Collette Tatou

Collette Tatou

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she looks like she smells for some reason. why? and don’t just say “french”

>don't give answer please

When's the sequel going to be announced? Sudden daily threads for something that came out years ago are always a sign

did anyone save that image of her milking linguini’s cock into a pot of soup while shoving a cucumber up his ass?

stinky frogs. this cum dumpster has to be a chef to escape the odor of semen clogging up every orifice.

Was that how Brigitte met Macron?

she doesnt shave her pits or crotch, and thats a good thing

Why are you replying to a bot thread?

>Ratatouille sequel
>Made by nuPixar
>Set in modern France
Please God no

Attached: 1635816912682.png (1081x938, 694.5K)


She looks like she smells of cheese due to bacteria growth over a long period of time going unwashed. You could run a fingernail behind her ears and come back with a palmful of oily crust

Cos it made me laugh like a fucking drain.

bot board, tranny

Fuck you nigger you better leave my ratkino alone

I dated a girl years ago who was literally her IRL. Still makes my head spin every time I remember

long pointy noses are kino

Attached: 1650475174339.jpg (680x691, 48.84K)

is this famous egyptian pharaoh (queen) cleopatra of the ptolemaic dynasty?

Attached: 03v16.jpg (400x400, 12.32K)


Collette's nose isn't pointy

pls repost user, janny won't see if you're quikck

couldnt watch this movie again because of protagonist
fuck this dweeb male archetype
>im sorry i jus...

good art, too bad the content is shit

because she works at a restaurant

Have you seen the average chef? If my coworker was a biological 10/10 qt female I would be pretty nervous about fucking up in front of her too

she gets my dick so hard

its a zucchini

for me, its the nose

Didn't know Colette Talou hentai was a thing

Imagine if this was released today, you guys would call this movie woke and this woman a forced female character to pander to radical feminists.

No, people would like her

>she looks like she smells

it panders to my dick if anything

Iulus Ceasar and Marcus Antonius got to fuck that

I thought it was weird that so many characters have distinctly non-French names in that movie. Though of course that reflects the reality of a lower class profession like cooks/waiters in Paris, but I didn't expect Americans to show that. Still pic related doesn't look like his name should be Skinner, he looks South Italian or something.

Attached: Profile_-_Chef_Skinner.jpg (228x209, 8.64K)

Well one of them was British so

I'm vaccinated

Yeah but she falls for a skinny french retard who forces himself onto her. I think most people here would come around on her.

Finish your sentence.

of course he had an English name.

Attached: download (19).jpg (225x225, 5.55K)

She was one of my first and biggest animation crushes, shit.

But why does the English dude look like he's from Guatemala? The Arab dude looks Arabic, the German dude looks Germanic, even Linguini I buy as Italian, but Skinner looks like he's just stepped away from a movie about drug cartels.

Bad poosy

>Dynamic character who isn't infallible
>Has sensible reasons for her harshness
>Sheds her fiery exterior after Linguini makes an effort to learn
>Opens up to him and rewards him like a good teacher should
>Acts like a real person instead of a caricature
>Even gets a few funny moments
Sorry, can't imagine this being released today

France is less than 50% white. It’s unironically full of browns and blacks. Paris is 100% non-white shithole.


I never saw him as english despite his voice actor, I always thought he was a Spaniard

>has no character
>retard useless guy is "nice" and jumps on her
>she suddenly like it for no reason

Ratatouille is fucking trash.

>making shit up
you're the reason we don't get females with actual character anymore

This looks like Gilliam's artwork used in Monty Python

her only role in the film after the kiss scene is causing fraction between Linguini and Remy, and also putting the Ratatouille in the oven (Remy did most of the cooking)

Those are some seriously made-up stats.

i meant friction

His name is Skinner.

Go to Paris.

She had no character. You're a retarded Disney Manchild. She was reasonably grumpy for being a chef and that environment would believably make anyone irritable. But aside from that, she and everyone else, had no character. That movie had no content. No substance. A mouse wants to be a chef and then instantly becomes the greatest chef. That's his "arc". A retard retarded and useless and his "arc" is him learning how useless he is. Wow! I bet you relate to that! No villain. No plot. No characters. No nothing.

Attached: Reaction 2.jpg (217x223, 91.94K)

Ratatouille is a dry, tepid, calibrated, self-important and didactic movie

it insists upon itself

sure hope she can smell with a schnoz like that

Maybe that's what they hear when they say his name but that's not what they're actually saying. Sort of like how in Tarzan, the gorillas are actually saying "ah ooh" when they hear themselves saying "Tarzan".

reminder that she never once says Linguini's name in the whole film, neither does she use an affectionate term. The romance doesn't catch fire