Now that the dust has settled, has "based" run its course and ready to be replaced with a fresh alternative that Reddit hasn't stolen yet?
1 allowed meta thread per Hiro's rules
My mother sent me a le YES Chad meme and I died a little inside.
Yes. Dubs and the new hip expression shall be "jolly good"
it's become based [agreeable] as a corrupted mockery
Thanks to whatever rag that comes from kek
We tried that with keyed and it didn't go anywhere
agreeable and crimson medicined
And yet "zozzle" still makes the rounds? Jolly good,
I guess we just need to try harder
The Northman was jolly good.
keyed was forced too hard by obvious raids so it couldn't catch
Sway. We say sway now.
keyedbros... 2022 is our year!
holy high value mineral
based (based [agreeable]) has been replaced with based [agreeable].
keyed post
For me it's gem [based], coal [cringe]
cringe [disagreeable]
I don't remember anyone shilling that shit here.
you have to go back. To the sharty, that is. Back to all of your mentally-deficient basedteentards.
We’re doing Based [agreeable] now
Saying based is soi now? Goddamn soiteens!
Why why why why why are shills talking about this movie and trying to somehow relate it to “alt right”. I have literally never heard or give a shit about this movie.
Shut the fuck up nobody cares
I think we should say "zupe" because:
1. It's a funny sounding word.
2. It doesn't seem to mean anything right now, besides being the stage name of some boomer pennsylvania musician. Which is also kind of funny.
The cringe version could be "pupe".
Based is locked. Keyed is kino.
Because if movie has le wypipo in it das racist Nazi Drumpf movie.
jesus fucking christ, (((journalists))) really dont understand Yea Forums culture do they? do they not understand that all of those quotes are tongue in cheek, even if user actually believes what hes typing? why does everything we say have to be hate speech? you cant say something vaguely racist / white supremist without it being """hurtful"""? who the fuck is it hurting when white people say they like seeing other white people in a movie? isnt that the exact reason they give for diversity? isnt that why black panther won best picture? isnt that why the academy has a brown quota? isnt that why every single fucking commercial has a black guy in it?
>let your enemies decide what you can and can't say
Unbased and fucking pathetic
JOLLY GOOD thread, lads! :D
Everything that enters Yea Forums common parlance is cribbed from niggertwitter.
>Hail Odin!
Disney not only astroturfs praise of their shit, they astroturf dislike of everything else.
>every post I don’t like? That was tongue in cheek and they were really saying [thing I like] but in an indirect fashion!
That’s one hell of a defense mechanism you have there.
Black Panther didn't win Best Picture.
My buddy from back home used the word "based" the other week and I pointed out that he's an anti-racist r*dditor and should never use that word unless he's describing me.
>talking about our le secret society and ignoring the first rule of le fight club
You're cringe
you missed what i was saying completely you retarded nigger. do you really think i didnt like someone saying hail odin?
Huh..... jolly good and checked, desu.
Perhaps you should re-read that post. Do your part to fight the steady spread of functional illiteracy.
Northman on fleek
When will the fucking IP range ban on my phone run out? I'm not getting the pass.
Yes but I don't see it happening anyway.
I've never had a phone range ban last more than 2 hours, relax
Mine has lasted 2 days already.
m8 the reason we say "based" is because of a (black) rapper, racists appropriating it was always retarded
Fair enough, they can have the word back. But I want the civilization we built back. They can fuck off to Africa
What about the opposite?
What the fuck have you done? I've spammed blacked webms countless times and never got it to last that long
You should be banished for cheating. Very unschway and locked.
Rather dreadful innit.
key and lockpilled is a reference to the comedy duo Key and Peele right?
based became more popular after he fell off
he had a nice run though
Not really. He's still the origin of why it's used here, through Yea Forums.
No it came out of Yea Forums last spring. It nearly caught on like sneed. This will also be the first(and second) time I've ever posted sneed. I shan't be doing it again. It's very unschway.
people on Yea Forums were saying it regularly before the KD diss, around 2013
>based as agreeable
was this written by a woman, right?