>we need an actress that will ensure our movie grosses over a billion dollars!
>She's already here sir
Seriously how does she do it?
We need an actress that will ensure our movie grosses over a billion dollars!
more like a billion gallons of fucking CUM
scenes of her tits?
literally who?
>we need an actress that will attract the bwc actress
There's not a single man of colour in her dating history. Kinda racist desu
>an actual black queen, beautiful, talented, incredibly successful
>you never hear her preach bullshit, and you never hear either the feminists or nigs mention her as a success story role model to follow but instead you'll her insane harpies like Jada and Thandie
She has a certain charm
Why does attractive black women choosing white male partners make black men so angry?
Any other (black) actresses like this?
wtf i love her now
She's jolly good.
>placing her faith in donald trump
The same reason x race women choosing y race partners makes x race men angry.
Men are retards who think they own women.
Halle Berry has dated way more white guys than black guys.
Thandie Newton.
Presumably for the same reason this board sees eternally whenever they see a BM WW couple
because those people are racist user
its not deeper than that
Right daughter is actually pretty cute.
Well, everything you do is on the backs of men.
You sort of operate entirely by our consent and support, regardless of how it ends up being phrased.
Not our fault either, just nature.
Damn you brought out the factoids that was quick. You must be really mad
So is the left one, she just needs a haircut that suits her face. That one doesn't suit her at all and makes her look older.
Why are African countries so dysfunctional?
by exclusively only fucking white guys
this board has nothing on how they react, black men make pol look progressive when it come's to their women. It just rarely gets talked about in the mainstream but some black female celebrities have mentioned how much hate they get,
Latinas are hotter and better than blacks
he mad
She looks so much better with a little more weight
Of course, mr. Brosnan
>have the highest suicide rate?
This one's easy, many lack a sense of community and are discouraged from having one.
This guy is just pathetic.
who dis
Based zoe saldana
She's a black latina, they love them some "blancitos"
Zoe Saldana, I think.
How the fuck do black people get away with talking like this? If whitey tried it the media would descend into utter hysteria and start talking about the return of the Nazis
Not sure I'm following this. Did that ninja get punched so hard it caused him to troon out and fuck the white guy?
You know why
I don't understand why American blacks are even seething about her. She's not even one of them, she's Zoe Yadira SaldaƱa-Perego, half Rican, half Dominican who's actually bilingual in Spanish and English. I know some black latinos and they couldn't be more different from "Africun Amuuuricans"
We're forced to live around you.
>you hate black men because of your absent father!
Must be a whole shit ton of hatred in their community lmao
dont think i saw a single movie with her, not that i would mind
I can said the same for you White Americans too.
Our dads stick around, only fucking losers don't.
Black asspain is just a fact of life. Amplified by members of a certain desert-dwelling tribe who just happen to control all media.
Jada will always be Gloria to me
>this board has nothing on how they react
If this were true BBC posting would've died years ago
She's black but doesn't act like a nigger.
Pretty simple to succeed as a nigger as long as you don't....act like a nigger
cuckposting gets other cuckposters replying, they believe its owning le chuds
ricecel whining about whitey fighting ninjas then fucking sideways pussy
>You WILL have a light skinned black gf and you WILL like it
Blacks that have a white energy are simply more likeable I'm just telling it like it is don't shoot the messenger.
I was unlucky enough to be born with Irish genes, I don't need to help black people wipe us out even more than they already are in hollywood.
One more generation of bleaching should do the trick.
self hating blacks are 10/10
Jet black girls > light skinned
yes please god yes
Nah, she's a trashy dollar store version of Saldana. Personality of a chav. Looks used up and gross.
someone link this video so I can make a high quality webm instead of shit low tier gif