a post would be better off in the care of some institution for the crippingly autistic.
Bieber Zoomer born in 98 here, Grim Adventures was fucking awesome but my mom wouldn't let me watch it :(